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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. And another couple of screenshots, now showing hacked-in tank desant:) http://dump.ru/viewer/1025483/ http://dump.ru/viewer/1025309/
  2. Yes, Sandomierz is very difficult, but it can be beaten. I took like 4 T-34-85 and positioned them to the far right. Immediately after beginning you receive order to stop armored column and this requires much luck and careful use of pause. You'll need to carefully aim each shot from your 85mm guns, since shooting at front turret or hull of King Tigers will be useless (albeit if you hit their guns directly you'll disable them). Before each shot from your tanks pause and zoom to target - shoot only at sides, if you can't - choose another target. Objective will tick off even if enemy tanks will be immobilized, so disengage immediately after that and try to save more of your forces. Be careful though - if you immobilize Tigers not far from village, they will be able to ruin your day when you will begin assault on village itself. After destroying/immobilizing the column pull back and meet with your reinforcements. Together with them advance along the river bank towards the village, somewhere on route to it enemy tank group will stumble into your forces. After that, watch for Panzerschrecks in village and capture two Tigers (you'll need drivers and shooters with skills 50 or more to operate them). If i recall correctly, there will be one more reinforcement and some time after that - last german counterattack (Panthers and such) and after that - wow - mission complete:) Seelow Heights is actually easier.
  3. I don't remember clearly, but chances are that these skipped objectives were secondary and not required for mission success.
  4. DDS format is not supported for landscape textures, only TGA.
  5. Most probably, number of statics exceeded the limit.
  6. Torgau mission, as well as one from USSR campaign, were removed because they became too unbalanced after changes in visibility system.
  7. Formation is 100% used in the end waypoint, on the way formation may be broken. In addition, LineTankHuman works in this way: if there are many infantrymen, they form a line behind line of tanks; if there are few infantrymen, they take cover behind one of the tanks.
  8. So much for 'no politics' forum... Anyway, http://www.nebog.com/truthaboutwar.htm
  9. In the next mission man your AT guns again if they are knocked out, consider placing the soldiersnot far from them. Also, AI tanks usually do a decent job, only Churchills are problem for them. Furthermore, they may be given under your command after random time. This mission is kinda difficult, but in few tries you should beat it. What is really difficult, it's mission six. Even with 7 Panthers enemy may overwhelm you. But have no fear - you'll get your revenge in 7th mission)
  10. You can do it in Mission Editor. Switch to campaign editing in it, open campaign 'single missions' and exclude unneeded missions from campaign.
  11. We would love to enable use of resources from ToW. The only problems are, as usual, time and man-hours. Old maps lack many things which are needed for upgraded engine, old units don't have new data parameters (for example, viewport coordinates and angles for various crew members), old scripts in missions contain commands which now function somewhat differently. We value customers of original ToW and we'll see what can be done from our side.
  12. Yes, bolt reloading animation was removed. Soldiers will be able to fire Garands more than two times faster than K98k's.
  13. Strange, i remember that even one StuG hidden in the village near the river immobilized or destroyed at least 2 of the Churchills. You may order your units to shoot at their turrets (good chance of knocking out their guns, while shooting at front hull will be useless). Just how much Churchills you encounter? Normally there should be 3 of them if i recall correctly.
  14. We, developers, don't have direct control of MP server, but of course we do what we can in keeping it working.
  15. The unit list is of course shorter (one operation vs entire war in ToW1), but in general there are more units in each battle simultaneously. BTW, i'd highly recommend Core 2 Duo or similar CPU, old P4 or similar processors will be really pushed to their limit. Most visual improvements mean GPU usage, but fundamental systems like ballistics, pathfinding and such are CPU-hungry and there is little what can be done, although we did our best in optimization.
  16. Sorry guys, for now it's special camera view when entire battlefield is visible from high altitude, accessible by hot key.
  17. There are plans of enabling such import in the future, maybe in the patch. Most likely, users will be able to import units from ToW 1 (3dobj.sfs) with some tweaking and data editing. Importing maps is more complicated because map system changed significantly and there is no support for old trees in current engine, for example.
  18. Just browse the game dir in the JSH installer, that's all.
  19. If you need to place a minimap ping on the unit, you cand this using just one command. There is no way to create a point in unit's location, but it's possible to create a small rect. DISTANCE function DOES support units or armies.
  20. Obviously, you need a polish patch then. It should be available for download from polish publisher site (Cenega) or you can download it from here: http://dlh.net/cgi-bin/dlp.cgi?lang=eng&sys=pc&file=theatre_of_war110081pl.zip&ref=ps
  21. These 'new' folders contain files which override files with the same name in .sfs archives, thats why the game will use them instead. But first let's find out which version you have, since JSH 1.2.2 requires latest version of the game -, so you'll need to patch it first. What the box looks like? There is 'Kalypso' logo on it? The tank on the picture is T-34 or not?
  22. Sorry, it seems i forgot that prs files for weapons should be in PRESETS\SOUNDS dir, not just PRESETS. Check this: 1) In your tow dir there is PRESETS\SOUNDS dir 2) There is file weapons.ger.128mm_PaK_44_L55.prs in PRESETS\SOUNDS dir 3) This file contains (for 122mm sound): [common] mode normal infinite 0 vgroup exp2 [spl] 140 [samples] 122mm_D_25T.wav
  23. If the text inside remained the same, it's no wonder that nothing changed. Try to specify, say, sten sound in prs file for Jagdtiger - then sten sound should play when it fires.
  24. One of the devs plays ToW on 1920x1200 resolution at home. Try to scroll down entire resolution list in setup to find it; if it's not there, maybe monitor drivers were installed incorrectly... are other your games able to switch to this resolution? Faulty mouse camera control is caused by improper mouse drivers.
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