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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Griz6thP Turning the graphics stuff off didn't help because the CPU is a bottleneck, not the graphics card in your case.
  2. Yes, pilots engage only the targets they can see from above during the run. It's possible for a plane to see it's target too late to be able to engage it, so it won't fire and go for another run. Time is limited to 30 minutes in assault and siege missions and unlimited in attack and defence ones. Assault and siege are more 'agressive' type of missions, where you need to act quickly or defend against more agressively attacking enemy. I don't remember, inability to select halftracks maybe a demo limitation or they may be available iа you select a larger army size.
  3. What do you mean by 'in game camera'? There are two camera modes in the game, you can switch them in game settings > camera.
  4. In the release version it is disabled by default (no big deal, you can turn it on or off in the game settings as before).
  5. 420MX doesn't support shader calculations the game requires. You may buy for example GeForce 7600 GS AGP card, but keep in mind that cards for obsolete AGP bus are rare these days and cost much because of this. Other parts of this PC are obsolete too and i'll advise you to buy a new PC rather than try to upgrade the old one - you'll get much more for the money you'll spend.
  6. If a tank has deicated commander, only his scouting skill applies.
  7. It's important to have scouting skills for tank commander (if there is no commander, for example the tank is T-34, gunner is a commander), this will improve target detection for commander and gunner FOVs only. FOVs of other crewmen are not affected and their scouting skills don't work while they are in tank. You need a powerful explosion(s). Off-map artillery should work. First number is speed modifier, second is immobilization probability. Tracked vehicles: SpeedGround 0.9 SpeedAsphalt 1.0 SpeedSand 0.8 SpeedSandroad 1.0 SpeedSnow 0.7 SpeedSnowroad 1.0 SpeedField 0.8 SpeedTillage 0.6 SpeedGrass 0.9 SpeedClay 0.9 SpeedROCK 0.9 SpeedWATER 0.5 0.01 SpeedSKY 1.0 SpeedSTEEL 1.0 SpeedBRICK 1.0 SpeedCONCRETE 1.0 SpeedWOOD 1.0 SpeedEQUIPMENT 1.0 SpeedGASOLINE 1.0 SpeedBODY 1.0 SpeedGLASS 1.0 SpeedLOAM 1.0 SpeedFABRIC 1.0 SpeedSTONE 1.0 SpeedBOARD 1.0 SpeedSWAMP 0.5 0.005 Wheeled vehicles: SpeedGround 0.8 SpeedAsphalt 1.0 SpeedSand 0.7 SpeedSandroad 1.0 SpeedSnow 0.5 SpeedSnowroad 1.0 SpeedField 0.6 SpeedTillage 0.4 0.01 SpeedGrass 0.7 SpeedClay 0.7 SpeedROCK 0.7 0.01 SpeedWATER 0.3 0.05 SpeedSKY 1.0 SpeedSTEEL 1.0 SpeedBRICK 1.0 SpeedCONCRETE 1.0 SpeedWOOD 1.0 SpeedEQUIPMENT 1.0 SpeedGASOLINE 1.0 SpeedBODY 1.0 SpeedGLASS 1.0 SpeedLOAM 1.0 SpeedFABRIC 1.0 SpeedSTONE 1.0 SpeedBOARD 1.0 SpeedSWAMP 0.3 0.05 There are separate tables for halftracks and men.
  8. If you order your tank to MOVE (not the default ASSAULT by right-clicking), i mean select your tank, left-click the move button, right-click on the ground, it will park it's gun. The only exceptions are no gunner in the tank, no ammo for weapons in turret, turret weapons are all broken and gunner panic.
  9. "the Germans were not exactly the good guys" - LOL AslakH, i don't even want to start to comment on bunch of totally off-topic bull**** you've posted here. You know less than nothing about atrocities on Eastern front, life in the USSR, life in Germany both Nazi and occupied, yet you make very bold and offensive statements. You just became a traitor of the worst kind, traitor of your own country by saying that people who opposed Nazi invaders and died because of this were just stupid. Smarter you would be in the first ranks of welcomers waving their flag around, i understand. Go and cry about the defeat of good Nazis and victory of bad Soviets somewhere else. There are many places on the Net established specially for this and wanking at correct Nazi uniforms. Please don't buy the game, developers don't want even one cent from the likes of you. And yes, enough about this. In case anyone reading this is interested in the game, not the Nazi glorification: 1) German unifroms aren't generic, for example shutze has Grossdeutschland label on the sleeve; 2) Obviously, scenario generator in the demo is limited. Panthers, Tigers, etc. are available in different army layouts.
  10. In Kursk, this option was relocated to the game itself. Go to in-game settings and you'll find smart pause option there.
  11. By 'don't move command' you mean Stop command or 'Hold position' mode?
  12. Hummel is firing indirect, but the trajectory is really shallow related to map size. Select him, click the ground attack button and scout the battlefield - if the mouse cursor is red, it should be able to fire here.
  13. Ah, directional zoom (to selected unit for example) is available in a separate camera mode. Go to settings - camera and select another mode from drop-down menu - centered instead of free. Maybe you'll like it more than the default ree one.
  14. About the mines and dealing with them - http://www.battlefront.com/community/showthread.php?t=90881 Moon will make online version of the game manual available soon, i think most of your questions about skills will be answered then. In short - drving isn't neccessary for artillery crews, assign skills for loader so he would be a replacement driver if need arises (driver killed).
  15. Note that scouting minefields with your poor infantrymen you sent to their deaths isn't a sure way to determine whether the path is clear or not. There are anti-tank and anti-personnel mines placed randomly in certain areas. Your infantryman can walk right on top of the AT mine and you'll lose your vehicle thinking that the way is clear. On the other hand, a vehicle will quickly carve a safe path for infantry through anti-personnel mines field. Problem is, that in most cases in the game, like in real WW2, those minefields are mixed. How to deal with the minefield? 1) It's best to avoid it altogether; 2) Your infantry will automatically defuse the mines if they are crawling (set them to crawl only mode by right-clicking the moving mode button - bottom left of the orders panel); 3) You can set off nearby mines by powerful explosions (artillery and mortar fire starting from 100mm caliber or so, bombs).
  16. And if you order to Attack a ground spot, not the enemy, your unit(s) will move&attack there similarly to default Assault order, but more cautiously (engaging enemy have higher priority over advancing contrary to Assault command).
  17. I agree that Atomic had the formula nailed 99%, but note that making 3D versions of CC (GI combat and another one), transferring all gameplay elements exactly and, AFAIK, having access to CC infantry AI coding resulted in epic fail compared to original games so it's not that easy for some reason. This is an interesting question why. My opinion is that in CC you're really restricted - you can't order individual soldiers around, and you could only guess what's happening in the house where two hostile squads meet. Your imagination portrays what's happening there for you, and no future CPU, AI code or super videocard would be able to compete with your imagination:) On the other hand, in ToW, where you can zoom to any soldier's face you see all the AI quirks clearly. Some people reported that playing Kursk in top-down (tactical map mode) they felt that their soldiers act smarter:)
  18. Maybe you created it in Mission Generator? It shouldn't crash though, please send the log.lst file generated after the crash to dina@1c.ru
  19. The demo crashes when you click mission generator button in main menu or when? In demo generator uses the same map used in sounthern Verkhopenye demo mission.
  20. This is probably the most unit-intensive battle, CPU hog. When number of units increases, CPU load increases exponentially.
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