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Everything posted by Sneaksie

  1. Please describe the situation in detail too, when soldiers in hold mode moved? Distance to enemy, overall situation? For example, soldiers won't stay put when they see a grenade near or a tank is approaching.
  2. Can you describe the situation in detail? When they started to crawl out, distance between them and Russians? Which Russian units they saw?
  3. What do you mean by large army size allowed? For example, CC has legendary MP with just 2 players, 15 units max per player limitations.
  4. If the unit can't see it's assigned target and the free mode is active (not hold mode), it will move closer to it. It will engage other visible targets until the assigned one w'd be seen. To avoid turret rotating at the direction of other targets you can order the tank to move to a spot closer to enemy. This command makes the unit ignore all visible targets and just move to the assigned point, parking the gun. When your selected tank sees the enemy (enemy icon would became normal instead of dimmed), order it to engage by right clicking on enemy icon. BTW, you can micro-manage your tank if you know that the enemy, for example tank, will be seen soon at the particular direction. Set your tank to hold position, then left-click on the main gun, left-click on the defend order button and then right-click on the spot on the ground at the direction of the threat. It will rotate the gun to this direction. You can also just turn the hold mode on and right click on an enemy unit currently not seen by your tank. It will wait for it to become visible.
  5. Strange, all is normal here. Maybe you exited the game normally without crash? Try to run the game, start the mission, and if the game crashes post the log.lst contents again (it gets overwritten each time).
  6. To turn autopause off in Kursk 1943, simply go to game settings and uncheck this option.
  7. Maybe this is because when you play on German side you're advancing, while playing on US side you're mostly defending and numerous advancing enemies slow the game down. If this is true, first US mission will stutter for you, while second should be OK (US offensive).
  8. Generator in Africa is almost the same as in ToW1.
  9. JSH 1.3.5: http://uploading.com/files/b31cf83b/JSH%2B1.3.5_eng.exe/ Or you can download the mod and a hotfix (it changes names of some missions back to English) from here: http://towhouse.heroku.com/mods
  10. At present this is the official ToW2: Kursk 1943 forum. Please discuss any other games on their dedicated forums and don't try to disguise your advertising with fellow fan talk.
  11. DT is a T-34 MG; select the main gun instead of MGs to be able to select HE ammo.
  12. In full version generator you'd get many maps, not just one. Unit selection depends on regiment type (for example, infantry division). There are two types in demo and four in full version (selected near the bottom of the screen). To increase number of points, set the battle size to 'large' (upper right). You can't set the exact number of points in built-in generator for now, force balance depends on engagement type (attacker gey more, etc.). freeeman Old editors (including old mission generator) will be available in full version too.
  13. Hello, could you post the contents of log.lst file here (it's located in game folder), end part - a page or so?
  14. There is a special detailed damage info mode (hit F4). These settings are for this mode: Max Ricochetes Per Unit - maximum number of ricochetes displayed per unit Max Hit Vectors Per Unit - maximum number of hits displayed per unit Hit Vectors Minimal Caliber - lower caliber hit vectors won't be shown
  15. It should be roughly the same. If you don't have a slowdown in the demo mission when German tanks and infantry counterattack, you're good to go i think.
  16. You should try the demo (it will be available soon) and judge for yourself. What is exact name of your CPU? We got good results using Phenom II 550.
  17. So, you say the Germans lost Kursk battle because of the threat of Allied invasion in Italy? What a wonderful example of Allied version of history. After sustaining the losses in Kursk battle all they could do is what they did in reality - fall back trying only to delay the enemy advance, Allied invasion or not. Paulverisor64 No, the difference in radio equipment is not modeled. Radio equipment quality and quantity differed much between units and what you say is a very simplified version. For example, Germans tend to target T-34 with two periscopes (command version), so a second false periscope (piece of a steel pipe) was mounted on the other tanks.
  18. Install JSH mod to get Firefly. When freezes occur?
  19. Sometimes simply the given unit type isn't allowed in the mission, but your veterans will appear in later ones. For example, your Shermans won't appear at Kasserine, but later they'll be available again.
  20. http://www.battlefront.com/community/showpost.php?p=1179649&postcount=4
  21. With default setup i guess it's impossible. To delay enemy advance until reinforcements arrive you should avoid frontal tank-to-tank engagements and fire at enemy tanks sides. The problem is that the reinforcements will arrive at different pass and enemy will win if they manage to move enough forces through your initial position (one panzer is enough, there are HQ and supplies beyond it). It's best if you have two Wolverines still kicking around from second mission, then you can engage enemy at long range. With 90+ skill gunners they'll make short work of approaching panzers and even Tigers with a bit of luck. If you don't have them for purchase, then your best bet is ambushing behind the hills. Howitzers are too vulnerable at these, realtively short, ranges. Sell them and HMGs, buy Shermans and Lees (one or two Wolverines if available). If you decide to keep a couple of howitzers, they can decimate the first wave if they get lucky though. Position your tanks behind cover so they'd fire at sides of enemy tanks at short range. Immediately send one to the pass behind you to act as the last ditch defence against enemy onslaught in case one tank or platoon will broke through to it. If you manage to survive until reinforcements arrive, you can actually pull it off. Remember, if you can't destroy enemy tanks you should at least immobilize them and be able to deal with infantry.
  22. The same as the Russian + tutorial mission. It's updated though (Russian demo is several months old).
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