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    rocketman reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Oh the thread will survive, it must until this war is over and then it needs to be archived somewhere.  Now whether some members join John Kettler in the outer-darkness is another question.
    My view is that this thread is a collective analysis and assessment of the war and its conduct.  It is crowd sourced from open source intelligence and brings together a very broad set of skillsets and points of view.  I would argue that it is also one of the most objective/apolitical, thorough, and accurate exercises of this type on the internet right now.
    However, our efforts must adhere to that analysis and assessment focus, we can and will drift on occasion into areas that are "less than helpful", but this must not devolve into an argument of one point of view over the other - no one can win an argument here - these are not Reddit games.  One can provide useful analysis, assessment and information, and yes, even opinions.  We are not going to solve  anything here, that is not how these things work.  All we can do is remain objective/apolitical, thorough, and accurate as we try to separate mis/dis information from reality as this thing unfolds.
    An opinion, however, differs from a position.  Opinions, informed by education and experience lead to sound judgement, which is very helpful.  A position is a dogmatic and entrenched set of beliefs that very often defy reality - that is less helpful and is better served elsewhere in this big wide Internet where every position possible is out there for you to rage against or join in: 
    Go nuts.
    There is a standing list of topics that we will simply not solve here, nor should be waste our time trying to.  And by rolling hard into these topics all people do is generate noise, while we are looking for signal.  Nearly 1400 pages in, these flare ups happen at intervals - normally in a lull in activity in-theatre - and I suspect is more an emotional outburst as things get pent up.
    Hopefully we have it all out of our systems now and may move on.
  2. Like
    rocketman reacted to sburke in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Elvis to the rescue!
  3. Like
    rocketman reacted to Haiduk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    New artillery arrived )
    27,5 km range of usual HE round, 37 km with RAP round
    OF-482M has 3,64 kg of HE
  4. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Buzz in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    For some reason I always get a big FPS hit and slow camera movement in scenarios with a lot of locations (red text). Turning those off can be a good start. Also turning off shadows in scenarios when the weather is bad and shadows don't show anyway.
  5. Like
    rocketman reacted to Grigb in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    There is another interesting Rybar post. In my previous comment I said Rybar is Prigozhin asset. Now I will show why.
    Rybar likes to criticize RU military but let's check what he says about clown-zeks:
     Sounds nice for RU - RU arty is pounding UKR position in front of Wagnerites. Except reality is different - it is Wagnerites defeat and Rybar explicitly hides it (unlike with RU military Oskil defense issue).
    It is easy to see the place of hits with both videos and provided coordinates - it is Lumumba street buildings that Wagnerites captured at the beginning of August (right hand side of the map next to road to Pokrovske):

    So, UKR counter attacked and captured positions among these buildings.
    But here is more - Rybar claims the distance between UKR positions and Wagnerites is 600 meters. Let's put this on the map:

    Well, it seems UKR troops kicked Wagnerites out of town.  
    But wait - there is still more to it. There is something interesting at the distance of 600 meter - outskirts of Dacha cooperative.

    It looks like that Wagnerites probing attack toward Dacha Cooperative wasn't probing attack but rather retreat. Under threat of UKR counterattack Wagnerites retreated to most sensible position - Dacha Cooperative full of cottages to hide in and lots of tree lines for cover.
    And propagandist Rybar using mix of facts and fiction converted Wagnerites retreat into not so glorious but still good enough advance.
    Even RU Wagnerites are retreating now. The internal state of RU forces is worse than we think. Well, yes, I am being Captain Obvious here because we basically already know it.
    [UPDATE] I want to add that apart from RU situation I think there was (or is) dramatic increase of UKR power at the front line. Just a month ago we talked about UKR fightint retreat and now Wagnerites were simply kicked out without much fuss. 
  6. Like
    rocketman reacted to Cederic in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    This thread has taught me an awful lot about why Tank Top Trumps is entirely pointless. In related news, I've suddenly got rather better at playing CM.
  7. Like
    rocketman reacted to Anon052 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    They tried to hit a nuclear power plant. I do not find this funny. We just can be glad they hit nothing important. This is a new level of escalation. I just hope the criminals will get everything they deserve.
  8. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from yarmaluk in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interview with Swedish volunteer (now returned home) about his general view on the war. A lot of combat video. I think a previous interview with him has been posted here before.
  9. Like
    rocketman reacted to Kraft in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Newest LivemapUA update🙂

  10. Like
    rocketman reacted to Livdoc44 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Geez. Heck of a juxtaposition, Steve. Legit got chills.
  11. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from CAZmaj in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interview with Swedish volunteer (now returned home) about his general view on the war. A lot of combat video. I think a previous interview with him has been posted here before.
  12. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from LuckyDog in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interview with Swedish volunteer (now returned home) about his general view on the war. A lot of combat video. I think a previous interview with him has been posted here before.
  13. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from Kraft in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interview with Swedish volunteer (now returned home) about his general view on the war. A lot of combat video. I think a previous interview with him has been posted here before.
  14. Upvote
    rocketman got a reaction from Seedorf81 in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interview with Swedish volunteer (now returned home) about his general view on the war. A lot of combat video. I think a previous interview with him has been posted here before.
  15. Like
    rocketman got a reaction from DesertFox in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Interview with Swedish volunteer (now returned home) about his general view on the war. A lot of combat video. I think a previous interview with him has been posted here before.
  16. Like
    rocketman reacted to Buzz in 2022 Mid Year Update   
    Hi @rocketman.
    NIS (Nvidia Image Scaling) works well at 1440p.
    I recently purchased an "Asus TUF RTX 3060 Ti Gaming" and replaced a failing Monitor with a "Gigabyte M32Q" -32" 2560 x 1440 QHD SuperSpeed IPS Display - 165Hz / 170Hz (OC) Refresh Rate, 0.8ms (MPRT) & 1ms GTG.
    Older Monitor but spot on perfect for the RTX 3060 Ti power.
    When you got to "Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3D Settings" - Select ON.
    A table of the generated resolutions based on input resolution. The level of image scaling efficiency is related to the GPU you are using & your Monitor (as well as many other settings in "Nvidia Control Panel - Manage 3D Settings" you select.)
    Both options available. Learned plenty more in the last few weeks.
    Happy to try and consolidate what works in a BFC Message to you or another thread. 
    I can say that with relatively low investments Combat Mission 2022 looks "pretty amazing" with NIS (Nvidia Image Scaling)  set in my current setup. As a Long Time BFC customer (CMBO...CMx2...) CM 2022 never looked better👍
  17. Like
    rocketman reacted to Cederic in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Something something morale etc
  18. Like
    rocketman reacted to billbindc in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Yep, yep, yep. And one of the options that is narrowing is escalating the war beyond conventional means. Both Xi and Modi have made it publicly clear that they aren't happy and want Russia to negotiate an end. I'd suspect the private exchanges were more blunt still.
  19. Like
    rocketman reacted to FancyCat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
  20. Like
    rocketman reacted to A Canadian Cat in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Do it. I would read it.
  21. Like
    rocketman reacted to dan/california in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    Run for parliament, or write a book. Better yet run for Parliament AND write a book. Not joking, yes I know you would rather help shape the future of Combat Mission in a quiet retirement. 
  22. Like
    rocketman reacted to Ultradave in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    When I was in the 82d, one mission we practiced over and over and over was the 2 gun raid, a fast quick hitting mission for a 105mm battery. I was the Fire Direction Officer for our battery as one of my assignments in the Army. Best job in Field Artillery (I may be biased). 

    The "raid" was to move 2 guns forward by UH-60 to a position close to the front lines to fire at a lucrative target in the enemy rear. Since a 105mm is relatively short ranged compared to a 155mm, we needed to move up close, get dropped off, lay the two guns, fire the mission, pack up, call our rides and get out of dodge. In a hurry. But it was a quick strike at an important target of opportunity. These guys are firing at a leisurely pace. In a pinch, a 105mm can be fired almost as fast as a mortar. Almost. The gunner in the video is checking his sight on the aiming stakes to make sure the gun hasn't shifted with each round. We'd have a crew of 6 or so too, so the new rounds would come fast. It's cased ammo so loading is very quick, as you can see. Much more effective once we got UH-60s to replace the UH-1H choppers. 2 UH-60s could sling a gun under each with ammo strapped onto its trails, the gun crew, and me and my assistant one of us each in one of the choppers, and the "Smoke" (Chief of the Firing Battery - a SFC, the senior NCO in the battery next to the 1SG). 
    As the FDO, I also had to act as XO on the spot and survey the guns while my "Computer"  (E-5 SGT who normally calculates elevation and time), set us up a temporary FDC to calculate from  - just me and him - and then after surveying in the guns run over and finish the calcs and safety check them.  The XO stayed back with the battery of 4 remaining guns, and my FDC team sergeant (a SSG), stayed there to run the full FDC back in battery. A lot of action in a real hurry, we'd be in and out in about 20 minutes after slinging 10-20 rounds per gun out. 
    I don't know what these guys are doing but a M102 and this comparable UK howitzer are highly mobile and versatile. The shells don't pack the punch (about 1/3 the weight) but this is what they shine at. 
    Note: No one checked the barrel between rounds. Bad form, and potentially extremely dangerous, although a little less so with cased ammo than separate. Need to check there's no obstruction in the tube.
  23. Like
    rocketman reacted to Bootie in TSD III, TPG II & The CM Mod Warehouse Update area.   
    Hi folks... some new mods coming out for you today.  First up is this...
    CMFI : Firefly 3D Fix by kohlenklau

    Another fix follows...
    CMFI Mid Tiger 3d Fix

    And finally...
    CMFI : Sherman II 3D fix by kohlenklau

    Enjoy folks.  Thanks to kohlenklau and vacillator for sorting these out.
  24. Like
    rocketman reacted to The_Capt in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
    And then there is the long term service contracts.  I totally get the narrative from a euro-centric POV; however, the reality of the US enterprise, it genius in fact, is to take the 19th century UK model and make it more inclusive.  Having dealt with US military my entire career and worked with people in trade and diplomacy who have also worked with the US very closely, the genius of the US system is that it really plays "win-win+" as brilliantly as any empire in history (I think they stole some from the Roman Empire as well).
    By win-win+, I mean the US are masters of going into a nation and creating win-win opportunity, and then they leave a nice little margin for themselves to keep ahead, just enough.  The US track record is not perfect, and people/corporations who have exploited this have been caught out and anti-US crowds have built an entire mythology around it.  However, on the whole and in sum, this strategy has worked brilliantly.  So take Ukraine.  US goes in and funds $50B worth of infrastructure/reconstruction - some people will go "$50B!?  WTF, what about my XYZ?!  Damned government!"  Well as you say, most of that will be with US-heavy companies, but there will be spin of long term service and maint contracts that will go to local-US hybrids.  Ukraine gets new infrastructure and a foundation for long term growth, likely linked back to the US, there are obvious diplomatic pluses, the list goes on.  Win-win+.
    China has been trying to emulate this strategy around the world but I think China is too xenophobic to make it work, frankly.  However, I think a major downside from this war is not the conventional deterrence vs China re: Taiwan, it is going to be a doubling down on unrestricted warfare/systems warfare to which we in the west are particularly vulnerable. 
  25. Like
    rocketman reacted to Cederic in How Hot is Ukraine Gonna Get?   
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