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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. I managed to download the CMBN patch without problems with Avast, but the CMFI is deemed dangerous and stopped. Granted, I'm no tech-wiz, but I think I put exceptions into Avast correctly, but to no avail. Now I'm scared to even install CMBN-patch, let alone manage to download for CMFI :confused:
  2. I noticed it once in the last game before updating to 2.11.
  3. Do machine-guns ever jam in CM*2? If i remember correctly it was quite common in CMAK and CMBB, but I haven't seen it yet in the new generation of CM (or maybe I'm just not paying enough attention...).
  4. The patch specifications hints at graphics card performance improvement, such as frame rate. Has anyone already seen some improvements?
  5. Would it be possible to automatically set all bailed crews as panicked/broken? Then, hopefully, they will stay out of harms way and not engage the enemy the way they do now.
  6. I've played this scenario as Allies vs. AI and has seen some silly cases of über tank crews, or should I say crews with a death wish as well. If you have played the scenario read on, otherwise quit RIGHT now. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As you know the rail line is highly contested in this scenario and the AI approach it with a lot of tanks. Most of the tanks got knocked out, with crews bailing and making a run for it - which makes sense. They had a tank knocked out from under them, killing some of the crew and they know there are a lot of enemies on the other side of the rail ridge. And still, several turns later a lot of them charge back right to the ridge, with their puny pistols picking a fight. Needless to say they get slaughtered. What makes the AI do this? Is it simply because the crew isn't panicked? I would gladly see all crews that bail in the game simply run away, out of control of the player and the AI. Rather that this death wish über pistol toting crews thing.
  7. I have uniforms mods since before MG and wonder how they compare to the stock uniforms in MG - in general. Are stock uniforms so good that old mods might be deleted? The old mods where great as they are, but are chances that new mods, using MG-stock, will be even better?
  8. I haven't tried that yet. But will as soon as I get to play the game again.
  9. I found a bug (and yes, it is already reported) that might occur for all of CMBN (and CMFI as well) or at least in MG where I found it. I had a mortar team with a knocked out mortar. Every time I had them enter a carrier to acquire a new 2" mortar the game would then freeze when calculating the real time action. It has been repeated several times with the same result. Not that this situation happens a lot, but just a heads up if your in the middle of a lot of planning in a round and isn't too keen on a crash.
  10. I want Hello Kitty unit portraits as well Kitty in uniform...
  11. Right at the back where? All along the north side of the map, like it states in the briefing? I thought exit zones are shown in bright green when Alt+J.
  12. In the briefing tactical notes it states that there is an exit zone, but I can't see one marked on the map. What am I missing :confused:
  13. This splash screen didn't make it to the download did it? I would very much like it, if possible in an upcoming mod? Cheers
  14. I'll try it as US as well. I really liked the atmosphere of the blizzard and the near hopeless attack.
  15. I played this scenario as Axis vs AI and I must say it was one of the most lopsided victories ever. To the point that I wonder if the scenario was designed prior to the updated MG. Since there are so many Axis MG units it makes sense. After the initial US barrage I suffered no casualties and the poor US troops barely got any shots off before being mowed down. I know the fighting around Monte Cassino was brutal, but not to this point. I played Elite and had 12 KIA and 7 WIA, while US got 263 KIA and 165 WIA. :eek: Also, I had anticipated some kind of attack on Monte Calvario, but after reviewing the map at the end, there was a large group of units that seem not to have moved at all. Strange AI-plan indeed. Apart from that - great blizzard and wind conditions in this one
  16. Thanks for all the therapy guys - the next large set-up will be approached with a sense of appreciation instead of a chore. There are some great ideas in this thread on how BFC can improve the game even further, in making the set-up less intimidating.
  17. Over the years one thing has remained a constant when it comes to gaming - I always come back to CM-games. No matter what other games might capture my attention, CM is always there. But there is one aspect of the game that I, despite years of play, still dread - the set-up phase. I greatly enjoy reading the briefing, looking at tactical maps and so on to get my imagination going, and I look forward to seeing the map. But once I get there and see a "swarm" of units to place, devise a plan, look for avenues of approach, and so on, and try to figure out what each unit should do - I simply lose focus. I either look for a smaller scenario that is more straight forward or I end up making a hasty plan more or less to get it over with and get the action started. Often to poor results. So, my fellow brothers in arms, can you do som "therapy mind trick" on me to maken me appreciate the set-up phase as an enjoyable and challenging aspect of the game. One that I won't mind spending an hour on. I want to take on the big scenarios, but never do. Any ideas are greatly appreciated. Now I'm off to start a new scenario. We'll see how that set-up goes...
  18. Welcome back Fuser, sounds like a nice vacation. Hope you're full of energy to start modding again, which we all appreciate so much.
  19. Looks like an improvement Will it work in CMBN?
  20. I remember that scenario and that the mortars only have a range of 550 m or so, which makes them useless at the start. But it was before GL and they wasn't "knocked out".
  21. "Funny" story: One of my crack fallskirmjaegers finally got close (10m) to a tank and decided to use one of the precious satchel charges, threw it too short :eek: and got gunned down. Oh well, he tried.
  22. One thing annoys me, and that a lot of times lately when I try to take out a tank with satchel charges, my troops use grenades instead, toss a few then proptly get killed. Granted, they take out tracks, but rarely knock the tank out enirely. And they do this despite having several satchel charges. I guess it makes sense in the heat of battle, if troops are surprised that they use the quick fix - a grenade. But when hunting with an assault squad with satchel charges, to the rear of a tank with armor target arc and still they use grenades first. :confused: Why is that? Shouldn't they prepare a satchel charge and use that first, as soon as they are in range. I guess it is hard to code this seperate behaviour, but I would like to see it implemented. It would even the odds somewhat.
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