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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. I devised a little test to try some things out. There was a main goal with the test, but I don't want to reveal that just yet. One one end of a gun range (four lanes divided by high walls) are four split squads of grenadiers wit one Mp40 and 4 G43/Kar98k, regular out of command units like this: They have perfect view over a flat landscape, no wind and clear weather. In the other end of the range are: One FO team of three pixeltruppen, one Jeep (driver only), one halftrack (M3A1) with gunner unbuttoned and one Sherman M4A1 (late) with tank commander unbuttoned - all advancing forward at just about the same pace, with cover arcs close so not to fire back at the grenadiers. All US units are regular. The US units are about 260 m away. Only one grenadier unit can see one US unit that approaches them directly head on. The test runs for one turn. I have run it 10 times so far, but before revealing preliminary results - in your gaming experience with CM, what results do you think will present themselves? Also, are there any flaws in this test that will bias the comparability of what will happen to the four US units?
  2. It is a really good resource since there is a layer called "Carte du guerre Allemande 1939" for German period maps at the start of WWII.
  3. If you can't find it you might import from http://www.familyeducation.com/baby-names/browse-origin/surname/finnish
  4. That is a great idea, finding reliable weather information is hard. I have googled to try to find if there is some sort of calendar with historic weather info. No luck so far.
  5. So, no replies I take as "no there is no such map". Thus, I have started (slow) work on one, approx 3,5*2,5 km of Ouren and the surrounding areas. I saw an areal photo of it and felt it would be a nice map making exercise. It might turn into a H2H battle in time. The area saw battles on 16th and 17th when 116th Panzer tried to capture the two bridges across the Our river, which was defended by the 28th Infantry Division.
  6. The paras of the Screaming Eagles were tought some fancy parkour acrobatics to avoid incoming mortar shells:
  7. Glad you liked it George. The tanker does look jaded and worn out by war. As soon as I saw the photo I thought it would make a perfect splash screen. It is hard to find good ones that doesn't get ruined by the menu in the middle.
  8. Hey, better late than never - appreciate you taking the time to give a comment. Glad you like it Stay tuned, I'm going to make one for BN sometime soon.
  9. Indeed, apart from the "yellow snow" screenie from Lanzerath
  10. As far as I know it is the classic depiction of the Winter War. Might give it a read myself.
  11. Thank you for this and you are right about their modesty. A relative of mine, her father fought for the Finns so this was of special interest for me. There are subtitles in Swedish, so those who know Swedish I highly recommend this.
  12. Check it out: http://grogheads.com/?p=12351 Contains spoilers for "Die Patrouille" and "Lanzerath Ridge".
  13. This might seem like a stupid question with the obvious answer, that there is a big red cross when it is knocked out. But here is what I'm thinking - you can have the engine destroyed, tracks thrown, main gun out of order or weapons controls destroyed, crew members killed or even bail out and the tank is still not knocked out. If it is on fire and brews up, then it is obviously knocked out, but if not - what does it take to be knocked out exactly? Poblem is (for a battlefield forensic grog) that you can't check system damage for a knocked out tank. Does it take several "vital" systems? Or what? Can anyone shed light on this?
  14. I've been thinking of making a map/H2H scenario of the Ouren area and just want to check if there is already one in the game (couldn't find one) or if someone is in the process of making one.
  15. I saw it yesterday and the first impression is good. Nolan seldom fails to deliver so I have hopes for this one.
  16. I'd sure like to see more 3rd party scenarios (and I intend to make my own in due time) as well, but what makes QBs more appealing now is the outstanding map quality. Currently playing the La Gleize QB map in a PBEM and it is awesome looking in the snow.
  17. I have never gotten into QBs vs AI in any CM games. Most in part to the sheer amount of content that keeps me busy. But also because the AI force selection has caught quite some flak over the years for weird selections. But I'm getting more interested as you can pick your forces and play around with stuff. And I rather not pick the enemy force since it breaks the suspense/surprise factor. So what is the verdict on FB - is force selection good most of the time? Better in defence situations? Please comment.
  18. Does your laptop have a hybrid drive? If it does, install CM on the C partition (SSD), and it might help. It did for me. Also check if your laptop has two graphics cards (mine does). Make sure CM runs on the proper high quality graphics card in that case. Hope it works. Edit: My bad, just saw that you tried SSD. Try the graphics card option.
  19. Like you I like to own books, especially on military history. You never know when a scenario, game, campaign etc pops up and you want to read about it in detail. Also, here in Sweden the library system is slowly dying because of lowered funds. The ones still there have very small military history collections - basically only mainstream (Beevor/Ambrose) translated to Swedish or ones written by Swedish historians.
  20. Had a look for it and it seems out of print and used copies were in the three figure dollar range. But there is what appears to be a compilation of three of his books, including Tank!, which is called "By Tank:D to VE days". Probaby will get that one sometime soon.
  21. I read Hill a few years back and remember it as a good read. I'll definitely will have a look at Render.
  22. Thanks for the tip. Does it also describe how the tank crew work as a team under the stresses of combat? I've been looking for a book with insight into that.
  23. If your gut feeling tells you not to do it - don't do it. You will regret it.
  24. As good as CM games are, don't settle with that. The devs are on the Command Ops forum often so stay persistent. It is a strange bug for you. Check installed programs. I recently noticed that I have two EXE files for CO2, for the new patched version and the old. Try uninstalling the old one. That might help. I had the "...has stopped working" error with all CM games with my new win 10 PC. Turned out there was a conflict between the sound control program (go figure...) and CM. You might have something similar. Check what other programs run (especially autostart) and deactivate one at a time and you might find the erring one. Do you have a laptop? In that case you actually might have two graphics cards. Check which one is running C02 and switch. Hope it works - tech stress is the worst
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