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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by rocketman

  1. Nah, just throw wisdom out the door and buy it all. You know that you will in time anyway Welcome to the club!
  2. Instant download when ready - a must mod in my book.
  3. Cool, have to check it out in the editor once the full game is released.
  4. Go to product page and click on "demo" on the left side of the screen. Enjoy
  5. First of all, thanks for the demo - just getting started and it feels good. A few observations: The tracks in the roads don't always line up properly A vehicle (no mention because of spoilers) is missing a part of its side plating Missing art for artillery (no pun intended) other than the 60mm (can't remember size) A cool looking tunnel exit - is that a new feature or something made out of a bridge (can't check in editor). If a new feature, plese include in CMFI in the future as I want it for a planned scenario
  6. An exploding monitor would actually be kind of immersive for the game but I guess detrimental to both health and economy in the long run. Good to hear that the game soon will be launched. Can't wait.
  7. So it seems we have two different manufacturers who both have sound programs that crashes CM. Maybe that is cause enough to look at the bug (one wasn't). I have reported to Nahimic, but no response so far.
  8. I'm in the final third of the second mission and no problems, but a bit sluggish. Have similar specs but win 10 and a 970M card.
  9. Thanks Heinrich, it was one of those moments in which CM really shines.
  10. The Kämpfgruppe's roadblock at "the Betuwe" had failed miserably. British troops overwhelmed their position and resistance dwindled quickly. Kessel's squad had been cornered in a house, a Sherman outside waiting to demolish the house the squad hid in. British toops stormed into the house and killed all of Kessel's squad members. Kessel ran for the back door in a desperate attempt to run away, but stopped and pulled out his Panzerfaust. "This will show them" he muttered as he took aim. Despite trembling with fear he pulled the trigger and the grenade launched, arced close to the ceiling... ... in between the onrushing soldiers, over their heads, out the door, and ... ....slammed hard into the Sherman which instantly erupted in flames. But Kessel didn't even get to see the result of his heroism as a bullit hit him as soon as he pulled the trigger. His lifeless body fell out the back door. The one he was supposed to escape from. The empty Panzerfaust tube by his side.
  11. Must say that the setting and map for Dropzone Charlie is simply awesome. Can see myself coming back to the different versions (as well as Linnett II) and sides several times. Really well made.
  12. Do you by any chance have a MSI laptop? In that case exit the Nahimic sound control app and CM should launch. I'm trying to get around this problem myself.
  13. Will the demo contain scenarios not in the full release? IIRC the RT one did.
  14. You couldn't resist to ask now could you I sincerely hope that one day you'll get a schwimmwagen in the game.
  15. Just trying to stay calm and wait for it to be released. I'm frenzied as heck. Like the rest of us.
  16. Frenzied fans? Don't think I ever encountered any of those here. We are a calm and well-balanced bunch of chaps. Keep calm and carry on - as they say.
  17. I really don't know if the monitor supports G-sync, but I highly doubt it as it is a few years old. The graphics card does. Maybe that option then only becomes availabe when unplugged?
  18. My new laptop and nVidia settings miss the Adaptive Vertical Sync (Half refresh rate) which I found before to be of great help. Why is that? It is a GTX 970M card. Also, for you who play on a laptop hooked up to a monitor, do you also find it runs better than without the monitor?
  19. I meant cumulative for each level, first foilage, then trunk. So, is the chance of foilage disappearing the same for each hit or does it increase for each hit. Then the same procedure for the trunk.
  20. That clip, when I first saw it, was the first time I noticed trees disappearing fully from fire. There seems to be a formula of resistance vs incoming fire effect and IMO it is set to low for HE from, let's say, a Sherman main gun. What I would like to know is if damage is cumulative for each tree or not. If it isn't, maybe it is no surprise that trees don't get knocked down as much in the WWII games as each hit has to overcome a certain level of resistanc and then so on for each hit.
  21. I will go ahead and make a test since I brought it up. Serves me righ, eh
  22. If the modelling for trees hasn't changed I would expect it to happen more in SF than BN (that I play most) due to the higher caliber weapons. Also, even if a tree does get defoliated, does that really stop high caliber weapons more, since the branches remain? Marginally is my guess. However, the trunk is the main issue here.
  23. Don't have any saves since I just switched to a new computer. But I have this: The FJ team had Shermans in front with perfect flanking shot opportunity, yet put all AP/HEAT from their recoiless gun into that tree and it looked the same afterwards. Many times I see similar things. Yes, the tree might shed some leaves but very seldom the trunk disappears. Next time I get this I will collect a save.
  24. I have seen that too. I think it is on account of higher fire power, which could mean that trees resistance to HE could be lowered. But what do I know about code
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