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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. Steve has at least briefly mentioned that the spotting subroutines do not run every single second since it would bring the processor to it knees. So some, perhaps much, of the lag in spotting newly visible units could be as a result of this. The good news is that once quad core+ processors have enough market penetration it is a problem that Moore's law can fix.
  2. Sniper teams in particular are ridiculously free with them. I am playing the first campaign mission and I cannot get my sniper teams to just use their sniper rifles. They are pumping out grenades as fast as they can, and targets that are too far away for good accuracy at that.
  3. I think Steve has mentioned a number of times that many of the elements that would greatly improve the games usefulness as a training tool could be added rather easily if the resources that go with a government contract were made available. BFC just cannot afford to hire several extra programmers otherwise.
  4. It is the RELATIVE force quality that matters. Not the absolute ability of a given force. The Russian-Georgian spat is an example of this. With even vaguely modern weapons the less effective side just melts if the disparity is high enough.
  5. http://www.midnightbluesays.com/2008/12/fox-news-reports-us-military-unit-earns.html This might be a decent place to start.
  6. It also allows a larger scale than all but the largest ranges/exercise areas as I understand it. And it doesn't require the platoon to learn to hate their brand new Lt while he figures out where his *&*%% is. There will be plenty of time later after all.
  7. Is the Guided MLRS going to come with an additional artillery interface, or will it just be a point target that goes boom very reliably? The ability to nuke square kilometers would be okay too.
  8. Adam is being excessively negative by the way. Even if some of his specific points have some validity. They aren't game breakers the way vehicle path finding was for a long time.
  9. I will cheerfully burn it and mail it to you if you email me the info. I post it on the open forum though.
  10. "Would not this apply similarly to attack helicopters? I've read about Apaches and Cobras and such being damaged (and even brought down) by RPG and 12.7mm MG fire, especially in Afghanistan." You haven't noticed any drone manufacturers complaining the recession have you? You just cited the reason why. Helicopter jobs are becoming drone jobs for this exact reason.
  11. It is certainly the best that it has been. Regarding your specific complaint there are several types of terrain objectives. Some you just have to touch, some you have to eliminate the enemy from and touch, and some you have to hold at the end of the scenario. The frustration you were experiencing comes from a scenario designer not explaining the objective properly. It was probably specific to that scenario, so don't let it get you down on the game too much. The game as a whole is really quite good now, all the SERIOUS irritations have been dealt with. In regard to the endless discussion about the spotting model fidelity an so on, it sounds like you are somewhat excessively well placed to give an expert opinion. Stay safe, and as sane as they will let you.
  12. Unquestionably range/live fire exercises should be maximized to the extent possible. The question is would the game be a useful training tool over and above live exercises.
  13. I would like the ability to drag wounded troops to a safer location before rendering buddy aid. I realize this is a significant level of programming effort, but the attempts to render aid under repeated sniper fire that results in stacking up the whole squad are just silly, and a huge break in immersion.
  14. Where George's stuff is concerned its my own rear end I am concerned about. The man is a sadist.
  15. Can we have an Iranian-Indian-Afghani-Pakistani module, Please. Pretty please.
  16. I had some similar issues when I very first fired up 1.11, in fact I was having issues even with the battle list and so on. It is almost certainly a driver issue. Either update to the latest drivers for your card, or revert a release or two. In my case updating solved things nicely.
  17. 1.11 is simply outstanding. IMAC/bootcamp users you may need an driver update, I did. But it was flawless after that.
  18. I to would like to thank you, My wife on the other hand....
  19. The rest of the game is running fine on my rig but the editor has a bug that is making it almost unusable. Only the piece of the interface that you have the mouse over is visible. everything else is blacked out. It just makes it impossibly confusing to use. Imac with bootcamp T2500 @ 2.00 ghz .98 GB ram Any ideas would be appreciated.
  20. Hopefully the reason it is taking so long is to really test the &^&*$*$$#$ before release. If it has drones, Excalibur, and the Light infantry TO&E that would be okay too.
  21. It opens but only the portion of the inetrface that my mouse is over at any given moment is visible. The rest of the screen is blacked out with occasional random horizontal lines blinking in and out. I am running XP SP2 through bootcamp on a 20 inch imac with . Any ideas would be appreciated. The regular game runs fine.
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