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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by dan/california

  1. I don't know how the games moving along, but the war is progressing nicely. http://www.nytimes.com/2015/01/22/world/europe/russia-says-its-helping-restore-cease-fire-in-ukraine.html?hp&action=click&pgtype=Homepage&module=photo-spot-region&region=top-news&WT.nav=top-news You have to give Putin this, We are "restoring the ceasefire" by shelling the #%^#@Q# out of them.
  2. It could be as simple as the models not being done when the scenario was put together. They are trying to drive this thing and assemble it at the same time, at least in the AAR. I am hopeful the late release means the rest of us will be spared that experience. The Russians have two Tugunskas, thats enough to make any airstrike chancy or worse. Of course if they have an unfortunate encounter with an Abrams CAS will make the rest of the scenario rather short.
  3. I take the Poles opinion very seriously, they had the pleasure of Russian "guests" for 45 years or so. They seem to be all but begging to host two or three U.S. Divisions permanently. But I am sure that one has nothing to do with the other.
  4. Would you take a huge morale hit if the kitchen bought it and the grunts knew they eating MREs for a month?
  5. Would be serving Army food? That would strongly influence my opinion of how good an idea it was.
  6. Its always this way. Every single release takes longer than they thought it would. Their being pushed on Shock Force demonstrated its a BAD idea. SO....... patience young JEDIs, and would be lieutenants. The game will be along to shatter your delusions soon enough.
  7. The best air support is an MLRS battery. You give coordinates, they give boom. If the Russians want to waste an S300/S400 class missile trying to shoot them down it is probably a net win even if they get an intercept.
  8. The ability to fire NLOS is a huge edge. There was a semi guided round in development for the Abrams with generally similar performance. The army seems to have decided it make more sense to carry more of the new airburst round and sabot instead. It would be a huge plus for 40 mm grenade launchers.
  9. He would very bummed if one of those went off. Although I bet the story he told when he got out of the hospital would bear no resemblance to reality.
  10. Oh I know, everyone is trolling about vaguely related things that no one can change. When the game comes out we can troll about point values and random micro problems that no one can change. And the ever popular "I got slaughtered on the first campaign mission, the game must be BROKEN, OMG I have PTSD".
  11. He said it was impolite to say you were NKVD. I apologize.
  12. Turn based makes it much easier to illustrate various things, with replay and so on.
  13. And your rank in whatever the NKVD is calling itself these days is?
  14. It just looks like their is a lot more defensible terrain between Crimea and Odessa than there is on the Northern route via the Kiev-Moscow highway. A big variable in the whole discussion is the extent to which the Ukrainians are willing to mine/rig/ semi professionally IED everything in the lead up to a Russian attack. If they went all in it would slow things down a LOT. Even a motivated force slows down after it runs over/into the third 500 lb bomb in road culvert.
  15. The problem is the spotting of your own units. If I am trying to give orders to a tank platoon I have to click back & forth a lot more to give what would a simple order in real life. Say to advance to just below the crest of the hill to our front in the more or less line abreast we are already in. Again part of the problem is that I am already slow, so even slower is bad. Depending how the blue force tracker is modeled it may be a lot easier in CMBS than Red Thunder.
  16. It is just so harsh that Bil has no idea that their is whole slew of stingers in his rear area as well as the Ukrainian AA assets.
  17. It was Stalin killing five or ten MILLION of them a decade or so later that convinced them Moscow might not have their best interest in mind.
  18. Their is an english expression, "That is why you play the game". Because you can argue about who would win ad-infinitum. Of course this little discussion isn't killing anyone, so perhaps its not so bad. We are also arguing about details with only slight reference to the game, but until it comes out...
  19. I may not be as overcommitted as Pnzrleadr, but if I get 15 minutes I want FINISH a turn.
  20. You won't learn to play elite until you play elite, so you might as well get over with. I would play iron except that I find it makes so slow giving orders I can't stand it. Your milage may vary.
  21. It seems the Russian jamming is so good that you can't even get a sitrep out. I hope you haven't been grid-squared.
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