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Everything posted by tc237

  1. PSY, Only for the gunner really, because he can't see outside, he can't brace himself or "roll" with the bumps. He can be badly injured if he is looking through the sight when the vehicle hits a bump. The TC/Loader can get hurt if the tank stops suddenly, they'll crack a rib on the hatch edge. A beat up gunner is the quickest way to a beat up driver To add a bit to flamingknives, An M1 can get smoother the faster it goes especially on roads or smooth ground. But for all vehicles it depends on the terrain, even what wargames would classify as clear/flat terrain can have enough ruts and bumps to make it a terrible experience if the vehicle is moving to fast. Sometimes it is just too unsafe, even in combat, to go even 20mph cross country. A lot of misconceptions are based on books, specs, stats, etc.. when real world results aren't taken into account.
  2. Here is an idea for a scenario I'm making. It is a simple raid on a target house. Strategic map is used as an OB of your units. Operational map is used for two "recon photo's" of the target house. Tactical map area is your standard satelite overhead view of the target. I tried to make some quick, "sloppy" Operational Graphics, to simulate the commanders reduced planning time.
  3. Could it be a case of how fast/slow units move under different types of movement orders? Look at this screenshot: Basicly it shows that units given an "Assault" or "Max Assault" order will crawl, whether being engaged or not. They take a very long time to move to the objective, giving the impression that nothing is happening. Would be interesting to see what happens if you give them an "Advance" order.
  4. Hey guys, If Pete, for whatever reason, can't upload the map, maybe someone that has it can do it and provide a link. Later Pete can edit in a link to the first post. just a thought.
  5. I think MEFBRAVO's 3F's are at the tactical level. A Company/Team (3 platoons) would use 1-2 platoons to Find the enemy. The platoon that made contact would attempt to Fix the enemy using fires (direct/indirect). The other platoons would attempt to Finish the suppressed enemy by flanking or assault.
  6. The "Chance to hit %" seems really gamey. Don't know of any real world method used to calculate a "chance to hit" during an engagement. (not talking about a static firing test) As MikeyD and Renuad state, there are hundreds of varibles that can affect a tank crews shot. How would the crew know that they have, for example, an 80% chance to hit a target?
  7. I'm guessing it is not possible to implement a "Follow Road" command somehow?
  8. Yeah, it is a shame. But, this game is about modern urban battle. I'm sure there are some ww2 east front games out there.
  9. hmm.. If "Exit Before" was worded "Arrive Before" would it have the same meaning and be more clear? To me it seems like that's what the function is trying to do, have the unit Arrive at a location Before a specific time. The word Exit is confusing me a bit.
  10. Sarjen, to reenable a grayed out unit, select it and hit Delete again, this should work. Delete works both ways here.
  11. Do units shoot while using "Hunt"? That seems about the right pace for methodical CQC movement.
  12. Sure they would, it just would not be a call to prayer but a call to arms. Nope. Don't know about Syria but in Iraq dogs are everywhere. They are not pets. They roam around in large packs and eat the trash. The Iraqis could not believe that we kept a small puppy as a pet. They consider dogs as we would squirrels. Never once saw an Iraqi treat a dog as anything other than a large rat. I always said there were 4 large factions in Iraq: Sunni, Shia, Christian, Dogs.
  13. Excellent thread, thanks for explaining things Steve. I have a few questions and comments and maybe a Dismounted/Infantry type can answer them (I'm just an old tanker). 1)I would think that the SAW would be included in an assault team. It is more of a full-auto M4/M16 then it is a LMG (M240). It seems to be an ideal weapon for CQB, with a high rate of fire, light enough to be fired from the shoulder, etc. It would provide the team with a Hallway/Room sweeping capability. 2)I don't think a Designated Marksmen has any advantage in CQB. Most engagments are within 5m and are more "reflexive fire" then "aimed fire". (It comes down to who can get their weapon up and pull the trigger faster).
  14. I had the same idea Cpl Steiner. I want to add mosque chants. TC2M can do this, play sounds at different points on the map. (but, IIRC TC2M is a DirectX game.
  15. In the third pic, it looks like they are going through a door. Was there a door in the center of the front wall and a door in the back right corner?
  16. Hi, I ran some test's on the AI movement options. Setup a very small map with a few Blue observers hidden in buildings and a woodline. Setup 4 Red plt's on a 400m long "runway" with an objective 350m away. Gave each Red Plt a different AI movement option (Max Assault, Assualt, Advance, Quick) Advance and Quick plt's moved via "bounding by squad" with squads running in each bound. They reached the objective in 3-4 minutes. Max Assault and Assualt plt's also moved via bounding but used a "crawl" not a run. In 5 Minutes the Max Assault plt advanced 50m, the Assault plt advanced 100m. [ August 22, 2007, 07:37 AM: Message edited by: tc237 ]
  17. Ah oh, we are about to get waayy off topic now. "If there is a problem, check the C-R-E-W light" [ August 21, 2007, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: tc237 ]
  18. Yep got the same thing. It was from a "Cory Anderson" canderson@thekeagroup Got this from the US Postal Service tracking page:
  19. I ran a few tests and could not get troops to move into adjacent buildings. Tried a few combinations of buildings and walls, nothing worked, troops would not move through "walls". They always went up to and across the rooftops to get to an adjacent level.
  20. CTRL + SHIFT + CLICK on a floor creates balconies. Take a look at pages 128-129 in the manual. Some other good tips there.
  21. Almost anyone in the Army can call in arty, the question is if the mission is approved by higher HQ. As a TC or PSG I would only have to call my FO with a grid and he would take care of the rest. (although we always trained to "do it the right way") If the FO is any good he is constantly tracking his attached elements and monitoring the situation of other units. When he gets a call from one of his platoons, he knows where they are and what they need, the FO does all the technical work, clears friendlies, etc. Usually the FO would stay back and out of direct fire, with a view of the fight, too valuable to be up front. He would be working with the arty batteries and helping to coordinate things the CO/XO. We could also call the CO/XO or call BN directly. All depended on the situation and who has "Priority of Fires" That is an important part of what unit gets fire support first. -One thing that would be nice is assigning up Pre-plotted arty at scenario setup. Say one Pre-plotted target per arty unit.
  22. Would also like to know as I'm getting close to scenario completion. Can someone break it down nice and slow? :cool:
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