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Everything posted by Tagwyn

  1. I enjoyed "Enemy at the Gates." It is a great story, especially the scene where Krushchev tells the army leader in no uncertain terms to hold the bridge at all costs. There was an enjoyable scene in "Saving Private Ryan" where the American sniper got the Kraut when they both spotted the other almost simaltaneously.
  2. I hope you have a long way to go yet John from Australia. Tag
  3. Battlefront.com: Cut this trival stuff out and get back to work!!!!! Geesh!! Tag
  4. PS: I have a cat named: "general beauregard!"
  5. Michael: I agree with you completely!! Your comments mirror my own study and the views of my father, a vet from the war with the Germans. The Southern states were in rebellion aginst their country, the USA. They fought hard but deserved in spades what they got. They accepted the federal govenment when they voted for the Constitution. There was/is no moral right to what they were doing to their fellow men. Tag
  6. That's not a Nazi fanatic! If it was Grog would have its uniform and weapon for sale along with all kinds of related miscellaneous bric a' brac."
  7. Grog: And you don't love and admire and suck up to Senachai?
  8. I refuse to believe in SC 2!! I believe in peace, and love and joy, but not SC2. Hubert: tell me I am wrong please. Tag
  9. SC2 does not exist; will not exist. It is all a garganutan con, somewhat resembling Rambo.
  10. Hubert, DD, Pzg, et. al.: Lets get on with this thing or just forget it! Tag
  11. How many "Normandy" games do we need? D-Day might be a subset of the game, but an entire game on one battle!! Ludicrous and unimaganitive. I dont have $50 + to spend on such a game or on a modern game. If you like ambushes and steath and rag-heads planting mines on public rights-of-way etc. report to the local insane asylulm. Just my opinion. TAG
  12. Dear Battlefront: Please do not succumb to any impulse to turn BFC products into "Porn!!" We know that soldiers in combat are not paticularly inclined to discuss philosophy on a high level. WE dont need to be reminded of that by a game. PLEASE. Tag
  13. I would also guess it will be in WWII. A chance to remake CMBO and expand its coverage to include the entire war!! TAG
  14. Zapp's Peng thread! Hurry Hubert the amimals are growing restless!!!!! ))
  15. Zapp's Peng thread! Hurry Hubert the amimals are growing restless!!!!! ))
  16. Hubert: we are getting tired of waiting? When it is ready we may not be!!! Tag
  17. Baneman: It is a very exclusive group of loonies here at BFC forum. They have insisted that I am someone called Focker!!! LOL. They jumped on me immediatly and have hot let up!! Dorish spells things properly; probably has a dictionary by his computer!! Just ignore them. Express your opinion and you should be OK. Tag.
  18. Tagwyn


    pino: Change your diaper kid!! When you do you can see you dont know your ass from a hole in the ground!! Tag
  19. JJR: Beware the political crap!! Moon will ban you and smile. Tag
  20. Tagwyn


    ROQ? Are you really Moon? Or Matt? or Steve? If not, put a cork in it kid!! TAG
  21. Ruins of the Nazi 15th army were not left by self-destruction guys! My dad witnessed the mess himslef when in N. Europe. Much ado about nothing. We had "angels on our shoulders." Tag
  22. RE Singapore: Chruchill was astounded when he discovered S. was unable to direct its guns against a land assault! I remember reading this in the Memoires of WWII. No U-boats had anything to do with it. Tag
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