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Everything posted by umlaut

  1. Firefox and Google Chrome tell me that the "connection is not secure" on this site. What is wrong?
  2. Here´s a weathered Archer mod. The Dropbox link is temporary - until the mod is available on Cmmods IV. https://www.dropbox.com/s/7edvjhja9coxdtx/Archer_Umlaut.zip?dl=0
  3. NOTICE: I just discovered that I forgot to add the files for the Sherman flail tanks to the set. They have been added now - just please download the mods again if you want the flail tanks.
  4. Thanks I am calling it a quick-fix, because I havent made the mods myself from scratch, but pieced them together from various sources. Mainly by using the dust and dirt layers from the psd-files in a single Sherman mod that Aris once sent me. This meant that I could make all these mods in about the same - or perhaps less - time that it would normally take me to make a single mod.
  5. These are only the R2V Shermans. You’ ll have to download the other CMFI Sherman mods separately.
  6. I´ve made a quick-fix for the Shermans. I might do something similar to some of the other vehicles - if possible.
  7. Here´s a quick-fix mod set for the R2V Shermans. @DougPhresh made a request for Sherman mods for R2V the other day. I replied that I dont really have the time to make mods from scratch. Luckily, I discovered that I had an old set of Sherman Photoshop files that Aris´ once sent me. This was only the files for his CMBN Sherman IC mod, so most of the mods in this set are based on these. I have simply taken each bmp for the hulls and turrets of every Sherman in R2V - and placed the dirt, mud and grime from Aris´ Sherman IC on top of them. So most of the mods have the excact same layer of dirt on top of them. Luckily, it doesn' t really loook like that, because the base bmp´s are relatively different. In some cases, the bmp´s were so different from the Sherman IC´s layout that I couldn´t use the method described above. In that case I have taken files from other CM games and renamed them to fit. Or done a bit of modding myself. In short: This is not a set of mods made from scratch - but a quick-fix that will allow you to use "Aris´ed" R2V Shermans. Sherman grogs might find errors in camo schemes and such, but as far as I am concerned, they are as good as they get. I am sharing the mods via this Dropbox link - until they are available on Cmmods IV.
  8. I have released one R2V mod - the Wasp flame carriers. And I have been working on the Archer too, but cant make any promises on when it will be released. It is highly unlikely that I will make many other mods, though: They require a lot of time and/or motivation - which I dont really have at the moment. Regarding the Shermans, I can offer to make R2V versions based on Aris/Fuser´s exsisting Sherman mods. But that would require that @Fuser is willing to send me the original psd-files for his previous Sherman mods from CMFI and CMBN. Alas, it seems that he has gone permanently AWOL from CM.
  9. Well, I couldnt help myself, so I set up a test: 10 Panzerschreck teams (all veteran) vs 10 immobilized Shermans facing away from the Panzerschrecks, set up in "firing lanes" divided by walls, so each team could only engage "their own" Sherman. Distance: 195-200 metres. I ran the test three times, so in total I tested 30 schrecks vs 30 Shermans. Result: Hit with first shot: 5 teams Hit with second shot: 10 teams Hit with third shot: 8 teams Hit with fourth shot: 4 teams Hit with fifth shot: 1 team Hit with sixt shot: 0 teams No hits with any of the six shots: 2 teams
  10. I dont think so: Then there would be no reason not to get the details right.
  11. I thought I´d share this strange little moment from the first battle of the Operation Encore campaign. At first I thought that this unlucky german just fumbled his grenade - but after seeing it in slow, I think that he may have been shot before he could throw it. But if so - doesnt it explode way too soon? I also specutlated that a shot might have hit the grenade itself - but the game doesnt model stuff like that, does it?
  12. I remember that when CMBN first was released there was a lot of complaints that bailed out AFV crews were being unrealistically lethal. I think that BFC perhaps solved that by taking away some of the crews´ weapons (only speculating)
  13. Wonder why they dated the recordings as 1940? It is surely not. I´d say 1945 in Germany.
  14. Here´s the link for Siezing Ciembienne The Scenario Depot: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cm-battles-for-normandy/cmbn-seizing-ciembienne-for-umlauts-commercial-mods/
  15. 1. It does look strange: My guess is that it is mortar rounds - but the artillerymen seem strangely relaxed about it. 2: No idea about the hole. But there seem to be three tank wrecks: Two tigers - and one where only the bottom "tub" is left (could it be a Cromwell?).
  16. Thanks a lot. I might have - but I must admit that I do not know what a Reshade Profile is
  17. Just did a quick test: They show up around december 1944 (Italy), until then it is M1´s on Springfields.
  18. Here´s my old Seizing Ciembienne scenario - updated for the commercial mods (again, this a temporary Dropbox link which I´ll remove, once the scenario has been published on The Scenario Depot): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/brev6g2miy6v627/AABamAIjsM5c1J11Hg17cmTZa?dl=0
  19. It is present in the 10th Mountain Division campaign. Dont know about the rest of the game.
  20. Oh, I must admit I redesigned the map without thinking about that everyone might not own all the versions of the game. But the version on The Scenario Depot is the original - so that should "only" require the CW and MG modules. Alas, that map is not designed for these mods.
  21. I should of course have said The Scenario Depot: https://www.thefewgoodmen.com/tsd3/combat-mission-battle-for-normandy/cm-battles-for-normandy/tiger-by-the-tail/ Anyway, you can find it in this Dropbox link, if you want the new version designed to fit the commercial mod set. https://www.dropbox.com/s/ngy5jbqh9yi991h/MG Tiger by the Tail - commercial mods.btt?dl=0
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