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Erik Springelkamp

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Everything posted by Erik Springelkamp

  1. Do you have an account for the repository? It is different from the forum account. When you log into the repository from a different browser tab, a link from the forum will use your repository credentials (unless you configure your browser to be very paranoia with your login data) and go to the right location.
  2. Are those mods for CMSF that can be used without tweaking in CMA? Because I can't find an AKD sound mod in the Afghanistan repository.
  3. I use Fraps to record (I paid for the license, so it has no time limit and no watermark). So I just start recording when I start the replay, and later edit away the parts that I don't want. The initial video files are very large, but I write them to an external usb-drive. Even though I run a low end machine, it doesn't seem to hurt performance much, but I am happy with 15 FPS, so my demands are not very high. I mostly see performance effects around the moment of big explosions, or helicopter gunship cannon fire, or a rapidly firing cannon. Maybe it is the sound, maybe the visuals. And indeed I only use a mod for the floating icons and the compass. I will take a look at those mods. In close-up, the tracers around the mouth of the MG could indeed look better.
  4. Interestingly many of the US symbols are very similar to the Soviet symbols: MG, AT, Tank, AC, Sniper. I still think the outline symbols with transparent background are the most beautiful and least gamey. But they may be just a little too modest for RT play.
  5. I recorded a little exchange of fire between a MG and a mounted recoilless. http://www.youtube.com/user/ErikSpringelkamp?feature=mhum I didn't find your version 1.1 at the repository yet. It is probably in quarantine or something. Will look again tomorrow or so. Ik verloor de BTR direct bij de tegenaanval op de zojuist ingenomen loopgraaf dicht bij zijn aankomstpunt. De ene Soviet sectie met hoofdkwartier daar was man voor man gesneuveld - maar ze namen veel mujaheddeen mee. Ik probeerde direct een tegenaanval met de BTR en de twee infanterie secties te voet, maar de infanterie vluchtte na het eerste slachtoffer toen ze de overmacht zagen, en de BTR werd na een paar MG salvos opgeblazen. Dat was duidelijk een roekeloze tegenaanval. Eerlijk gezegd heb ik het toen al opgegeven met de bedoeling om opnieuw te beginnen. Woon je ook in Groningen? Met Bertram erbij hebben we - als ik me niet vergis - dan al drie Groningers op het forum hier.
  6. Gave this one a try, and had good fun, but blew it. The first reinforcement came a minute late to save the hill and the trench there was already occupied by the enemy. My BTR was destroyed as soon as it showed itself in the counter attack. Never mind, I'll try again, very immersing experience.
  7. I have not yet seen one for CMBN, and anyway, one would not want to use Soviet icons for German or US troops. But one should make a similar one using WWII diagrams. I have tried working on such a mod, but I don't have tools to make good transparent pictures. Or I don't know how to do it with GIMP, because my products show ugly artefacts when they are made smaller at larger distances. Bill Lockton is here the master, maybe he is working on it at the moment.
  8. Yes, that is a CMA scenario, 'Combing the Green Zone', conditions are warm and damp, so the Soviet Army troops will be wearing tropical helmets. They are not always wearing those, here in another scenario the troops are wearing normal helmets:
  9. In CMSF and CMA I use a floating icon mod by Bill Lockton that uses very small icons for infantry, and larger icons for vehicles. But because even the larger icons have outlines with transparent interiors, they are very non-intrusive to the general picture.
  10. Hearing these stories it doesn't surprise me that the privatisation of the British Post is failing, as investors shy away from buying this lot.
  11. I would like to point out that Market Garden wasn't fought in Holland, which is the Western part of the country, but in Brabant (South of the Meuse) and Gelderland (Nijmegen and Arnhem), which are other parts of the Netherlands. The only time this general area was officially designated Holland, was under the rule of the Corsican Louis Napoleon, the Kingdom of Holland 1806-1810, but that name was coined by bloody foreigners who didn't know better. Before that it was the Republic of the Seven United Netherlands, afterwards the Kingdom of the Netherlands. Tulip fields are especially a thing of Holland, and you will not find them in Brabant and Gelderland. (a few can be found in Friesland and Groningen though, but nothing like the fields next to the North Sea coast in Holland). Polder dikes can be found all along the rivers in Brabant and Gelderland, but that is a common thing all along the North Sea from Western Flanders till Southern Denmark, which is geophysically more or less a unity. They were even introduced in East Anglia by the Dutch under King William III.
  12. PBEM has been in doubt for a while during the development phase. Not WEGO against the AI.
  13. Can you let us know on the forum which scenarios are good for H2H in your experience? I found a lot of scenarios - though interesting against the AI, where I don't mind winning easily - to be unbalanced for H2H. Though in general the NATO scenarios are a bit better in that respect than the old base game scenarios.
  14. Even when my unit sees the enemy, in CMSF I often order my Syrian infantry to area fire on a building to make them fire their RPG's, which can cause a lot of casualties.
  15. So we have to interpret shooting on the move as stopping, firing and moving again. And the accuracy has been more or less adapted to that abstracted behaviour?
  16. Completely off-topic, but Pi has a value that has been absolutely determined. It is only the approximation by decimal (rational) numbers that is an infinite process. But that doesn't affect the absoluteness of its value and the way we can use it in mathematics and physics.
  17. If Battlefront declares that it is allowed I can put it on a download link, but I need a sign of approval for that.
  18. The best way is probably to install the game in a new directory, while leaving the old installation in place. Then upgrade the new installation upto the point you want. You can branch the installation at certain point of upgrade by just copying the whole directory to a new place, and then leave the copy at the old version. Then you can make shortcuts of the executables in the different directories, and if you start one of them, you have an instance in that version.
  19. I heard rumours that there is movement on that front.
  20. This is similar to the dreaded dust clouds that follow the invisible enemy tanks on the other side of the mountain in CMSF.
  21. A question that bothers me for years already is about the C2 link between different commands on the same side. So I made a little test scenario: The XXX are a hill, so left and right cannot see each other The left '+' is the HQ of an attached engineer unit. The right '+' is the HQ of an infantry unit. The right '|' is an infantry section belonging to the right HQ. Left and right are enemy targets that can only be seen from left or right. ---- + ------- XXXXXX ---- + -- | ----- In this set up, the unit left never gets information about the enemy right (or about the friendlies on the right) and vice versa. Now I have place the infantry section next to the engineer HQ on the left. It has radio contact with it's own HQ on the right. ---- + | ----- XXXXXX ---- + ---------- In this case, both sides know from the start about friendly units on the other side (as a general marker). And the location about the enemy units is communicated quite fast from one side to the other. So the infantry on the left in in voice communication with the Engineer HQ on the left, and in radio communication with it's own HQ on the right, and they communicate all information with each other. So there is good news and bad news about attached units like engineers: - the good news is that they communicate when in direct contact. - the bad news is that they don't communicate over the radio via the not represented, but abstracted overall commander There was a small surprise in the first situation (I did this in Iron mode): The infantry section and it's HQ didn't even see a generic marker of each other's position, although they were in shouting distance (but two buildings away from each other). While in the second situation, separated by a hill, and only in radio contact, they saw generic friendly markers of each other's position, and even the engineer HQ knew about the position of the infantry HQ through voice contact with the infantry section. I think this can be regarded as a small bug, because it is inconsistent. And I think attached units should at least have a (slow) C2 contact if they both are in contact with the abstract off-board commander. I realise that this has been fixed in CM:BN, by allowing forces to be formally attached in the construction of the OOB, but some form of generic fix in CMSF would be nice. In the mean time it seems to be a good thing to send a representative of the main unit with the attached unit when they operate separately, just to establish C2. Maybe a nice job for an otherwise useless XO?
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