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Erik Springelkamp

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Everything posted by Erik Springelkamp

  1. They buy on the open market, but also have their own operations in Africa. They are in the process of buying large concessions in Nigeria, and are already present in Sudan, Angola, Mozambique. They have also contracts with Iran. Natural gas they buy from the central Asian states of the former Soviet Union, and from Russia itself.
  2. Look at the links in that post. And no, don't click on them!
  3. Windows Media Encoder is a free program to convert your videos to other (smaller) formats. Avidemux is a free video edit program that I use for basic video operations. (I am limited in my choices, as my OS, Server 2003, supports not all free Microsoft products).
  4. The manual states that in Iron mode a unit can get 'lost' when out of command, yet, when no unit is selected, I see all units. Did I not understand the manual correctly, or did I not yet encounter the right conditions?
  5. Where are attached units from other formations in the command chain, like engineers?
  6. When you put the ridge of the roof perpendicular to the road instead of parallel, houses already become more Dutch. The general border for this custom runs somewhere along the South of the Netherlands
  7. You would have to swap original scenario units for your core units, then assign them again to different groups and/or setup. Next combine them in a scenario script. I think.
  8. I make a subfolder for each PBEM game for the files that have already been played, and upon receiving the new file, I immediately put the old file into that folder.
  9. > a larger font option in the brieffings Yes, and especially in the scenario selection screen. I can't read half the words of the descriptions.
  10. > It's that the C2 effects are probably too subtle for a GAME Spotting is not exactly a subtle effect. Pay attention for a few turns to how the knowledge of a newly spotted enemy unit is distributed through your formation - or not.
  11. Yesterday I was playing the USMC scenario 'Just around the bend', and it made me wonder how command works with respect to units from different top level formations. For instance when you attach engineers to a mech company, is their command integrated with battallion of the company. Do they exchange information? This question arose because: **** SPOILERS ***** The Syrians have a tank platoon reinforcement that emerges from a canyon, with the USMC present on their left. If they had even the slightest hint of information, they should be focussed on their left when they come around the corner, but in fact, they just moved straight forward, and were destroyed by LAV bushmaster cannonfire in their flank. The tanks only started to turn their turrets to the left after they came under fire. I expected an ambush from the canyon, and I was still wondering how I would handle it when I would come close, but this outcome was kind of an anti-climax, and shortly afterwards the Syrians surrenderded for a total USMC victory. So, is information shared above the line of command as shown in the command panel?
  12. During test runs I have seen a compete volley of 6 Gills land halfway, while in the next run they all hit their targets. Really weird.
  13. Yes, you get an immediate picture of the context of a unit, while before I rarely paid attention to the command status, or didn't have a clear picture of what that meant
  14. I recently played a few scenarios on Iron, but it can also be a help to see what every unit is aware of. I don't find it much of a hassle, when you plan in general view, and only select your unit when plotting orders.
  15. But as a citizen of an associated province I must add that snert can cause serious arse effects.
  16. Sorry to bring up an old controversy: Wasn't the Pearl Harbour surprise attack exactly what the US needed politically to enter WWII in full gear? Would the US population have been so determined to fight without this event? Without being a conspiracy theorist myself, I can still believe that some people may have willingly allowed this to happen. It would have been very rational, though inhumane at the same time.
  17. Just cross the road. It is at least dry over there. Still depressing, in many ways.
  18. crossroads of Utrechtsweg and Stationsweg http://maps.google.nl/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=nl&geocode=&q=oosterbeek+stationsweg&sll=51.987328,5.798267&sspn=0.174218,0.232773&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=Stationsweg,+Oosterbeek,+Renkum,+Gelderland&ll=51.987768,5.83822&spn=0,0.00284&t=h&z=19&layer=c&cbll=51.987901,5.837951&panoid=M55R_JsPZBgWVxP34cgf4g&cbp=12,70.02,,0,2.88 with special weather for you!
  19. Something like the JasonC CMBB lessons would be very usefull. They were what gave me a grip on CM1.
  20. > is too low even for this thread From years of observation I think nothing is too low for this thread, as long as it expressed Lubberiaans.
  21. > 4. Some issues with low level radio allocation have been fixed. > > Steve I took that for a confirmation on the Dutch radio problem
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