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Erik Springelkamp

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Everything posted by Erik Springelkamp

  1. When playing Syrian in CMSF, I find Strykers often survive a RPG7V1 hit, and MGM's sometimes even survive RPG29 and Kornet hits. And survivability of Stryker passengers after a hit is also pretty good. They are only poor with extremely super high standards.
  2. Long time ago since I heard it, but isn't it the Leningrad Symphony of Shostakovitch?
  3. The effect would be the same if in the 'adjust' order one could order an extra delay, but with an accuracy of minutes, not steps of 5 minutes.
  4. Well, that is inconsistent with the fact that correction of spotting rounds does use direct communications between spotter and battery.
  5. In defence I often miss the ability to choose the starting time of an artillery barrage, especially as Syrian. I can plot a barrage at start, and it will arrive as planned, after 5 or 10 minutes, but of course the enemy rarely follows my estimated timing. Now, in real life, if this fire was preplanned, I assume the battery can start firing on the designated target when the forward observer says: "now!", if he has a clear view of the target area, and it is full of enemy. As it is now, my defensive fire is useless most of the time, and ordering a new mission takes 15 minutes, and then it usually is too early or too late once again, while the enemy advances. Is this a missing feature of CMSF, or would it be unpractical in real life?
  6. That should be easy, as the "stupid friendly soldier getting crushed under the tracks" animation is already in CMSF.
  7. I have noticed it in both built up areas and rural situation, upto quite a long range, at several hundreds of metres. Of course when there are vehicles with rapid fire cannons, or grenade throwers, those are the dominating destroyers, but with only infantry it always seem to be the rifle grenades that really hurt the enemy, whether it is in a house on the opposite side of the street, or in the fields behind a rock at 300 metres. And they do the killing of the light enemy vehicles. I still try to position my MG teams, but when there is a fire team with rifle grenades next to them, those seem to be the effective ones.
  8. I notice that in CMSF, especially with US soldiers, a large part of the destructive firepower comes from the squad rifle grenades, while I find that MG's have a modest effect in the game.
  9. Search the forum for 'poll'. The forum is not representative for the customers, so there will be no polls. (forum members are obsessive whiners that are never satisfied :-)
  10. Congratulations! But now you have outgrown Combat Mission.
  11. I tried this bases mod, but I decided I need the original large bases to find my men in buildings or rubble. This mod is too subtle for me.
  12. I expect them to surrender in CM:BN, and I expect forces not to fire on surrendering troops when not ordered to do so, like in CMx1?
  13. The current Iraqi government - as far as it is formed - is very much dominated by pro Iran factions. And the two regions have often been united in a single empire in the past.
  14. A waypoint does introduce a little bit of delay, because at each waypoint the first men wait for the last to assemble, before going further to the next point.
  15. To be fair, I have had Hummers driving right through houses in CMSF occasionally, and soldiers walk through parts of the vehicles regularly. The latter doesn't really bother me, as it is only a visual glitch, but it does look strange in a video.
  16. That sounds like Real Time, I play WEGO, and sometimes I want to change the stance during the move. It is probably connected to the other little bug that the target line also originates from the starting location, instead of from the waypoint, which makes it hard to determine what is blocking sight to some spot.
  17. I consider it a slight bug that when you check a LOS - or set a covered arc - from a waypoint, the distance is still shown from the starting location. This makes it hard to put a - for example - 100 metre covered arc on your waypoint, or check if you are staying outside a 'safe' distance from a certain point.
  18. Lack of information, so slow spotting. There should also be a morale penalty, but I don't know how it is measured.
  19. Egypt has bought Dutch YPR's, so those are already in the module. They can be seen on the streets of Cairo now. But what type are those tanks there with that extra cupola on top of their turret?
  20. But then I would see both sides of the scenario. I like to play an unknown scenario, where there can be many surprises. Replaying a scenario never gives you that kick of the unknown.
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