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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Yes, same here. Watching it now, Its like finding a lost relic
  2. BF has been willing to listen to and adjust their design time and time again. As I now play the present version of the game I just want to say that the game is getting very good at having a feel that seems realistic. (Well done on the improvements made) Just in the past few weeks I have noticed in battle things like. My fear to having to assault a dug in machine gun, hard to remove with arty and deadly to try and assault at over open ground. Very much improved Tanks that are now blind as to where the enemy infantry is, having to guess and use area fire to try and hit the enemy. Pistols not dropping the enemy so easily – wishing it would, but knowing it likely should not. Buildings giving good cover and concealment and having what seems to be about the correct feel to them Having a crack mortar team trying to hit an enemy unit and watching the shells hit everywhere I don’t want them to and hoping they somehow will zero in and get a good hit or two (not the old first shot and nailed them like I could do at one time) Anyway the list could go on, but in general, things are feeling pretty realistic in the game now and personally I cannot remember the last time I said. What the ____, because I just am not seeing things that seem unrealistic as to a possible outcome anymore. I know there is still plenty who are pointing things out and there is always room for improvement . But the game is much better now and in general playing very nicely. If I had to point to one issue, the only one that still impacts play generally. Is the mechanics of spotting. There is the issue of how enemy units in plain sight and with a clear line of sight cannot be targeted at times because the firing unit cannot snap the target line because of it needing to see the center of the hex at the ground level or whatever the issue is. That should be addressed at some point. (but that is the only issue I can think of that comes up pretty regularly that is just not realistic and impacts play.) I also know not likely something that can just be fixed or it likely would have been done long ago. Keep up the good work and I will keep sending you my money.
  3. A interesting find, I am not a armor grog, but it would be interesting to get some additional input as to what might be happening. But a few tank models have had bad data for certain plates so there is the chance you have found a model which has incorrect plate data at that location. It sounds like maybe there is only a total of 50mm there, the results make more sence for that amount of plating.
  4. Really, you are some type of player. That is a amazing feat. (well if you are playing through for the first time on a challenging level anyway. I sure had no chance of having my forces that far forward on the objectives playing it. I felt the AI was placing enough pressure and had enough troops that being over aggressive was a bad way to get bad results. It is also one of them scenario's you really cannot play more than once because it is easy to see how the AI reinforcenents come and approx when and where. So it would be way to easy to take advantage of that after one playing. But the timing of the AI reinforcements was pretty good in my opinion. But as mentioned, Bringing them on map where no enemy unit would ever likely be present is always a good design decision. But really after 10 years of playing these game I recall only once having my unit sitting right on the spot the enemy reinforcements came on at. And no, it is not a good thing to have happen in a battle. Beaming units on the map like we are in star trek is not a good feeling as to realism. But you are playing a game and it is just a fact that it is a possibility.
  5. I think of most CM battles like this unit July 11 day. Its a day when both sides are commited and stuck in a fight and retreat is not a option - A real shoot out A real shoot out is just not what happens in the day to day events of a unit generally. Its the exception, not the norm. Any unit history's that you read, it generally has a few battles that are hot and heavy for the unit where losses are possible high, other than that, most other events are very one sided or light engagements. And that is stretched out generally in a pretty good amout of time (campaign length at the least) I also like to think that in the game, many of the men shown as yellow would need to visit the field hospital after the battle, they are just able to keep fighting until there is a stop to the fighting. then they will seek the attention needed for the minor wounds. Anyway thanks for the study, it is interesting as to what you found by looking at this data
  6. Interesting - thanks for sharing the photo's. It is amazing to me that the bridge is still in use, that has ben there a long time. As for the shape it is in, actually it is in very good shape. I am a structural engineer and beleive me for the age of that bridge. it has been taken care of. Yes presently you see a little rust, but it just needs cleaned and a paint job. What looks bad is the bolts and such, a common problem with something like this. That is also a maintanance item where they can replace the hardware and be as good as new. There is many other factors as to why I find it cool that it still is in use. Anyway, it appears to me that it has been and is likely being preserved and is understood to be a historical bridge.
  7. Well, I have found that I can get air strikes pretty close to my own troops. I just make sure they are all in cover and hiding and not moving when it is time for the planes to arrive, along with the fact I am hopefully targeting enemy troops that are out in the open and exposed. Not always a easy task to adcheive, but making my units hard to spot has allowed me to have successful air strikes pretty close to my units.
  8. Are you sure, maybe you are just having a Tiger having a lucky day. I have done no testing yet, but tigers still appear to loose their guns to damage pretty easy. But I could be mistaken, I have games running 2.01 and 2.10 so I could be remembering the wrong version of where I am seeing it happen. It would be nice if they did adjust that, it was too common to lose the gun to damage.
  9. Buildings are pretty good defence now, as they should be. In general they seem about right. Much better than when the game first came out, most players did not like them then. between then and now there has been many adjustments. But I am glad they had the weak building protection in the early version. It taught me many things about how to use my units better in that type of enviroment. Now it is easy to get the defensive value out of buildings. But are they too good, no I do not think many would agree with you on that.
  10. Actually, it is easier to find areas in the city while on defence to have fire power advantages in localized areas for awhile. Ambush or kill zones. You look for locations where it will be hard for the offensive player to be able to bring firepower back on you except from one general area, thus making his advantage useless. It is easier to find these spots in the city more than any other terrain. Then you start to think how he might try to out manuver that location and set up blocks for them routes also. Then when and if he starts to break you defence. Pull everyone back to the next spot or behind the next line of defence and begin again. Defence is much harder to be good at than offence, but when you manage to get it right. It is much more rewarding when you bet a enemy that has you out gunned. Anyway, I find for myself anyway, that city fighting is a good place to have to be a defender. I have had much more success in that terrain than many other types while on defence.
  11. IT DOES NOT MATTER WHAT TYPE OF BATTLE IT IS, THE WINNING SOLUTION IS FIREPOWER. WHATEVER METHOD TO USE TO GET THE ADVANTAGE IN FIREPOWER IS A GOOD TACTIC. As long as you are doing things that provide you situations where you have a major firepower advantage you are good. no more advice needed.
  12. It might be the house has a problem more than the units. I have seen units not able to enter a home if the road elev has a slope and the door is partially blocked. So there is more than just one thing that could be causing the problem.
  13. There is the problem from the sounds of it. You are engaging the Germans at the perfect distance for them and not for you. German large guns are very accurate at longer rangers still because they have a higher velocity that the rounds still have little drop in them. Trying to blind them and still engage at them distances, is bad tactics. Relook at your situation and see if you can find a way to engage at closer ranges.
  14. As to the orig. question. I have never noticed anything unusual as to tanks missing shots too much. In general I think they have this modelled very well compared to other efforts in games. If you are missing as much as you are claiming, I would review what distances you are trying to engage with with what guns. I find no problem with allied tanks as long as you are in close enough to make a shot a likely hit.
  15. was still being taught when I was in the service, I thought "right" like I am going to expose myself to enemy tank fire by trying to shoot out its optics. But in WWII, likely not a bad choice in desperate situations.
  16. I am finding my machine is showing its age. RT I am finding to have too many Lag problems, Only noticed this with MG after installed, so I am forced to play only WEGO for the moment, no problems there. It functions well, even on the big maps. But 5 years on my machine, so I am not complaining. Getting excited to get a new one. It sure would be nice to know how to spec my machine to run BF the best possible way for the future. Any input out there.
  17. After reading this, I decided to play this vs the AI as the Brits on the elite level. Something I seldom do, prefer HtoH (but some scenario's are really designed for AI _ this one being a good example. I found it enjoyable and a good challenge as the Brits. Even with the AI that waste its units because it can only follow predone orders. I found I was hard pressed to stop the attempted probes by the enemy. Which was programmed well. testing each of my flanks and the center. There is no answer for the enemy Stugs unless you stop the infantry and watch them roll forward without support. In the end, I found I had stopped the enemy, still had my 6 pounder in some type of fighting order and had killed one stug, had another abandoned with the crew dead lying around it and one staying back watching us in overwatch. The enemy still had plenty of ammo and some men, I had about the same amount of men, but ammo very low for many units. It was a enjoyable battle Results were a draw. Brits ground 450 points targets 114 points 78 men ok 29 killed 34 wounded Germans Ground 625 points targets 66 points 58 men ok 88 killed 47 wounded I recommend playing the Brits vs AI to anyone
  18. My interest in this is ever since CMBN came out, HT's in general have been like swiss cheese to any type of fire almost at pretty good distances. Not just for the gunner but for the passengers also. And it has been said the ballistics and armor factors are very correct in this game. if these type of units provided such little protection, why even continue building them during the war. The steel could be cut back and the transportation lightened to have made it more mobile. Is it just because most of the units on the game are packing AP rounds and this is something that was happening at the end of the war and the units were more resilant to most infantry fire from the earlier war period or is there something else off. I know the squad leader series sure seem to make HT's hard to penetrate unless you had a large cal. MG and were with a pretty close in range while velocity was still high in the round. Close combat series also And even in the cmX1 series, they manage to take more punishment. So what happened that is more correct and is proving HT's to be a wasted source of materials by all nations that were using them by this point of the war, because trucks with tracks would serve their function better for what they are worth anymore if the game protrays them correct.
  19. Really, man am I getting old and Stupid. If that is what was happening, then I sure misread the interface.
  20. My way of using them also. Wait, let the infantry reveal enemy locations, then slide the track into place and pre assign area fire. They do pretty good if you limit their view to only one or a few enemy locations and get them firing first. They then can win the supression war. Everything else I have tried leads to dead men in the HT. But this tactic works even up close and personnal. but with hedgerows going away and more open ground in the future. The Ht will become even less effective as any type of support.
  21. Received a pbem game that my opponant updated. Heard the plane noise as others have reported, that is pretty common, did that the last time I upgraded also. But I have most of my units that were holding 1 or 2 faust now showing the number 30. (that is a load to carry) Should be interesting if true, Just let him try to send a tank my way. My men are on the motherload. But if it does see thirty. I wonder how far my unit will walk before it tires out. That would sure be a load, so what will the game do. I had this happen in one game before with the upgrade, but it was a campaign. so not the same issue really. but every man had a Brem for a weapon, just lasted that one battle, then everything went back to normal. Anyway, all those hearing planes, you might want to check your PF count on your infantry.
  22. DURING one of the updates I had a campaign where the Brits had every man carrying a Bren. Needless to say the Germans lost that battle, but after that, once I went to the next mission , everything worked fine and I never had any more problems. (I was glad, really did not want to start over and play the campaign again. Just some funny bugs that happen with the updates.
  23. slow is the command to use. If you think about it, slow for armor now works the same way hunt did in cmX1. The tank fire is accurate at slow, so it will engage and continue its attack. That is about all hunt did before except stopping while engaged. Hunt is good for moving amor at blind locations where stopping is the best move if enemy units are spotted. Like over a ridge or around a blind corner in the road, somewhere that might be best to stop and engage, or maybe reverse back out of sight with the next command. So hunt is good for that, whereas we had no good options for that before. So more commands would be good, but the present ones work fine if used with how they are designed.
  24. There is some old threads on this that are very good, discussing the make up of the British army and how to best use them. Check back to dates when CW first came out. The one major difference is that squads and companies just do not have the firepower you have while playing the Germans or Americans. But understanding how to play with the brems and stens can make for some fun new challenges. Best sniper team I have ever had was a Brit team, 2 guys both with sniper rifles. They had 22 kills and lived to tell about it. The firefly is great, the trick is do not use it with the rest of your armor, leave them hidden and as overwatch. When your other armor or infantry exposes a heavy german tank. Sneak them into place and hopefully get the first shot off. If you get that you will normally win the battle. then slide them back into hiding and do again. I find once the german knows I have fireflys, I can keep him in check if I can keep them alive. The best method of doing that is just as I pointed out. The back line of your forces, taking shoot and scoot tactics as neccessary.
  25. Here, I have a better thought. I want to start campaigning that they dont release it until Christmas, make all those that cannot wait go crazy. Plus it solves all the threads that pop up wanting something new from BF at Christmas time since they have time to use it then. So Please Bf, no matter the pressure. wait and make this mans misery complete and release MG at Christmas!!!
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