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Everything posted by slysniper

  1. Also keep in mind many of them disgruntled gamers you are referring to on some other sites. Own the game, play the game and have even posted additional stuff here to use with the game. Created scenario's and so on.. Now day's people just love to whine and say things thinking it will impact the outcome of what will happen with the game and its future development. Like saying stuff, hoping to get the price to drop ( Oh sorry, but really that is what I think your motive is) Anyway, Battlefront has been pretty good at ignoring most irrelevant comments and developing a game that works and sells to those that have the ability to see it for what it is worth. So, its time for you to make a choice, buy or don't buy. But continuing to debate your un-logical view as to the game not being worth the money is a good way to continuing to show a lack of intelligence.
  2. Converting from CMx1 to CMx2 games is not a easy task. But the first thing to remember is not to compare. There is many differences besides how you give commands or control the camera. I Found I had to re-address how to use my units and what type of commands to give them also. But the truth is, the CMX2 game plays much more realistically than the older games. Just be patient and remember to do proper things and the game will be rewarding. With time you will not think about the interface and how you have to use it, all that stuff becomes second nature with time. I don't even think about how I control the camera anymore, its just second nature.
  3. Oh, no, lets not start trying to encourage a font grog on the site - My heart might not take it.
  4. Its a great time frame also as to being different as to what is available for the armies. But its just a period and location that will not attract the masses. But I think it has a large amount of great battles that are available to play, but is sad it does not get the added support like some of the other games.
  5. They keep the price as is to keep people like you from buying and playing the game. Its a real elitist group with the price of the game so high. No bargain basement players here' Really, sad when someone cannot handle a one time cost to get a game that has some substance. And really, you know the price is really not that expensive.
  6. Really, if you don't like playing in the forest, then avoid them maps. But wanting designers to fit your concept of what a forest should be is a little self centered. As pointed out, it is just a terrain feature that is part of nature, at times it needs portrayed. And yes there are woods out there in the real world as thick and as boring as some designers can make them within the game. but again as has been mentioned, a good map designer can make a forest as interesting as anything else. But it takes time to craft a good map and there is plenty of designers not willing to spend that kind of time. I do give my thanks to those that do spend the time on their maps, there are some maps that are just beautiful as to their added touches, and that includes the efforts made as to the wooded areas
  7. I am not attacking you as to the previous comment. Just pointing out that if you feel you have insights, you should go ahead and share them. Holding on to insights does nothing as to helping educate the forum members, many of which really do lack much in depth knowledge on how to approach certain things within the game. Personally, if I can do or say something that makes another player better, that is great, because I want to play against people that have skills, There is plenty of players that have helped me improve, I feel I should do the same. Plus sometimes by posting how you do things will bring additional comments from others, sometimes bringing more insights as to ways to approach thing and can in return help you also. No, the only complaint I have is also with your post. I am a terrible speller myself, so misspelling a word is no offence to me. But your post are so bad, it is sad that you cannot even understand what you are trying to communicate at times. you have given the reasons multiple times, but really, you just tried to shared some of the tactics you believe work, but it is so unclear, that I could not comment if I wanted to.
  8. John, you look well on your way to becoming the CM cost grog. Ok, now lets get a 1000 users to send him all the use time for playing the game and all other cost inputs, like the drug and liquor used while playing.
  9. Well, since most of the players on this forum have no training at all in tactics. ( they have the money to buy the game) so they become company commanders or battalion commanders for the investment of $55 dollars. you should not expect many of them to have your great wisdom in the use of all the equipment at their fingertips. So it sounds like to me, you better start giving training as to the great insights you have as playing the Russians vs a American force. And it needs to be tactical training. (Not QB purchase decisions)
  10. IT MIGHT BE CHEAP ENTERTAINMENT, BUT WE SURE DONT NEED TO PROMOTE IT AS UNDER VALUED AND THAT PRICES CAN BE RAISED. ALSO AS A GAME COST GROG YOU ARE FALLING WAY SHORT ON THE COST TO PLAY VALUE. You need to at least also factor in your cost for your equipment and the cost of internet access if you are using it to play the game.
  11. Give the lads a mortar or two and be done with it. Or as Jons said, its fine, sounds like a good challenge for someone that knows how to play. The other suggestions do not sound like they will help much .
  12. I would not call that Misfortune About half of the men I served with did. Out of them, about a third had their lives messed up pretty bad or just mentally did not handle what they experienced. So, I was willing and felt I had my thoughts straight as to why I was serving my country. But I do not regret in the least that I did not need to use those skills.
  13. that's the type of Army you want to fight against. They take out their own equipment. But really, was this some type of race with tanks with different nations competing. if so, then I can see why they might be pushing the limits. ( but still not very good at judging what their limits were.)
  14. Well, one thing about many a sniper Mission. You are out past any friendly lines and if you are out of civilian areas, you at least know you are not going to accidently get friendlies with one. But what would I know, I sure never had to use my training for the real thing
  15. To this day I still think ASL is what helped make me into a engineer. - If you could understand those rules, you pretty much can learn to understand pretty much anything.
  16. Yes, they can be rigged with a trip wire also. We would use that at locations we could not monitor when set in our hides. We also practiced quick placement for a hasty retreat so that we could slow down or kill pursuit while we tried to get out of dodge. Of course most of my training was designed for 2 - 6 man teams, so having something to help provide defense or cover blind spots was very important
  17. Excellent post, you bring up a good point as to if this weapon should be in the game. All this time and I had not even thought about the fact that they were not in the game. But I look at them as a weapon that for sure would be used in any real conflict that would be taking place. I know for the real units I served in, we were given training to use them as part of our defense's when we were out in forward positions or on how to use then in the set up of defensive lines. But I do wonder what the present day soldier is taught and if they are available for them. As was mentioned, they do fall somewhat into a category that is outside a typical mine, so that is another interesting question. I am not sure what the US present stand on their use is. But if they are still available, no good Sniper should ever leave home without them. I always thought it was funny when I was in that we could use them but we were not allowed to use a shotgun type weapon of any type. Now think about that, does it make any real logic. (Or now with the automatic grenade launchers, really what is more improper as a weapon to inflict casualties). So the claymore likely has potential use in any real conflict as I see it. Also as a side note, I managed to get a chance at shooting a auto shotgun with a drum ammo clip while in Guatemala on vacation years ago. Now that is a weapon, I would love to have my hands on one. perfect close combat weapon.
  18. Man, BF better release something new real soon. When someone complains about leg length. We are getting way to bored and nit picky. Come on get something released quick before I start looking at this leg modeling issue
  19. How is this possible, I swear I have seen more tiger Tanks than the German army ever made within these games. Its like the only unit that way too many designers think they have to have within a scenario. I actually liked the fact it was not available in CMBN at first, Of course that just made the Panther the next overused unit for awhile. I always appreciated it when I come across a battle using some of the more uncommon equipment that is not so popular, it brings some interest into the engagement
  20. Played SL to death and rolled right into ASL. Played it, but the time and ability to do it kept decreasing. Then Close Combat came out and that was the about the end to using the games. By the time I was getting into BF games I knew I would never go back just was not fun anymore. Sold it all, pocketed the money while the price was good. (it will be interesting to see how long it holds its value.) Last battles I remember playing was some of the Japanese engagements. Finally figured out how to play the beach assault rules and did a few of them also. I loved a few battles that were in the deluxe sets. Plus it was much more enjoyable to play on those maps for the simple fact you could spread the counters out. Had the Stalingrad map one also, but never found that one as enjoyable as I thought I might. Just played some smaller battles on it and never even wanted to try a big set up. Anyway good times, but it is the past and I sure do not see it in the future.
  21. I think you will find by playing the demo, the two games do not play alike either. So the game tactics you used in CMX1 might not work well, in CMX2. I found myself quickly having to learn to change my play style because of how the game now functions. So expect a new steep learning curb to be able to play the CMX2 game. The good news with that is, It is actually a more realistic approach that is needed to be good at. So understanding sound tactical level aspects of combat can help when trying to play the game.
  22. What was the approach for entrée and exit. Was the grade lowered on one side
  23. That pretty much sums it up. In that I want the present option and a suggested second option as to how a crew should react. As a crew, you are correct in that you never know who is lazing you. But if all known threats that you know of are inferior targets, then Yes I am saying the basic doctrine in most armies is to eliminate the targets instead of popping smoke. This is combat, you don't pop smoke unless you are in likely danger or you don't know where the enemy is. Well, if what you see is a inferior enemy and you are being lazed. You should engage, not smoke and hide, just because there is a chance you don't see the real threat. But that is my view of it, plus this really still does not cover all situations. But it would be a improvement.
  24. You are likely correct as to what I am seeing within the games I am playing. Maybe you do have something there as to what you are seeing. Finding someone else that likes getting into this stuff should happen. Getting someone else to set up test and see if they are getting any unusual results also is somewhat of a must. Or at least you making a test that is good enough to share and get someone else and get their input also to if there is a issue.
  25. The 85 MM should not have a problem out to a 1000m if it is shooting APBC OR APCR, what is interesting is 85AP rounds have that shatter effect shown. But it is a window from 400 to 800 m, 800-950, it still hasa high level of penetration. So I guess my only question would be, what ammo is being used generally in the game for the T34/85. And what is the real results of the game performance
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