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Everything posted by hellraiser

  1. And the spring offensive begins... Moscow and the two cities above it, past the river, fall in quick succession, being only lightly defended. German shift their axe of attack towards Voronezh - Rostow area (Rostow being heavily fortified, is left alone...not for long though...) Meanwhile, Algeria, Tunisia and Yugoslavia fall rapidly...a little morale boost is never bad Allied air force bomb Antwerp port and some german cities on a daily basis By July 12, Voronezh falls, 2 red corps, 1 army , 1 tank destroyed. Luftwaffe and the sidekicks (1 it bomber, 2 it. AFs and 1 romanian AF) dominate. Meanwhile, italian navy + a german cruiser and a german sub, sailing from Gibraltar in an attempt to link up with the Kriegsmarine sailing from Kiel, encounter a US carrier and sends it to the bottom...a US corps in a boat is damaged as well.
  2. recognition from THE man himself ND, drinks'r on you! Pass that J&D bottle, ice and coke... The map and unit icons look very cool ... GJ ND!!!
  3. February 42 German troops refitted everything in Russia, in preparation for the spring offensive. USSR transfers siberian troops. Game postponed till tom night.
  4. Second turn of October - an ill fated russian counterattack aimed at destroying the Kharkow garrison fails and the attacking troops (lvl 2 tank + army) get killed. Germans have some luck with the weather - but it is irrelevant now as most of the units got upgraded during this turn. Red air force attacks a german army in the mountains at the iranian border - no damage. Meanwhile, germans bought the remaining allowed HQs and AFs. [ March 08, 2007, 01:21 PM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]
  5. First turn of september - USA joins. Germans surround Leningrad and Smolensk , army group South reach Kharkow. Germans get jets+3. Red baltic fleet destroyed. October 5, 41 Leningrad, Smolensk, Kharkow captured by germans - 2 red armies destroyed in the process. Germans have to stop a bit so the supply catches up + to refit/upgrade some units. Anyway the bad weather sets in
  6. Barby turn 2 German troops reach the marshes near Leningrad-Moscow area, surround Kiew and reach the outskirts of Smolensk. Southern soviet mines captured - Army group South will attack Kharkow soon. Iran DOW-ed and subdued (Bush gotta love me ) Finland joins. Russians are preparing fortifications near Rostow. Russian techs at the start of Barby are IW3 and AT1 (at least what I can spot right now)
  7. After getting Egypt and regrouping, germans attack and capture Syria but no Iraqi rebels so I will have to handle them iraqi the hard way... 2 RN BBs sunk in the Med near Malta. Middle of August 41: Barbarossa begins... German techs IW3, AT3, HT3 (tanks upgraded only to lvl 2), jets 2, LR 1 troops used - all tanks, 4 german AFs, 1 italian bomber, 2 italian AFs, 1 romanian AF, some armies and corps (errmm.. a lot of them), 3 HQs. Riga, Odessa, Minsk captured, german troops advancing towards Leningrad and Kiew. The same turn with barby, germans capture Iraq.
  8. Finally we managed to get the game rolling Mr. Preusse wants the good guys, so he gets them sep 1939 Axis use the aggro opening -> LC/Denmark fall in turn 2, Poland in turn 3. Turn 3 - german units are near Paris due to french commander failure to regroup in time near the capital. But this won't help Axis much because a combo of bad weather and ridiculous streak of minimum rolls prevents the germans from entering the city (defended by an army). Not that it matters much...but in march 40, Paris falls. Romania and Hungary acknowledge (at the end of 39, beggining of 40) that their future lies along with the 3rd Reich's After France, german troops obliterate the puppet state of Vichy and capture Spain. Meanwhile, sensing that opposition in Egypt may be light, an italian army cut off the suez strait and high tech german armies/corps advance and capture Alexandria destroying an army, corps and tank and trapping (with italian navy) the escape route of O'Connor HQ. Gibraltar captured as well. German techs at the end of 40 are IW3,AT2, HT1, LR1. Naval warfare was light, german atlantic sub escaped to Bordeaux and in the Med, a RN cruiser and a carrier were sunk and a BB crippled (parked in Malta currently) More to report soon... [ March 08, 2007, 11:23 AM: Message edited by: hellraiser ]
  9. damn everyone is talking politics these days...women and booze are more interesting... And this thing 'fighting for peace' is ridiculous...I will quote a US trooper in Iraq who recently said: 'fighting for peace is like f*cking for virginity' -> he couldn't be more right about it ...
  10. For Preusse: I finally received your reply -> So game will start today, either TCP or PBEM, Hellraiser Axis, Preusse Allies. btw, my ICQ no. is 161578956
  11. ports passing supply is a very nice feature and a very realistic one, imo.
  12. The game gets better and better every patch they release. Hubert likes to keep strong ties with the community, implementing a lot of suggestions from players, involving a lot of players in testing the patches pre-release. His skill and dedication further aided by the community support is a guarantee that whoever spends cash on buying SC2 will have a good, enjoyable and (very important) prolonged experience playing this game.
  13. wow, very nice game indeed ! GG to both of you guys! play Rambo and you'll most likely see weird weaponry come to life, whacky strategies and strange places to fight for...play Yoda and you'll want to uninstall SC2 and start playing counterstrike or something cuz nothing seems to work against his calculated gameplay Only in my current game vs Rambo, I noticed a strange behaviour of his Allies - in depth defence of Russia and only probing the western axis defences - not very typical for El Legende as I did not consider patience as one of his virtues...perhaps his 'Yodls' record served him well
  14. Calling out my opponent Preusse ! I mailed you dude, didn't get any replied yet. I noticed you wanted to play Thrawn's mod which I cannot agree with because, as good as it may be, you have too many units to move around and I really want to do other things besides playing sc2 I restate my proposal - std. 39 Fall Weiss (generally accepted for competitive play) - you pick your side, I really don't care about which side I'm gonna play. Let's try to get the game rolling or The Legendary Legend will kick us out from the tourney
  15. If you decide to go aggro on mid east minors you have to take care of at least several things: - defend Egypt heavily; - interdict the med area to axis by using perhaps more than 75% of the RN; - be careful with DOWs on syria, Iraq, Iran -> it pisses off Turkey and you can get a very nasty surprise sometimes. Axis will most likely invade the british isle but won't occupy London - hence no cash (no convoys) and no african capital = impossibility to place new uk units on the map (xcept london ofc ) It could be a valid strategy otherwise
  16. I guess you should send the save game to hubert. I think I mentioned this thing to him a while ago, perhaps it will be fixed in a future patch. another save game with this bug cannot hurt
  17. I guess you should send the save game to hubert. I think I mentioned this thing to him a while ago, perhaps it will be fixed in a future patch. another save game with this bug cannot hurt
  18. Baku, Tbilisi and Grozny will generate partisans when playing the AI, I think. In H2H they won't pop up. At least it is how I remember it.
  19. You have a point here, S.O., indeed. But this 'feature' is like many others in SC2: you dont get Smolensk too soon because it triggers the urals industry (in fact you surround it, leaving it unoccupied), you don't occupy Alexandria so readiness stay a few more turn down, etc - meaning you really need to read the scripts to have a chance. Back then, Smolensk was an important target - germans could care less about triggering I don't know what scripts - , we can all be sure that Rommel would have marched into Alexandria had he broken britsh resistance in Africa, without fearing a +10% increase in US/USSR readiness, etc. OTOH, I can understand that from the balancing point of view, these scripts are necessary but it cannot wash away the 'artificial' feeling I get about these things. Some will say about the current AAR: Terif did well, in a way he punished Jolly for abandoning England, which is very unrealistic. - definitely they'll have a point. some others will say - OMGWTF, Yoda was abussive with this move, total unrealistic, etc - they will have their point as well. Unfortunately, everybody is right, which kinda sucks
  20. Not occupying the capital in this case is gamey for sure - I foresaw this Axis' tactic when I first read jolly's first post in this thread. The temptation is simply too high for Axis to ignore - it practically knocks out UK while she is at the peak of her power with all those assets massed in Africa. Absolutely unrealistic, don't tell me the germans would have left a single inch unoccupied in the event of a succesful Sealion... Perhaps Hubert should look into this and implement the possibility to move manually the capital city (with some mpp costs associated perhaps). It is a matter of choice - if allies want Africa and the mid east, they will probably have to concede the isle - it is not bad for Germany as she is not directly threatened anymore, it is not necessarily good or bad for the Wallies - they bump their supply in that area but have a harder time to invade places with relevance for the war course.
  21. the AA thingy is kinda weird indeed - AA guns fire only when they spot bombers ... fighters can hit an upgraded resource without being shot back at by the flak... as for the unit sitting on the resource, it has some inherent AA defence, so it should be ok. Take this scenario: UK starts airraids over the french mine but only with fighters (knowing that the AA defence works only against bombers) - axis' reply is to place a unit directly on the mine, so fighters will hit the unit instead of the mine. Not very realistic indeed to place a corps sized unit to defend a mine against enemy fighters To add the defensive bonuses (AA+unit's air defence) would make it impossible to attack for enemy air - not good. The way the AA works against bombers should apply to fighters as well (perhaps at half efficiency - a reason would be that fighters fly faster, making it difficult to hit with the flak). Big industrial facilities, ports, mines, things like these were targeted mainly by the bombers - fighters were providing escort duties, rarely participating directly at the bombing. But in SC2, hitting the a/m stuff with experienced fighters makes a lot more sense than hitting with bombers especially if the enemy has AA2. And if the enemy places a unit on top - even better, they've just wasted a unit needed elsewhere as garrison
  22. tech sharing should be possible but with increased costs associated - say you can upgrade a finnish corps but it would cost more than upgrading a regular german corps (costs for transporting, implementing, technical support, etc).
  23. Defend Paris area, but do not leave Maginot for no reason. If jerry gets lucky and push forward too fast, only then reinforce Paris defences with M-line units. The ideea is to delay the germans until bad weather kicks in - this will allow you to keep Paris until february-april, sometimes longer, it all depends on the weather and how the axis' player manages his HQ attachments and throw his units into the battle. The tactical advices form the above posters are ok (tank in Paris, disband air, etc)
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