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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. When looking for 'Perfection!!!' ,... 'Thinking Too-Hard!!!' is a "Necessary Extrapralatory Course" required to achieve the desired outcome/result's!.
  2. "YODA SAYS!!!"... 'Perfect!' the "AI" may not be!, 'Better!' it will soon become!.
  3. "YODA SAYS!!!"... 'Perfect!' the "AI" may not be!, 'Better!' it will soon become!.
  4. Timskorn!: Glad to see that "Professional Explanation" of your's as to how the 'AI' is currently operating in 'SC2'!. I hope that your valuable insight will be considered to make the necessary adjustment's!.
  5. Timskorn!: Glad to see that "Professional Explanation" of your's as to how the 'AI' is currently operating in 'SC2'!. I hope that your valuable insight will be considered to make the necessary adjustment's!.
  6. The American's at that time were no-match for the German Panzer's!,...whose kidding who???, & 'Sherman-Tanks' in 41????,...'Nyet, Nein, Non, No!!!'. What would win anything for them is their overwhelming 'Air-Capability',...their 'endless quantities of Supplies' and their 'Overwhelmingingly Powerful Artillery' asset's!.
  7. SC3!... "Perhaps!???". There is still yet too-much to do with 'SC2!',...before getting 'too-excited' about SC3!. 'For-Instance',...im still hoping for an 'SC2-Pacific Theatre!' ,...as well as this creation might also incorporate the 'War in China!, Burma! and all the rest, as well as a perhap's,...not the so "Hypothetical Invasion Of AUSTRALIA! & India!". Then finish off the adventure with Past, Present & Future event's or situation's???.
  8. I too think that i can understand why the 'AI' is not some 'Miracle-Machine-Entity!' ,...however, in the Mod's & Scenario's for which it has been groomed for, i think that it does a fairly good job!. Of course, 'Some-Engineered-Maverick-Situation' can expose it's "weaknesses!" , i don't see why that could not be done!. 'AI' development & programming is no simple task,..."and i don't speak from personal-experience", it's just 'common sense logic' where im coming from!. However!,...'who'_'whomever' can master the "AI", will give "King-Midas" a run for his money!. NASA might even be calling at your door!, never-mind the gaming industry!.
  9. Minty!: ...Original Quote By 'Minty!'. Napoleone' Bonaparte already was envisaging such a plan, as well as he was thinking of using Flotilla's of Baloon's ferry troops over to England!.
  10. An idea just occurred to me!, and that is, why-not have "different levels of 'Research' ", expensed out at more realistic [iNCREASING] levels, other-than 'one fixed price' for every segmented level of continuing research & development in a particular disipline!. Whot You Say???.
  11. Even Though The "A-Bomb" was developed in WW2,... in actual reality, the U.S. only had enough Uranium for the 'Nagasake' & 'Hiroshima' Bomb's!, after that...as far as i know... they were 'kaput!!!'. So,...to be realistic, 'A-Bombs' should be a slim to non occurrance!.
  12. Im a '53 year old kid' and i am not dissapointed in how much of a 'Kid' i am!. I will NEVER!!! stop playing these games!,... NEVER!!!.
  13. Well...your intention's sound fine!, 'but' as for myself, i prefer to have included what is going to make a "difference", or what can be "useful", rather than just including something "just for fun!".
  14. What about a General-Patch to resolve that Disparity-Malfunction?.
  15. Im not offended GhostRider3/3 ,...it's not the fighting-men's fault, most of them were just caught up in the moment of the 'Raging-Storm' of the unfolding-event's!. What i really personally admire, is the 'Leadership', the 'Skill', the 'Disiplined Training' and the 'Zealous-Commited-Driving-Force' of the Troop's commited to the task at hand!. The Allies, and the Axis all had their moment's in this regard. But!,...i am still of the Opinion ['Right or Wrong'], that the German Armed Forces are 'Under-Rated' in this game!.[some-one!,...prove me wrong!...if you want too!.] I also almost alway's like to play the losing side most of the time ["Nearly all the time"],...since i derive the greatest satisfaction from accomplishment, especially where it was most difficult to achieve that said-accomplishment!.
  16. GhostRider3/3...Im no 'Nazi-lover', but i have to agree with you!. The Germans seem to be somewhat 'UnderPowered' in most MODS & Scenarios,...and too much equalization of equipment lethality is given to Technologically 'inferior equipped forces', which makes historical historicity very-difficult!.
  17. I think that "Repairing" a damaged unit & "Upgrading" that damaged unit could take place at one and the same time instead of two separate phase's which would cost around 1-month's time!. Perhap's,...just perhap's, "Elite-Units" Upgrade could as well be completed with the concurrent "Repairing & Upgrading" Session???.
  18. I may be wrong!, but i don't think that they are no-longer-interested!,...it's just that they might have had to deal 'way too much!',...with too-many 'Slope-Headed-Morons' for their own personal ability to keep taking it!... [brain-Dead-Moronic-Guff] anymore!. An intelligent individual, with 'Facts & Figures' to prove their point or argument is one thing!, but a brainless moron who lives in a make-belief-fantasy-world of total unreality is quite another matter!. So, when they have had enough of moronic insanity,...they dissapear!.
  19. Keep up the 'Great-Effort' "Honch!",... we appreciate your 'Diligent-Dedication' to your Creative Work's!.
  20. "Magnificient Retooling Work on Submarines" & "Naval Warfare!"... being done here!. Im no 'Naval-Buff',...'never-the-less' i am still greatly encouraged by this naval aspect retrofit as well as by the other improvement-development's in this game!. 'SC2-WaW', or it's variant, will very-likely become a 'Flag-Ship-Game' for many of us!. Someday, a 'War in the Pacific' game will hopefully surface!. "Pacific Theatre" Naval Mechanic's will need to be properly reflected there, as they would not be exactly the same as in the "European Theatre".
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