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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. Hello Blashy!: I readily 'Concur' with your statement!... "
  2. pzgndr!,...im glad that your not leaving for good!,...you have accomplished much here!,...pat yourself on the back!. See if you can find out what's going on in the real-world! [We!,...outsider's are handicapped when it comes to finding out what is really happening out there!],...im interested in having current world situation's put into gameplay!. I like WW2 situation's and as well as other situation's that go further back!. However!!!,...i am now eager for more up-to-date current World-Situation's!. Im not a modder yet!,...maybey when i retire in a few year's!,...but...right-now,...i just don't have time for it!.
  3. Hello!..."JerseyJohn!",...What 'Terribly-Interesting-Concept's' that you bring out here!. I personally think that they have 'Great-Promise'!...[Navar Haer Dat Before!]. Anyway!,...i take a peek from time to time to see what 'Witches-Brew' is stewing away in the pot!. Do keep it up!,...i may be forced to "Comment" again!.
  4. At least your making an 'Effort!!!',...'HURRAY!!!'. Im going to download it shortly!.
  5. What you propose sound's interesting Armuss!,...but after a few beer's im having difficulty undertanding the full ramifications and thrust of your proposal!. Can you please elaborate for us 'Laymen!'.
  6. Hello 'User73'...YES!!!...i was frantically seeking resolution and did just exactly as you stated...I attacked Tunisia & then Algier's...and..."WaLaa!!!"...FRANCE-FINALLY-FELL!!!...i got something like 1600MPP as compensation!. I got it just as the Russians were declaring war on me in the merry month of May!. I was just able to hold my ground by sacrificing RESEARCH_REPAIRS_DIPLOMACY and put everything i had into purchasing more unit's for the oncomming onslaught!. By-the-way!...even before Japan Declard War on The-United-States [Dec 1941]...the Russians & Japanese declared a Non-Aggression-Pact,...then that turn or the very-next-turn...the Dreaded SIBERIAN-TRANSFER took place!. This was 'Just-Great' as i was fighting tooth-claw & nail to scrape up enough troops to hold the Commies back!.
  7. Yes!!!...there are many-fan's of SC1...that might just need to be catered to...especially for 'Head To Head' play!. Personally i prefer SC2 and it's Ongoing Continual Evolutionary-Improvement's & i have no-interest at all in 'HvH' gaming!. However!,...for those to whom it is important!,...cannot they be accomodated?..."Jersey John" is certainly a thunderous advocate of making a 'New-Improved-SC1'!. So!...if your listening 'John'!!!...please 'Speaketh Forth'!!!. ~The 'Squeeky-Wheel' just might get the 'Grease'!.
  8. "I know that you believe you think that you understood what you think i said!"..."However i'm not sure you realize that what you heard is not what i meant!". Got-It!!!.
  9. Whynot...have the option to play either-way!,..."Tiles or Hexes???". I am comfortable with either!,...and the angled-view is just fine with me,...if your 'Cross-Eyed!'...for example,...then...the 'Angled-View' might 'Bend-Your-mind!'.
  10. Yes!!!...at first this "Forum is Confusing!!!"...and still is somewhat,...i will agree to that!. I would prefer to just see the titles of all these forum's listed clearly,...then to select the one i wish to be in...without distractions.
  11. Thank-You!...for the correction 'Gorgin!'. Now!,...back to the creator of this EUROPEANTHEATRE_ME 1.24!. I am playing the Axis,...i almost alway's play the losing side or the side that should have lost!. Anyway!,...after taking 'France!',...There is no MPP-Booty???...'Vas Ist' Loss Mein-Herr???'. Because of that situation, i will now be unable to build up my forces for the assault on Russia,...and will be too-weak to defend myself from the usual "too-early" Allied Invasion of France in 1943!. That deficiency need's to be corrected!. Navar See Dat Before!!!. To reiterate from a previous posting of mine!,...Mispelled Names!. KURSK not KRUSK VOROZNEV not VORONEZ SMOLENSK not SMOLENSKO KHARKOV not KARKOV
  12. The V2 was especially prone to failure,...as it was being built by 'Slave-labour'!. Some Russian prisoner's were hung up from the underground cavern's cieling for urinating on delicate precision component's!...in order to render them inoperable!. Other Prisoner's [Welder's]...would purposely not weld the frame-work or whatever-else properly in order to as-well cause the V2 to fail!. There were many prisoner's doing their own thing, however they could, to assist in foiling the German V2-Programme'!. As far as how to get these idea's to work in the game,...well again...get 'Hubert' to make recommendation's on that subject-matter!.
  13. User73!...i want to make a request of you,...only if you are the creator of this EUROPEANTHEATRE_ME 1.24!. To make SPELLING-CORRECTIONS if & when this game is upgraded the next-time!. I am very much looking at what i think is the MISSPELLING of Cities & Town's!. A few examples in 'Thrawns-Map'...are!... * Amsterdam is labeled...'Amsterdamn'?...why is it called 'Damn'?. * Rotterdam is labeled...'Rotterdamn'?...why is it called 'Damn'?. * Wilhelmshaven is labeled...'Wilhelmshafen'?. * Beruit is labeled...'Beyrouth'?. * Bucharest is labeled...'Bukarest'?. I have just listed a few examples to give you or someone the idea here!,...and that is...that the spelling or labeling of these Town's & Cities...could possibly be corrected with their names spelled properly!. Other than that, im liking the 'Media-Files' in this & other games made by the Modder's!. I would even like to go a step farther, by putting in short [3-5 Second]...video showing for example the Victory-Parade of the German-Troops marching through Paris under the 'Arc De Triumph'! [Did i SPELL that correctly???]. Anyway...some short Video Animation would be a welcome treat,...but!...of course it would be preffered if it was an 'OPTION' as some player's would perhap's...not like anything like that to interfere with their time-schedule for game-playing!.
  14. ORIGINAL QUOTE...by...'SeaMonkey!'. "So Moon/HC, are we talking PTO here?" Response!: "DO-I-EVER-HOPE-SO!!!".
  15. Hello Blashy!!!: I am greatly encouraged by your comment that 'Normal-Dude!!!' is working on a Massive Map Campaign depicting ITALY!. I played a game dealing with ITALY from???...Avalon Hill???...who know's anymore???. Anyway it was intense!!!,...as many German Divisions were rushed into ITALY from Russia & Europe at the beginning of the Campaign to sweep the 'American & British' Dog's from Italy,...and then later,...as the Russian [Eastern-Front] became more desperate,...many unit's from Italy were redirected back to the Eastern Front!. Or!!!...so...that is how i recall that information from over 20 to 30 year's ago...when i knew it much better!.
  16. The ONLY dissapointment level i have!,...is...that I NEED 'More-Games'!...to satisfy my need's!. I'm a WW2-Buff!,...and so for starter's would like to see "War In The Pacific!",...also...Campaign Games such as "Battle For Italy!",...where the game SPECIALIZES with Predominately 'ITALY!'...and other's such as that!. Including!...some Modern Situation's & Ancient Historical Situation's...Such as ... 'The Middle East'...Past & Present!...Ancient-Rome, Greece-->[Vrs SPARTA_Vrs PERSIAN-EMPIRE] the 'Conquistadore's ' from Spain making their rampages through Central & South-America!...and so on!.
  17. Defiler!!!... 'Blashy!!!' "YOU!!!"... a revered Beta-Tester for SC2!...not purchasing 'Patton Drives East' when it was 1st-released...is "UNTHINKABLE???". Aside from my cajoling!,...im glad you bought the game!,...it's more 'WICKED' to play than SC2 & SC2_WaW!...or so i think so!. We need more games!,...i can't seem to get enough of them!. Id like to delve into more specialized conflict's dealing with...for example!...'The Battle For Italy!'...and so on!. I'd like to use up all or most of the available 'Map-Space' for such creation's...to better help explore that conflict!. I'd also like to see some adventurous creators make more modern simulations...like for example dealing with the 'Arab-Israeli-Wars' to the present time...with Iran...who's representative leader is 'Mahmoud Amadinejad'...who may just be a modern-day-Hitler for the Muslim cause!. He want's to create a New-Muslim-Empire including Egypt, Syria, Turkey, Palestine, Iraq, and what-ever-else. He want's Israel effaced from the surface of the Earth!,...and he want's the American's out of the Middle-East!. Anyway!,...this was my chance/opportunity to say my mind!.
  18. I haven't yet seen that one myself on my computer's!. Very-Strange?. 'Hubert' will surely be along soon...to help you out!.
  19. SeaMonkey!...sound's like a 'Terrific-Idea!!!',...i would have never have thought of that!.
  20. Im not really a studied WWI-Buff!,...but i believe that at least on one occassion...the British were able to muster something like over 300-Tanks for a major offensive_assault against the German's!,...and that those tank's were instrumental in forcing the German-Line to collapse!. For those who have the passion-drive & interest,...check it out!.
  21. Were all waiting to find out more about this game!,...it looks like it's a vast improvment over the old EMPIRE & EMPIRE II game that i bought in/at around 1984-1985!. I had endless...great-fun with it!.
  22. Excellent information 'Sir-Gridley!'. I hadn't known that the British were using misinformation to confound the German's!. I would have figured that the German's would have had their own agent's on the ground to confirm the impact sites!.
  23. Interesting Premis that has never crossed my mind before!. "Say-Whot!!!"...a 'NEW-IDEA' for a Hypothetical-Military-Study in the game!.
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