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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. That,...i myself cannot answer!,...someone more aquainted with the 'Turkey' & it's Dressing will need to explain that one!. 'AS..."Flip-Wilson" used to say!,..."What You See Is What You Get!".'
  2. All in the Choir say...Amen!!!... Unfortunately that belligerant-nonsense has not yet ended so far!,...and may yet ultimately be the cause of WWIII!.
  3. ...In other word's ..."Houston!!!...We Have a Problem!!!...A MAJOR MALFUNCTION!!!"
  4. Agreed!!!. The 'Cat' got out of it's bag here!...and the only way to get it back in is ..."Kicking - Screaming & Clawing". Meaning:...That a 'Great-Product' has been unleashed on all of us unsuspecting mankind, and it will not be buried alive without a vicious 'Battle-Royale'!.
  5. JerseyJohn!!!... """Great Absorbing Write-Up"""!!! on WW2 Theory! [Great Start For a Possible Movie???...as the Great-Writer in YOU rises here to the surface!]. But!!!...Since im also a 'Spelling-Freak' i noticed that the correct spelling for 'Alsace-Loraine' should be...'Alsace-Lorraine'...?Minor Infraction?, however,...since my Ancestor's came from there,...your rendering stood out like a 'Sore-Thumb'...to me-at-least!.
  6. Wanted to know if any-one-else was interested in "Specific Battles"...in Greater-indepth-Detail???...perhap's such as "Stalingrad",..."Tobruk",.."Eban Emal",..."Battle For Berlin",..."Leningrad",..."Operation Crusader",..."Kursk",..."Sicily",..."Battle For Britain",...as well as other's i can't think of at the moment!. These would be a refreshing diversion from the regular 'Campaign' Modules that we have, some of these have been attempted, but...i think can be done better still!.
  7. I too am with SeaMonkey on a Strategic Level game on the Pacific!, i have so expressed this very same yearning many times before!. This game, if it is made, should concentrate only on the 'Pacific' theatre of Operation's area!. Depending on the Map-Size it may or may not be able to contain much of North America?...or Australia for that matter!. What is really needed here i think is an ability to 'Blow-Up/Expand' a small-speck of an Island so that opposing force's can fight it out![Perhaps Operational Zones will be needed to make this game work???...encompassing only a certain amount of Pacific Theatre Area?..for each Zone!]. This way, the Historical Island Hopping Campaign can be fully played out [Which would be...Battles for control of the Island in question]!. How many Islands were ever attacked at one time?,...not too many i would think [Only so many resources to go around], so...if what i say has any truth to it, the game could limit how-many Island's could be under contention at any one time,...if too many Island battles are going on at the same point in time,...it could bog the game down?!?!. [ June 24, 2007, 06:00 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  8. I bought both & intend to 'Buy' everything & anything else that comes out of this factory!. We have only just begun here!,...from my point of view!,...there is just so much more ground to cover!.
  9. Yes!!!... I Second That!,... "VERY GOOD TO HEAR"!!!.
  10. Yes!,...Very-Splendid !. We are definetely headed in the right direction here!,...now what about some Weather Sound-Effects for 'Rain', 'Winter-Blizzard-Storms', 'Sand Storms',...'Tumultuous-English-Channel-Weather-Storm-Sound-Effects' that could hint at/signal a possible upset of an invasion effort attempt?.
  11. The 'Quiet' before the STORM!!!' ...Then they come out ..."Kung-Foo Fighting...as quick as Lightening"!. ...'Like a Coiled-Serpent'!.
  12. jon_j_rambo Thank's for the offer to send me pictures, sure!...i'll take a look at them, i'd really like to see them,...as i still have wood left over after clearing the property [in KITIMAT]!. By the way i gave most of the wood from the felled tree's to the neighbor's as i am now putting in a 'Geo-Thermal' heating system which will then compress [by mean's of a Compressor] the underground ambient heat from (~ Approximately) ~39F to ~160F [Even when its -20F outside in the Winter] which will then heat my 'Domestic Hot Water Supply as well as my Radiant Floor Heating Fluids]. Please send pictures to retributar@hotmail.com
  13. True n0kn0k ...to a degree what you say is true!,...too-much detail/realism can make the game a nightmare!. However, whatever is done [Regard's Realism/Detail/Micromanaging] it should done so as to not detract from being able to easily play the game!. YET!!!...i personally do derive satisfaction from as much 'Realism' and or usefull micromanaging as can be incorporated without 'Oversalting' the meal...as it were!.
  14. You've got some good "Heavy-Thinking" figured out on this matter 'J P Wagner' ,...i-too would like to be able to as well play the original's or also have the option to play the 'Expansion-Pack' without having to 'Give-Up' the Original-Games!.
  15. Meee-Tooo!!!...that goes as well for me too...all the same thing's that 'jon_j_rambo' said!!!....it's just that i'll have to have it sent to a friend's place in the meantime [in KITIMAT, British Columbia],...since...so far only the foundations/& Concrete Slab with Radiant Floor Heating of my house W/Dbl Garage and 24ftX40ft Detached Garage W/Office-Kitchenette & Full-Bath are just being poured about right-now!.
  16. Is that like for example drinking 'Fake/Imitation Beer'...'so-like' i can fantasize that im having a supposed Beer anyway,...even though im really not???. So that i can then pretend to enjoy the 'Beer' experience without risking becoming an 'Alcoholic'!???. ...??? "Great Flying Leaping Lizard's"...what a bunch of Horse-Puckies. If i want a non-realism game...then i'll play 'Mario-Brothers'!!!...or something!.
  17. Yeahhh!!!...'Im JOE SCHLUNCK THE MIDGET',..."Walking Tall!...but Feeling Small!"...especially when i think i know something!...about something?, but in reality know nothing about the 'known-Unknowns'!. I know that you believe that you think you understand what you think i said, but im not sure that you realize that what you heard,...is not what i meant!.
  18. targul!,... go to the very top of this page and click 'search' ,...put in... Malta ...then search it!. There are many explanations given for how to take Malta!. In short, lot's of assembled airpower will be needed as well as Naval assets to take out Malta!. Use your Battleships & Cruisers to bring down the Port-Strength to '0',...as this will help reduce effective reconstitution of the Garrison on the Island. No Amphibious or Airborne assaults are possible here!,...when the Garrison is finally neutralized, send an Amphibious force over to Malta to 'Occupy' it!.
  19. At least in the case of D-Day & WW1!,...it took place for the right reasons!. Unlike the some of near catastrophic mis-adventures taken on by the feeble-minded / grossly misinformed!.
  20. Im extremely anxious...to try out the "Medeterranean Theatre' " as well as the Airborne Invasion of Crete [kreta],...or even specifically..."The Battle For Italy" [Which on a very large map...would be ever so cool!!!_This should include all of the 'Historical' reinforcement's as well as withdrawl's which were for the Eastern Front [including all of the Historical Defensive Lines used to slow down the Allied advance] as well as perhap's emergency reinforcement's that were sent to Europe (IE: Normandy Invasion)!.],...and or even some full scale recreation's of the Desert Fox's exploit's in North-Afrika!.
  21. The "Panther"...was built due to deficiencies in German Tank design,...as the 'Russian' Tank's proved to be of superior design...and robustness as they held up well to the German Tank's. So the 'Germans' incorporated 'Russian' tank design features into their new tank(s) in order to try to regain dominance in this weapon sector!. The wide tank-treads were already borrowed from the Russian's [This made the heavy tanks better able to negotiate mud-snow-& wetland areas] and was therefore made a reality in the 'Tiger-I',...then in addition to the wide tank-tread feature, the sloped armour was incorporated into the 'Panther' tank. OHHH!!!... I forgot to mention that the 'Russians' also had taller Bogey-Wheel's to hold up the Tank-Tracks which had the real benefit of much more ground clearance [Great for Snowy area's and as well as more clearance from the muddy roads...which could cause a lower clearance vehicle to get bogged down in]!. [ May 31, 2007, 06:08 PM: Message edited by: Retributar ]
  22. Quote...by -'Unknown!'-, ..."He who laugh's hard!,...has not yet heard the bad news!". & "Never Get Mad!,...Just Get Even!".
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