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Everything posted by Retributar

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OVVdSX_gDH0&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=28fdcrCPJdw&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2OnSuVtfeA&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C25oDdiwsJQ&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_D3tWILNEM&feature=related & http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hhd7PD8EGJg&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REi0lEQVVWs&feature=related
  2. Why are 'Editing-Tools' not available here?. I am UNABLE to edit my 1st-message!.
  3. I admit!...some of this material is too-far-out!. I didn't create-it or make it up!,...it's publically available!. I don't believe in Nazi-U.F.O's,...however...this material doesn't go-away!.
  4. Here is a 'Tantalizing-Video-Clip' showing just how far-advanced that the JAPANESE AIR-FORCE was on the verge of becoming!. I have seen similar presentation's such as this and various other program's depicting this information. Bonus!...will include link's to other WW2 YOUTUBE_WW2 Video-Clip's as well!. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FQ9pVjznNJw http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ff0Jtn1ti80&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=by3Q2jzeJKY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=APCLx0q34RE&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/results?search=related&search_query=V3%20secret%20weapon%20nazi%20rocket%20bunker&v=APCLx0q34RE&page=2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lExTqblIH_8&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tziqNzFxarU&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OmwSAhrZgbQ&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qs-WxcW6K_c&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gLDtLN8cySY&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oy1xdWvIFU4&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uSrfp_uJiik&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4BHiRz9QSIc&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cl3D-c83tAI&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FTOGceoXNPU&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GDInZ9dU7SU&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yb-oXaaWqXk&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=luAocCPOy18&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BdkjQRIcSxM&NR=1 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gZWbsaaWew&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HNF11eeOxlQ&NR=1
  5. _________________________________________________________________________ QUOTE: by...justanotherwargamer1... Damned near impossible to win as Japan. Requires the Japanese player to make choices the Japanese high command would never have allowed in the real thing. _________________________________________________________________________ This is the 'EXACT-TRUTH!!!'... . The Japanese High-Command [ARMY & NAVY] were at "eviceral-odd's" with each other!, vying for control for the material resources_manpower_the direction of the war_as well as for 'Power' to make the decision's as to how the war would be fought!. This 'Internecene-Conflict' made it very-difficult for the Japanese to have a co-ordinated war effort to beat back the Allies!. Of course it would be easier to win as the JAPANESE...if there were virtually 'No-Coflicts' in the 'Japanese High Command',...but!..."reality was in-fact...another matter!". This 'INTERNAL-COMMAND-CONFLICT'..."Need's To Be Written Into The Game!!!", to add this REALISM-ASPECT!...as this was the 'Achilles-Heel' of the Japanese Armed-Forces in WW2!.
  6. Yes!!!...this is indeed 'Heatening-News!'. BUT!!!...how can it be possible to implement this project_on this scale_with such a restricted Map-Size?. We can only get Europe & portions of Africa & the U.S.A. into it!.
  7. I'm Personally!,..."All-For-It!!!",...YES!!!...i would say [Though...It's Not My Postion To Say-So!]...that...this game should try to cater to the need's of the many of the fold as possible!. The more rounded out the appeal is for this game!,...the longer it will continue to be a force in 'Military-Gaming'...and in conclusion!,...it will be good for all concerned!. Even if this mean's UPDATING SC1 with suggested improvement's for those who still need to have the use of that creation!.
  8. TRANSLATION!!!... [Weird] = Feeble-Minded-Mental-Midgets,...Slope-Headed-Drooling-Morons,...Knuckle-Draggers!... = Living-In-The-Past!!!...with 'Micro-Mind-Mentallity!'.
  9. I just checked the VIDEO,...and for me, at least, it worked perfectly-well!. I have no Techinical-Reason why it would not work for you 'Gorgin?',...perhaps...a required 'Video-Player' is needed to make the play-back possible?.
  10. I Believe-So "Kuniworth!",... I Myself Would Like a fine-tuned-eviseration [Repeatus-Uninterruptus] of the mix of the two-game's to REALLY-SEE...where the MAJOR-DIFFERENCES are!.
  11. "CSS & thetwo!!!",... Exceptional-Reporting-Work by the both of you!!!. We-Need-More-Of-This-Type-Of-Contribution!!!. I am getting an education out of it!. We need the REAL-REASON'S why the JAPANESE went to war with the U.S.A. ... and how they eventually went to war with the U.S.A.!...in order to make this game..."LIVE!"..to be "ALIVE",...& to be as 'REAL' as possible to the 'Game-Player-Participants!'.
  12. I am weak in this phase of the understanding of Japan's Invasion of China!. However, i think that i can see that if the Japanese would have overextended their involvement in China, perhap's by even locking horn's with the Russian's in Manchuria, that the initial beginning's of War with the U.S. could have been moved up to a later-date [Depending on Prior Objective commitment's,...& other involvement's]...or have been entirely avoided???. Not only that!,...but because the Japanese were in China & the surrounding region's [burma?][also...Bridge-Over-The-River-Kwai!], Merril's-Marauder's [under the Command of Gen.-Stilwell?]...had to foray/sally-forth out!...to 'contain' the 'Japanese-Expansion' that was directing itself toward India?. So there is a potentially combustible-mix here!,...if the Japanese had successfully ventured into 'India!',...how could that have/would that have affected the Pre-WW2-PACIFIC THEATER situation?.
  13. Even 'I' was momentarily stirred!!!/stunned!!!. Need some of this action in the games themselve's, especially when milestone acheivement's have been achieved!. Such as...Conquering Berlin,...Allied Victory at the 'Battle-Of-The-Bulge',...D-Day Landings,...Destruction of the 'Afrika-Korps' in North Africa!,...Conquest of Paris & Rome!,...Stalingrad!,...and so on!. These addition's,...i think would just make the game 'Come-Alive!',...it would in some sense,...start to take on a personality of it's own,...mezmerizing you into another realm of reality!,...that would just make you thirst for more!.
  14. Im just grateful that we have anything at all to begin with!. Let's worry about calling down EVIL upon the game after we have given it a shot first!,...instead of immediately...plunging into 'Pre-Judging' it!. Im sure that...as alway's,...improvement's will be made!.
  15. I can't believe that this is actually happening!!!. I had lost-hope!. Anyway!..."HURRAAAHHHH!!!" for 'WAR IN THE PACIFIC!'. I wan't my COPY_'IMMEDIATELY!!!'. I have still not or have not been able to make a final conclusive judgement on 'TILES!'. So-Far!,...to me,...i can't find anything really disturbing about them!.
  16. Hello SeaMonkey!: What an 'Inspirational-Move' you have done here!. Later-On, if possible...perhap's resequence your new-creation for Solitaire-Play!. "Im-Excited" over this new-creation!.
  17. J P Wagner!: I'ts been a particularily long time ago since i played any game that took 45-60 minutes to do a turn!. Where are these long-winded-games?. Anyway, if i were developing a game, i would make direct contact with 'Hubert Cater,...and ask him what it would be that i would need to do in order to create a game that can run at an acceptable time-frame for each turn played by the 'AI'!. I am finding that it seem's that all of the recent creation's by many Modder's are taking an acceptable/reasonable amount of time to do the turn when it's the 'AI's turn to do it's move!. At any rate, perhap's start a new topic about this problem & see who can offer some useful tip's to help you out!.
  18. I am personally not finding the time it takes the 'AI' to do it's thing as any kind of a problem!. However!,...since this continues to be an issue for many other's,...perhap's utilizing the Duo-Core & soon to be Quad-Core Capability in these Computers...can be a solution-area/possibility...so that we can then be able to contend with this vexing matter???.
  19. I will not argue the above comment's!, but i too have played hex-games since i was 10-years old!,...yet i have had no trouble at all phasing into this Grid-Style_SC2-Game!. Personally!,...i like both!. But! as an extra mention,...i especially really like/prefer the 3D-Graphic's!. One-Day!,...if it ever comes to be or occurs where we can play the same game in either Grid or Hex Mode,...that will be the day that we could then really do a fair comparison of either concept!.
  20. I'm playing some 'User-Made-Mods'...and am finding that the 'AI' could very-likely be 'Much-More-Effective' against me if it would just allow it's 'Invasion-Force-Body' to 1st accumulate/Build-Up sufficient-forces to make an initial invasion!. Let's just say for starter's,...that perhap's around 12-different unit's make up, or are assigned the initial ground assault task [such as a Beach-Invasion in France],...and that as well,...depending upon on how the modder want's to set up his game for whichever nation,...that he could not only set up the parameter's for the initial invasion,...but also set up the AI's protocol for the follow-up or support landing's to assist the initial group of Beach-Head force's as well as maybey even as far as setting up the number's or allotted number of unit's to be set for the 3rd wave of Beach-Head forces. To make it simple,...this is what im trying to say: ---Before the 'AI' would be permitted to assault occupied-France,...it would 1st need to muster, for instance...12-unit's [Of Various Types] for the initial assault!. The following turn,...perhap's,...depending on how the invasion programme is written,...the 'AI' would then be required to be able to provide between 4 or 6 more unit's for the follow-up assualt for the Beach-Head landings!. Now!!!...just maybey,...if surplus forces exist or can be mustered,...a 3rd-Beach-Head-Assault-Wave could be set up for,...for perhap's as an example...2 to 4 more unit's....for a total of... 1st-Wave: 12-Unit Initial Invasion Force!. 2nd-Wave: 6-Unit Follow-Up Invasion Force!. 3rd-Wave+: 4-Unit Follow-Up Invasion Force!. -------------------------------------------- Grande Invasion Unit Total: 22-Unit's I make this suggestion, because too-many user made games have included...small groups of units trying to invade France, for example!. These Tid-Bit Invasion Sorties are all too-easy to chew-up & Destroy!. So!,...im just saying, that if the 'AI' is going to be programmed to make Ground Assaults on France!,...that they only do so in Force, or only use follow up assualts only if a City is captured,...that can then be used for supply purposes or used as a port to 'SUPPLY' the new invasion forces!. Otherwise...every 2nd or 3rd turn,...2 or 3 unit's try to land on the shores of Enemy-Held-Territory...and subsequently get chewed up to ribbon's for no acheiveable purpose at all!. What good is that???,...it acheives or accomplishes nothing!!!. It then becomes just a Waste-Of-Resources!!!.
  21. The "ONLY-THING!" that you may have to get used to when you wear 'Olive-Greens'...is that now...your 'New-Name' will be whispered...as...'Now...They Call Him "CAMOUPHLAGE!".
  22. I may have an idea here!. What if both sides have Winter Penalties during the Winter Months!. FOR THE RUSSIANS/ALLIES!: [in RUSSIA]: *RUSSIANS: 25% reduction in Land-Movement-Rate!. *RUSSIANS: 50% Replacement-Rate/turn [Whole-Number-Amount] of the original deficiency until replacement losses are made up so that the unit is again at full-strength!. EXAMPLE: RUSSIAN-UNIT is now at 3-Strength Points!. 10-3=7 Strength Point Loss!,...Therefore...a...Whole-Number-Amount...is '6' Dived by '2' = 3. Carrying this on further,...it would now take 3-turn's for this particular unit to be able to fully replace it's losses!. *1st-Turn_Original Strength of 3 + 3 = 6 Strength Point Recovery. *2nd-Turn_Previous Recovered Strength of 6 + 3 more unit replacement's for a Strength Point Recovery of 9!. *3rd-Turn_Previous Recovered Strength of 9 + 1,...for a Strength Point Recovery of 10!. FOR THE AXIS!: [iN RUSSIA] *AXIS: 50% reduction in land movement rate!. *AXIS: 25%/Turn_Strength-Point-Recovery!. The RUSSIANS did have the ADVANTAGE in WINTER-CONDITIONS!. The GERMAN'S had major-problems!. German Artillery & Mechanized Equipment "FROZE-UP!" and was usually INOPERABLE!,...Whereas the RUSSIAN'S had already developed special Lubricant's for 'Winter Use' to allow them more freedom of movement [ENGINES didn't freeze-up] and a minimal loss of equipment usage! [EG: Artillery]. Again!,...relating back to 'Napoleone!'. The RUSSIAN'S were prepared for winter during both Napoleon's Invasion of Russia as well as during Herr-Hitler's Invasion of Russia!. In both cases, the French & German's did not enter Russia prepared to handle the Russian Winter Condition's!.
  23. It's been a while since ive had a "REAL-BEEF!!!",...& i have sort of mentioned this particular one a while-ago!,...but...not without too-much determined gusto!. I alway's play the Axis here!...in SC2,...and when "WAR IN THE PACIFIC" comes out, i will almost alway's play the 'Japanese!'. I cannot help myself!,...i almost alway's prefer to play the side that 'Historically-Lost!". Anyway,...back to the 'Topic!',..."Troop-Transports"!. It is "RARE-If EVER!!!" for an entire 'Invasion-Force' to be "Obliterated" from it's mission!,...i guess that the same goes for 'Bombardment-Air-Fleet's" being able to like-wise utterly "Annihilate" a specific ground force!. I sure do not have all the answer's, so please input your feedback to help-out if you can!. I propose for instance,...that...'SURE!!!',...Air-Groups can attack 'Troop-Transports' at will,...but...please!!!...not with the intention to 'Vaporize them!. "INSTEAD!",...let's find another way...if possible,...such as perhap's inflicting other consequences...such as... 'Demoralization' [Loss of Ability To Function Effectively In COMBAT!]_'Ability to Reorganize' [After-DISEMBARKATION_Loss of Cohesiveness to operate Effectively at 100%_Perhap's initiate some-kind of 'Loss-Of-Performance'_Less Movement Capability_Less Ability To Sustain Damage_Less Ability To Inflict Damage!]_or to 'Effect-Replacements' [For a Predetermined Number of Turns] as punishment for getting 'Pounded-Up!'...enroute to the invasion beach. When these 'Troop-Task-Forces' have been hit!,...they should only incur 'Minimal-Loss!',...such as like 10% 'MAXIMUM' and no-more!. This ability to 'Wipe-Out' Troop-Task-Forces...is a 'Game-Downer' and "UNREALISTIC!" as far as im concerned!. I would very-much like to see this 'Festering-Problem' retrofitted!.
  24. SeaMonkey!,...a LINK "Please" would be a helpful!. Im just too-tired after getting up at 4:30AM & coming back to my room at 6:00PM to be bothered to spend a lot of time trying to locate your 'Attachment-Thingie!'.
  25. We are 'Drooling & Salivating Ravenously!!!',...for this 'Mind-Bending-Announcement!'. I Think/Me-Thinks...i will not tire of this series anytime soon!.
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