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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Good news. How's Afghanistan? (the game not the country)
  2. Ages ago, even before the initial release of CMSF Steve mentioned including the Danes but it was enough work as is putting three new order of battles into the NATO module even though most of their equipment will be included with the other countries.
  3. Does that mean there's more than one campaign? Hmmm.
  4. It seems like I remember reading this but maybe the old brain is failing again. Will we be able to break terrain into smaller areas? Hence will smaller buildings, wooded areas, ditches be possible?
  5. Well for one thing we have no rain or snow in CMSF. What we do have is night conditions where visibility changes with phases of the moon. I would think with a dark moonless night we already have extreme FOW, and when they add weather we will have another factor where FOW can become extreme due to conditions in a much more sophisticated way than what we had in CMx1.
  6. Well a Ural 4320 or a KamAZ 5320 is what I had in mind.
  7. Okay, I'm going to go out on a limb and predict some sort of new Uncon vehicle like a SUV that a bunch can all pile into for transport. Maybe it can also be used as a movable IED suicide vehicle.
  8. I don't know, I can't see it. Anyway, I really am interested in what new Red Uncons we might get.
  9. Well let's add the zeppelins to the game. Otherwise how will we ever get the Reindeer sleds when they add the Finnish module to the East front games. And I want the ammo carrying bear the poles had in Italy.
  10. Found it. From another thread. What will they give us that we don't have already?
  11. I did read this somewhere right? If so, any speculation as what we might get? Also please give us a Syrian Truck, just because.
  12. iirc Steve said he'd like to see them but there are many things he'd like to see and there's no telling if they'll actually make it. If they do it will be in the third module (after the Commonwealth and Market-Garden).
  13. What I'm wondering is if stair placement might be included. We know we'll get new roof types.
  14. I think that may very well be possible if one gets all the eventual modules for CMSF II, or at least Russia vs North Korea.
  15. Do we have any idea of the amount of smoke a 1940s smoke grenade produced in comparison to a modern one? I always assumed the infantry smoke command in CMSF represented more than one grenade. One could argue that every incident mentioned so far was a special circumstance where the user had access to an abundance of smoke discharging devices and improvised rather than doctrinal use, but it makes one wonder since soldiers don't like to die, why, especially in the US Army which was casualty adverse, well supplied, and initiative was encouraged, weren't they used like today? Even today I assume smoke grenades are not used to advance across an open field but would be handy in screening a quick street crossing when the enemy is already well suppressed. That's how I use them in CMSF. My own limited experience with smoke grenades in the late 70s on exercises is they are larger and heavier than hand grenades and just one of them does not produce that much smoke. It's more of a warning to the other side of "here I am coming-shoot this way". End of my ancedotal evidence.
  16. I have no doubt this is never going to happen and one can make the case that Jordan, one of the most pro-western Arab countries, would hardly join in on the Syrian side of our make believe war. But throwing that aside, it would add what many have been asking for, namely a new Red force. It would bring in Red M-60s and Challenger I's and even M-113s, which some people love for some odd reason. Jordan is considered by many to have the best army of any Arab country. So allow me to throw this out here for discussion purposes. Were likely to get even less likely conflicts with CMSF II. Would any of you be interested?
  17. Right, I remember Steve saying they never found any evidence of smoke grenades being used for cover in WWII. They were too ineffective at it. They were only used for ID purposes.
  18. Are you talking about the Hollywood star who spent the war as a gym instuctor at a girls school in Switzerland who showed all the real Viet Nam vets the way they should have fought?
  19. You're forgetting the American Indians. One in each squad who would be used to threaten the captured German soldiers with scalping in order to get them to talk.
  20. But will the Canadians have seperate voice files in the NATO module, hmmm?
  21. Any one remember the old CMBO scenario where you had to race your vehicles through the crooked streets of a city, barreling past German defenders before the whole place was bombed to pieces? You can't say that wasn't fun. Anyway, I don't really think carpet bombing is needed in the new France '44 game but we were talking about big explosions. I'll be happy with the Nebelwerfers. I only got to use them once in CMBO.
  22. There's some guys that post in the general forum I'd like to send that version to. I've never dared venture into the Peng thread.
  23. I imagine we'll get Nebelwerfers in CM:Normandy so we won't have to wait for the Eastern Front. I wonder if we'll get 14" Battleship gun support for the Allies. Oh and carpet-bombing B-17s. They did that once.
  24. Unless, of course, you happen to be Russian which is the primary target audience for CM:Afghanistan with most of the work being done by a Russian development team. English and other language sales will only be a bonus.
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