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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_remository&Itemid=314&func=fileinfo&id=473
  2. By the way the Carlsberg is a nice touch but I would have expected Guinness.
  3. Steve, do you think there's a good chance we will see a third module for "Normandy" after the Commonwealth and Market-Garden?
  4. Wow, those look awesome. Alway a treat when you put out a new Mod Mike.
  5. IIRC there was a Luftwaffe Airlanding division in the Normandy area as well that would certainly require a new TO&E. Maybe that's something that would be in a third module (after the Market-Garden one) that would include all sorts of stuff that wasn't in the prior modules. A campaign centering around the US 3rd Army in the Moselle area in Sept '44 is one good possibility.
  6. The AA Bns had the 90mm guns that could double as anti tank guns, plus you get the M16 quad .50 halftracks. Again I'm guessing, and it's a pure guess, that we'll either get the SS or the FJs in the initial release but not both. I'm betting on the SS but I can certainly be wrong. PS. You sure about the Hellcats? my source says not until Dec '44.
  7. Actually I'm guessing the SS will be in but the FJ will wait for the Commonwealth module which is why I left them out. We'll see whose guess is right. Any way one could select down to the platoon level in order to build the Kampfgrupe. The US player would do the same to build Combat Command Task Forces for the Armored units.
  8. From what I've read, Luftwaffe Intelligence during the Battle of Britain was quite poor and due to wildly overestmated kill rates from their pilots (something pilots always tend to do) they believed they already had beaten the RAF over South Western England and the RAF reserves were hiding farther north out of Luftwaffe range, so the Luftwaffe turned to bombing cities in an effort to force the RAF fighters to defend them and consequently be shot down. Ironically that was just the break the RAF needed to regroup and beat back the Luftwaffe.
  9. Since the other Normandy thread is heading in a different direction, I thought it might be useful to list what we got in the original CMSF game and, by analogy, list what we might expect in the initial Normandy release, as that was one of the things people were wondering about. Here is an abridged list of US formations from CMSF base game: Stryker Infantry BN Stryker MOUT Infantry BN Cavalry Troop Anti tank CO Engineer CO Supply Plt. Combined Arms BN Combined Arms MOUT BN And Syrian formations (again abridged) Reserve Motorized Infantry BN Reserve Infantry BN Militia BN Machine Gun Plt. Heavy Machine Gun Plt Grenade Launcher Plt Mechanized Infantry (BMP) BN Mechanized Infantry (BTR) BN Reserve Mechanized Infantry (BMP) BN Reserve Mechanized Infantry (BTR) BN Recon CO Reserve Recon CO Recon BRDM CO Reserve Recon BRDM CO Tank CO Reserve Tank CO Self propelled ATGM Plt Reserve Self propelled ATGM Plt Anti Tank Plat. Reserve Anti Tank Plt. Guards Mechanized Infantry BN Guards Recon CO Guards Tank CO Guards Anti Tank Plt. Listing them like this shows there was already a precedent for having quite a collection in the initial release and I didn't even bother with artillery and air assets. For the US in Normandy we could be seeing all the following formation types: Infantry BN Airborne Infantry BN Glider Infantry BN Armored Infantry BN Engineer CO Armored Engineer CO Infantry Division Recon CO. Armored Recon BN. Light Tank BN (Stuarts) '42 Tank BN (used by 2nd and 3rd armored divisions) '43 Tank BN (used by other armored divisions) The tank BN could have anything From Sherman M4's to M4A3(76)W's Infantry Support CO ( Sherman 105's) Self propelled Anti tank BN (M10's) Towed Anti tank BN Light AA BN Heavy AA BN For the Germans, in Normandy we potentially have available an organization that has many parallels with the Syrian Army. Instead of Reserve Divisions , the Germans will have the Static Infantry Divisions. Instead of Republican Guards, the Germans will have SS units. Thus the forces we could expect for the Germans are the following; Infantry BN (static and regular) Motorized Infantry BN Armored Infantry BN SS Armored Infantry BN Engineer CO Mobile Engineer CO Infantry Division Recon CO Armored Recon BN Anti Tank BN Mobile Division Anti Tank BN (with Stug IIIs) FLAK BN Tank BN (Pz IVs or Panthers-see below) SS Tank BN (Pz IVs or Panthers-see below) Heavy Tank BN or more likely CO (Tiger I) Assualt Gun CO (Stug IIIs, JgPz IV's or STuH 42's) and Possibly special Tank Plts with captured French Tanks It will remain to be seen if we'll be seeing vehicles such as the Priest, Wespe and Hummel. I thought it might be useful here to repeat some info from Dan "Kwazydog" Olding:
  10. It could be in a patch as I think the graphics for the vehicle are done. Didn't the Panzer IVd come and go from CMAK a couple of times?
  11. Okay then Vulture, nevermind. We were talking about two different vehicles. I should have read your post more carefully. But anyway as Romml was saying, no one can find any Scimitars or Spartans without slat armor either. Steve seemed to think they should be there.
  12. Okay, try finding them in the scenario editor.
  13. In another thread Cassio aka Webwing said the MWMIK with the GMG should be back in a patch.
  14. Well yeah, you go far enough back in history and everyone's a loser.
  15. Well if they should be there and were left out by mistake (as was the gmg Jackal) why not?
  16. Even a defensive campaign where your outnumbered Landsers try and hold off the Amis as long as possible. Is it just the German blood in me or wouldn't other Americans enjoy giving that a go? As others have posted above, and I don't think it's just the Nazi propoganda machine that started it, but there's a certain appeal to playing ultimate losers who kicked ass for a while. The Germans have it, the Napoleonic French have it, the Confederacy has it, some American Indian tribes have it too.
  17. Now I read somewhere here the initial release will have both a US and German campaign. Plenty of large counter attacks after all. And yes I think many US customers would like to play attacking Germans against a.i. defending US troops. It's all part of that Big Cat envy that's being talked about.
  18. I think Romml means versions of them without slat armor. Edit: Looks like I was beaten to it.
  19. That was a preliminary list. Those vehicles didn't make the cut. Neither did the Snatch Patrol vehicle. Remember there was a Striker mortar carrier in the preliminary list of the original game.
  20. Well let's put a silver lining on it and say this may give the module team time to do a CMSF French Module -providing the German/Canadian module actually does make it out in 2009 of course.
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