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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. No No! We completists need those things! Cobetco, are those illustrations you've been posting your own? They're great.
  2. I don't know, "mud that doesn't always look like mud" might tick some players off. It'd be something like a vehicle mechanical breakdown/Out of gas feature which pretty much everyone was against.
  3. I would think they would want to spread apart the release of the Battlepack and CMFB if possible. I don't expect CMFB for a while but the Battlepack is just scenarios which I understand were mostly finished in September. If all that's going on is testing the installer I see no reason to wait on the release and there's still a good chance for a pre-Christmas release (I too was hoping for an announcement today). I expect the Battlepack will be download only so there's no need for BFC to have preorders based on their system, which is only have pre-orders to gauge how many physical copies they will need to make.
  4. Are there any plans to add streams to other games in a version 4.0? Thanks
  5. I would assume they're more than just flavor, and probably increase the chance of bogging for vehicles, but you know what they say about assumptions.
  6. Heh, yeah a Nashorn would be a no armor Elefant allright.. The unit in the scenario definitely says Ferdinand. Its in Avalon Hill General Volume 31 issue 6. I'm thinking some one with a handle of ASL veteran may have the issue as its the ASL Kampfgruppe Peiper Issue. It could just be some fantasy element added by the scenario designer.
  7. I bet you're right but one of the reasons I'm asking is I have an old Panzerblitz scenario based on Patton's raid on the Hammelberg POW camp that has a reduced armor variant of an Elefant unit. I always wondered if that was remotely accurate.
  8. You're both home? That's great news. I was assuming she'd have to stay in the hospital a while.
  9. I wonder if at this stage of the war how much mountain training the Gebirgsjaegers even had, just as Fallschirmjaegers no longer trained for para drops.
  10. Thanks for the list. Were there ever any Elefants later on the Western Front? I have a feeling it's unlikely.
  11. Very interesting thread you have there RH. Thanks
  12. I just discovered someone has made a mod which changes the animation of soldiers performing buddy aid from squatting to prone. I'm sure this doesn't change the calculations the game makes as far as the exposure of the aiding pixeltruppen but it does lead me to ask wouldn't such prone aid be beneficial in some circumstances? I've seen some rather heroic (i.e. suicidal) examples of buddy aid and perhaps having the AI adjust to prone aid (which would take longer) when it performs the aid (which is decided by the AI anyway) might be a realistic improvement. Of course no programing is without its cost and perhaps such a feature is too low a priority. Thoughts?
  13. The good news is you have about 30 turns before the Sturmtiger reloads.
  14. The G.I's could have used a little white dog to give them some warning. He'd be perfectly camouflaged too!
  15. Will there be multiple Road Milestone signs so one can create a scenario with designated milestones instead of random text signs like Mr K requested?
  16. It seems as if they've shifted all their resources to getting CMFB out first.
  17. Do we get Brummbars? We haven't seen them in Western Europe yet.
  18. To do that you must drink lots of Schnapse, stomp your feet and sing the Panzerlied.
  19. I'm curious about the new aa batteries Chris mentions. Does this mean things such as the 90 mm AA gun? They were in CMBO where iirc one could use them as AT guns but I recall some debate as to if they were ever modified to be used in a AT role. Not much use for Allied AA by Fall '44.
  20. I would foresee them as a terrain type and usable by scenario designers, not meant as something to be purchased in a quick battle so expense wouldn't be an issue. What I'm thinking of is the roadblocks thrown up by US engineers to slow down the initial German advance in the early stages of Wacht am Rhein. As I recall these would often have a AT gun or even a howitzer behind them as well as the aforementioned engineers.
  21. I know this won't be in the initial release of CMFB but do you feel this would be an important terrain type to add down the road (no pun intended)? This would have to be a new type of terrain and not a flavor object to be worth anything.
  22. Do I remember correctly some of the poorer German formations in the Market-Garden Module can have the 37mm? Besides in quick battles I mean.
  23. Bill said earlier the big German Cats tend to bog. One can always hope for that.
  24. Nah, artillery is boring. We don't care if you win. We just want to see cool stuff and awesome things happen. Do you have a Hetzer flamethrower yet?
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