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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. If the Battlepack sells well will we get more? It seems like low hanging fruit to me (not that I want to make light of Jon's labor).
  2. I think the Repository already has files available. If not, I did much of the work already. I just have to find it again.
  3. I have accepted the fact we will never see a Pacific or France '40 Family from Battlefront, though there's a small chance a third party will do it like what happened with Afghanistan 1980s. Maybe North Africa again but for the first two possibilities there's only so much time to do things before the engine gets too old and we start with Normandy again, unless Steve and Charles retire. If they do retire before a new engine I wish them well, but I think they like doing what they're doing otherwise they'd be developing more lucrative software.
  4. The one problem with Importing flavor objects is you have to insert them into a scenario yourself and, if you do, still only people with the same flavor object mod will see them.
  5. I seem to remember Steve saying they weren't entirely happy with the structure of the Market-Garden module so perhaps that's a clue that a Commonwealth (and Polish) module will take us to the end of the war so there will be no need to put the Commonwealth forces into a module twice again.
  6. You're right. There is a difference between ETO and Italy. I suppose once they are in CMFI it will make them easier to add to CMBN sometime, but the list of things Battlefront could do is a long one.
  7. They said they were planning on having French Forces in the next Fortress Italy module including North African forces.
  8. Any additional German forces needed besides Volksturm and maybe German Kriegsmarine converted to infantry again?
  9. I often reload when playing solo in campaigns mostly when I do something due to laziness in not doing it the right way with complex ui commands and it turns out to be a bad move. My rational is in real life I wouldn't be lazy about protecting my own life. Sometime though I reload just because I got a bad break. I guess that makes me a Sands of Time CM player.
  10. This one I'm not sure of, but how about the Badger Flamethrower?
  11. The Archer should be making its first appearance.
  12. The 442nd Regimental Combat team might be an interesting addition to an Elite Forces pack, but I wonder if the organization was any different from a standard US infantry regiment? If there is no significant difference it should be possible to simulate them right now with a few special graphic mods and status settings.
  13. The new stream feature got me thinking about bridges and I recalled during my time in Germany in the late 70's early 80's almost every bridge had a sign listing the max weight capacity. One could have a side road with bridges able to sustain things up to a truck or possibly an armored car but no heavier armored vehicle. This would be set by the mapmaker. Heavier vehicles would simply not be able to plot a movement path over the bridge eliminating the need to code bridges collapsing under the vehicle. Would bridges with a lesser weight capacity be something interesting you'd perhaps like to see in CM down the road, or is this a feature that you think would cause more frustration then what it's worth?
  14. It might be something though like the Self Propelled 150mm Hummel having a different number of firing units than the towed 150mm battery.
  15. Looking at the plates, from what Steve has said, it would take some doing to make decals for each vehicle as the plates are in different position again on pretty much each vehicle. I guess you'll have to live with my mod for a while once it's done.
  16. If they start North Africa, which is more likely than France '40 IMHO, I think they will likely start in Tunisia '43 and work backwards in time. This would allow them to use the Ostfront '43 German vehicles as that Family would likely be out by then. This is so far down the road though anything could happen.
  17. I thought I saw a post from someone at BFC saying Vehicle Pack sales were just fine. P.S. I think it was Steve but it could have been Chris.
  18. I'm thinking if they have Commandos for CMFI done they could have a Pack bringing Commandos and Rangers over to CMBN.
  19. Yes, that is what I was fishing for, but your reply is very helpful. I now know where the "muddy" files are, so thank you. I have made a list of all the German vehicles with "license plates" so I think I am ready to proceed.
  20. Oakheart have you tried Shockforce yet? If not give the demo a spin. It has a Marine scenario. Shock Force could keep you happy until the Black Sea module is out.
  21. Hi all. I'm looking to make SS and WL "license plates" for all appropriate German vehicles. I plan on modifying the stock graphics. I want to be sure I'm using the most recent files. I think I found the base game files in normandy v100b.brz . Am I right those are the most recent? I haven't found the muddy files yet. Can someone point me to the right brz please? I want to do all vehicles needed up through the vehicle pack. Thanks.
  22. Yes, in that regard, campaigns are protected from editing, but what is there to prevent one from simply emailing the Battlepack scenario and whole campaign file to other non-purchasers?
  23. Jon, that's interesting (as well as very sporting) as I thought the Battlepack scenarios and campaign would somehow be protected so they couldn't be freely "shared" by those not buying the pack.
  24. I'm confident Jon will have produced some first rate scenarios and campaign. I'm especially happy to see scenarios for the CMBN vehicle pack. This is a win-win development in my perspective. I hope it does very well and inspires more Battlepacks down the road for both CMBN and other games.
  25. You're absolutely right, but back then Battlefront had their hands full just getting the game out. The Commonwealth module was also a big product with the SS and Luftwaffe land units thrown in besides the 3 Commonwealth armies (British, Canadian and Polish) so it was decided to save the FSJ's for the Market-Garden module. Am I an apologist for BFC? Perhaps, but it's been told to us getting the TO&E right down to every man in a squad and then up to battalion level is no small task. I do wish there were more scenarios with Fallschirmjaegers in Normandy.
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