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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Napoleon was not defeated at Waterloo. He was not feeling well that day and it was Ney who was in command and lost the battle and that was only due to sheer numbers. The French Army retreated in good order and it was only political betrayal that forced Napoleon from power! The French soldier had no equal and was never truly defeated. If it wasn't for the superior coalition air power arrayed against them France never would have lost.
  2. Hello, Quite some time ago I sent a message to SPD asking if he still had his material for his Operation Nemesis project. I was specifically looking for his hex map of Syria. The project was cancelled over 4 years ago so I knew it was a long shot. I never heard back from him so I'm taking another long shot and asking if any one else might have that map and would be willing to share it? Thanks
  3. Just to clarify Visegrad is an operational not a tactical level game.
  4. I am hoping once the Bulge game comes out they will retrofit tank riders to CMBN/CMFI when a 4.0 upgrade comes out, but perhaps I don't understand how tank riders work. Does the code have to be applied specifically to each vehicle? If so we may have to wait until the Commonwealth module for the Bulge comes out.
  5. I think this is on topic enough to be in this forum. Visegrad, unlike Black Sea, however proposes Germany and the US being too involved with their own problems initially to get into the fight and has Russia vs the Ukraine and Poland with a little help from the other eastern NATO countries.
  6. I think Chris just wanted to show us the winter camo/whitewashed tanks and those looked good to me. Still I remember when we got the first screen shot from CMBN consisting of a Tiger and the fury from some saying Battlefront was selling out by posting a Tiger poster first in an appeal to ignorant Nazi fanbois. I think they know by now what ever they post there will be some extreme negative reactions and they just let those run off the dukw's back.
  7. I would think if the patterns hold covering all of the North African fighting would take two Families of games.
  8. Is that a T-34 In CMFI? Did you use the same technique that turned trucks into Gaz trucks?
  9. I think that's spot on. In real life things would progress at a much slower pace probably boring many people.
  10. I seem to remember something about Japanese TO&E being almost impossible to research.
  11. Sorry wrong thread. But since I'm here, heck I think it's a realistic hope we can be playing by Canada day!
  12. Do I recall correctly there were some regular US 105 howitzers that were used in a direct fire role at roadblocks?
  13. 1941 is actually good with them.. And they never really said never to North Africa and France 1940 though I doubt the later will ever happen. Pacific they have said never unless some third party does it.
  14. Tank Riders and mounted vehicle mortars are new features for the Western front. Black Sea also has amphibious vehicles because it's needed to allow for legitimate Russian tactical use. I, like Mord, would be surprised if they didn't add stuff that really needs to be added to make a legitimate Bulge game.
  15. Black Sea Demo: http://www.battlefront.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=blogcategory&id=334&Itemid=576
  16. I wasn't aware Gebirgsjaegers were in the Bulge OOB. Looking forward to trying them out in CMX2 for the first time.
  17. The only difference I can think of between Normandy and Italy (other than forces involved) is if you get the Normandy Vehicle pack you will have flame weapons. Some folks tire of all the bocage fighting in the Normandy game (just like real life I suppose) and prefer the mountains of Italy, but one can get around that. The number of Normandy players is bigger than Italy players. Black Sea is really hot right now and has brought in many new folks. I'd say try the demos and see which you like best.
  18. I keep wondering about deep snow and how it will be handled. Will it block line of sight but be penetrable?. I assume moving through deep snow will be more difficult but how will that be presented?. Will we see soldiers and vehicles sinking into it? Can you dig into it, out of it? Will we see tracks? Will tracks give away fog of war?. Stay tuned!
  19. RH, I agree that would be great stuff. I'm looking forward to more info to see if any of that will be included.
  20. Can you tell us about any new snow effects on movement/combat ? Sturmtiger right away and not in a module. Cool. IIRC they operate in a platoon of 2. And Fallschirmjaegers right away too in a possible change of plans, unless Chris, like Rick in Casablanca, was misinformed.
  21. ChrisND said they're getting close to another patch for Black Sea. I would bet once that's done they'll work on getting up a major announcement for the Bulge. Yeah I know they work on more than one thing at a time but I'm sticking to my story.
  22. I think everyone except for George was tired of war by 1945. For the Western Allies there was still Japan to deal with and the thought of high casualties there. Going after Stalin no matter how big a scoundrel he was and even more casualties would be unacceptable to the Western public. I think Stalin too was more than satisfied with what he had and the USSR was strained by manpower shortages. I don't see a Red Star/ White Star conflict as being at all likely before the Berlin Crisis in 1948. Sure Battlefront could do it anyway but I'd rather them work on something else
  23. I looked through the manual but couldn't find the answer but is there a mod tag one could use to change a mod between Sicily and the Mainland? Thanks
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