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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. I'd rather see the Schwimmwagen then something with a production run of 10. See Kohlenklau, I said that for you!
  2. I didn't know there were two types of Jagdtigers. There weren't all that many built to begin with I understand.
  3. It's great to hear there are plans for CMFI even beyond the "Gothic Line" module. This shows BFC is committed to the Family even though judging by post count per month it's the least popular. I have heard though that new content tempts new players into trying a game so maybe it's just good business sense.
  4. Wow I don't won't to go that far, at least not at this time. Besides, I'm sure you know I'm talking about CMBN. It would have to be done separately for CMFB (the only other game that will have SS for a while) anyway as I doubt the graphic files for the same vehicles are the same between the two games. Plus one would have to do the white wash versions in CMFB as well.
  5. 31 vehicles I count through the Vehicle Pack, but it's a simple mod; I'll give it a go. I will use stock graphics unless those interested convince me to use Ari's.
  6. No I think you're right. Looking at the graphics one would have to modify each vehicle with a plate. I could give it a go if there's interest. Most vehicles don't have the plates and some like the "U-boats" don't have a SS equivalent. Would Luftwaffe land forces need the same treatment?
  7. No one's made a mod for that yet? If not I could volunteer. Of course it wouldn't distinguish between Wehrmacht and SS vehicles in the same scenario but I bet there are hardly any such scenarios anyway.
  8. You know I want to say I remember the T32 from a WWI Belleau Wood photo.
  9. Brazilians vs Germans. Usually that's a close match up but not always.
  10. Wow, when did the T32 come into use? I know the Italian and Elite forces pack will be some time down the road but I agree they're an exciting prospect. Any other elite units you can think of? There's Skorzeny's group but I think they were ad hoc and wouldn't fit into what Combat Mission does anyway.
  11. CMFI Module: Is this the first appearance of a Stug IV in a CMX2 game?
  12. I am happy to hear about French and French Colonials for CMFI as well as Commonwealth Indians. Did all Indian troops wear the turban or just Sikh troops?
  13. How about the US and Britain invade Argentina in '82? Just joking :). An early 80's Middle-east scenario is an interesting take Mike. Another OPEC Oil embargo due to the '82 Lebanon war and Reagan pulls the switch. Much more dramatic than Grenada. :). But then Steve couldn't use all the TO&E work he did for 2008.
  14. Unless I'm missing it, it appears the poll feature no longer functions. I created a poll for CMBN and I think it was somewhat helpful as the clear winner of what responders wanted was more campaigns and scenarios for the Family. Now as you probably know we're getting the CMBN Battlepack with a new campaign and scenarios. We now also know there's going to be a new module for CMFI to take the Family to the end of the war. We'll of course get the appropriate vehicles and new campaigns and scenarios but I wanted to ask if there's a specific new force you'd like to see? I think the SS are a given, though I seem to recall there was only 1 SS division in Italy? Below are some other possible forces. Which do you prefer? Can you think of others? Free French and French Colonial troops. 92nd US Infantry (Black troops with unique small arms). US 10th Mountain division South Africans. Brazilians. Italian Partisans. Italian Facist. Post surrender Allied Italian. 442 Regimental Combat Team (Japanese Americans)
  15. I'm going to guess that was in Camp Roberts California.
  16. I think German cavalry was limited to the Ostfront once that campaign started. I know they were still around in '42 but I'm not sure about after that.
  17. Steve said the engine has to treat all soldiers as being the same size so there can't be any child sized pixeltruppen. I doubt they'd do it anyway if they could.
  18. Well I do hope I'm wrong about Southern France. Also, I have a feeling we won't see the French in CMBN so having French/French Colonials in the next CMFI module would be cool, and then including Southern France where they played a major role would be even cooler. Thinking even farther ahead I think it's more likely to see Free French in a Final Blitzkrieg Module than in CMBN now.
  19. Except EA makes the Madden games which other than roster changes really is charging full price for the same thing year after year !
  20. I couldn't answer about Operation Dragoon for sure but I would be surprised if it were. Germany '45 will be covered by a module for the upcoming Final Blitzkrieg game. In it we should have things like the Pershing, Volksturm, and whatever else is needed to cover the end of the war.
  21. I had trouble falling asleep last night and as I lay there, this thread came to mind along with some ideas so here goes: CMFI : Beyond Rome CMFI: North to the Alps. CMFI: The Final Year. Any more now that 5 months have gone by?
  22. I think it should be noted that while the initially Normandy release contained only Wehrmacht forces for the Germans, CMFB will have Wehrmacht with Gebirgsjaegers, SS, and Fallschirmjaegers from the get go. Having the Bulge as a module rather than a new Family has been discussed before. Not forcing new players to buy Normandy if they want to play the Bulge certainly is a valid point. That said it is the same Front as Normandy and in that regard it isn't quite as "new" as the other Families have been. We'll never have the same breadth as the CMX1 titles did but I feel we are getting more depth.
  23. And the winner is Michael! Good to see you back Mr. E. Now let's pack this thread to the Peng Realm where it belongs.
  24. Like it or not, Battlefront's method of operation is to limit the amount of new features in a new release. Engine improvements (e.g 3.0 etc) are released separately. I can only assume this helps get the product out faster and helps cash flow but I cannot say so for certain as I do not work for them. I think everyone including the Battlefront team would like to see things move faster. I work in software development myself and we have a running joke that one takes the estimated time to develop something and multiply it by 2.5 and one gets the true time till release. This has turned out to be pretty accurate . I don't think BFC is soaking us for cash by this method. We are getting new material at a faster rate than ever before in what's really a niche product. I'm grateful they haven't turned to other, probably more lucrative, designs,
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