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Everything posted by Sequoia

  1. Did the bear, leave something behind? I thought they, you know, did that in the woods.
  2. I didn't know what Patchouli was, so I looked it up in Wikipedia and found this interesting fact: Toys In 1985 Mattel used patchouli oil in the plastic used to produce the action figure Stinkor in the Masters of the Universe line of toys.[14]
  3. First sorry to side track the thread once again, but I've read different things regarding this issue as well. Ian, also sorry to doubt you but is this certain? Does changing the animation indeed change the behind the scene 3d model the game sees and make the buddy-aider harder to hit ?
  4. Hey Mord, let's hope you won't have to redo all the unit portraits !
  5. I wonder if in the first Marine campaign mission they'll change it so that the AAV's actually start off shore. I assume that's technically possible, though it would take work to modify the scenario. If it's possible, I'm not expecting waves, but it would be cool enough. PS: Yeah I know, they've not given any indication they would do things like that. I bet though if it's possible, scenario makers will soon come up with a mission like that.
  6. I wonder what the top priorities on Steve and Charles list are.
  7. Might we see some of the Black Sea flavor objects transported to CMSF 2?
  8. We already have something very like the pickup with the .50 cal mounted.
  9. Okay I'm sold that IED removal by specialist is probably beyond the main scope of Combat Mission which is, after all, front line combat. Would my attempted solution of peppering the suspected area (which was in the scenario an obvious choke point) with 40mm or mortar fire have had a chance of working in real life?
  10. Yes I'm practicing necromancy with this thread but today that's okay because it's Halloween. Steve said the USMC will be in the first module (not counting the Battlepack). Is there still interest out there to include Uncons and their favorite tool the IED in a future module? Or do other force possibilities interest you more?
  11. You do realize if you lose in that mode C3k comes over and shoots you.
  12. Well I'm going to take the thread back to a wish Sburke made anyway. Maybe it's not an additional feature beyond v4 if Black Sea has it. So I'm asking therefore does Black Sea have IED's and if so can they be cleared? I remember one scenario where I just knew a IED was in a spot and had a Stryker fire 40mm at the spot hoping it would detonate, but no. No dice until a vehicle approached closely.
  13. Out of curiosity is there considerable difference between the US CMSF 2008 TO&E and the CMBS c.2018 TO&E ?
  14. It will be interesting to see how the old CMSF non fog of war trenches are converted.
  15. I believe I have already clarified sufficiently what I meant regarding weather and dust storms. The features the upgraded engine will bring which I, and others, listed above will allow me and others to experience the setting again in what to me will be a whole new flavor. I have many fond memories of playing through the original campaigns and I'm enthused the old gal is getting a facelift. I appreciate your concern for not wanting to create false expectations, but wow, I don't think my trespasses deserved this kind of a reaction. Anyway, I don't feel this is worth getting in a p*ssing match over, so take the last word if you want it. And genuine thanks for your scenario work.
  16. So are you suggesting Battlefront shouldn't include the rain feature even though it comes at no development cost to them? I'm not sure what you mean about evidence about dust storms. If you mean do I have any evidence they will be in CMSF 2 the answer is no, but I see that my statement can be interpreted as saying the updated game will have them. As far as I'm aware none of the non CMX1 games have dust storms so it would take an upgrade to include them, and Steve said they are not planing on upgrades. I should have said I don't believe any CMX2 game has dust storms, but should they decide to add the feature, CMSF 2 strikes me to be the obvious candidate to be the first to include them.
  17. Well it has cloudy but I'm talking about things such as rain, which it doesn't have now. That will be new to the game. And if I'm not mistaken, CMSF 2 it may be the first game with dust storms.
  18. I looked it up, Black Sea does have the M113 mortar carrier (the M1064A3) and the M1129 Stryker mortar carrier. Of course that does not guarantee we'll have them in CMSF 2. I wonder if they're planning in matching vehicles in each release identically, i.e no US Army trucks until the British Module and no Syrian Truck or Shilka until the NATO module.
  19. Sarge, true. What I meant was I already had AA fire on my initial list of the new features we can get when the engine is updated. Do I recall correctly CM:BS has some US M113 version mortar carriers?
  20. This might not be what you're looking for but here is an example of a changed animation: http://cmmodsiii.greenasjade.net/?p=713 There's also a mod that changes the cower position. I'm not aware of any others. Also, anyone know, is the in behind the scene position of the medic actually changed as far as targeting goes or does it only look that way?
  21. Had AA fire already. Does any CM game have Molotovs?
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