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David I

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Everything posted by David I

  1. AndrewTF, While I've got you on the line....about that splinter 4 pocket..... DavidI
  2. Riceball88, Be sure to give me a call when you buy your first Lear Jet. I would love a ride. :cool: DavidI PS. You can use any of my mods too. Like you would want to. DI
  3. And they look like this: and: More to come. Enjoy, DavidI PS. Thank you MikeyD for the atta' boy. High praise indeed from one of my idols. di
  4. Bad enough that when the war is over I don't dare return home! DavidI
  5. In keeping with my previous German snow covered vehicles, here are my first Allied ones. Using MikeyD's and Wicky's mods, I give you the less is more series. They look like this: and: More to follow. DavidI
  6. For you unfamilliar with the Golden Rule, it's - "Treat others as you would like to be treated!" It's simple and it works. At least you can look yourself in the mirror when you shave. DavidI
  7. Riceball 88 Oh Yeah, I was unsure at first, but after I made my first Million dollars on art for Combat Mission I became a True Believer! Dey litterally rolls in Canadian Dollars, typically using them to light his $50 cigars. MikeyD actually heads the Illuminatie. So I think, although you are coming in late, you have your fortune awaiting you. David
  8. MikeyD, I had girl friends in High School that were less than the tease you are. You shameless tease. DavidI
  9. MikeyD, I had girl friends in High School that were less than the tease you are. You shameless tease. DavidI
  10. What's "barsted" precious? What's "barsted"? Gollum
  11. What's "barsted" precious? What's "barsted"? Gollum
  12. "Then why don't you just hit the web and order yourself a frickin' reference book, you cheap barsted?!" Sorry, couldn't pass that invite up. DavidI
  13. "Then why don't you just hit the web and order yourself a frickin' reference book, you cheap barsted?!" Sorry, couldn't pass that invite up. DavidI
  14. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"* DavidI *The Wizard in "The Wizard of Oz".
  15. "Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!"* DavidI *The Wizard in "The Wizard of Oz".
  16. :confused: DavidI "...I hear the voices. I am the Decider." GWB
  17. MikeyD, Man O' Man! Lovely, lovely stuff. Junk2Drive's eyes will pop out of his head when he gets home tonight. DavidI
  18. Sequoia, Thanks. You're right. Working around the limitations of the bmps is a challenge. DavidI
  19. Can anyone tell me what the bmps are for the roofs on bunkers? The bmps for the sides are 340, 341, 342, 343, 344 and 345. The winter bunkers correct side bmp numbers are, oddly enough, 10340 thru 10345 (check it out). So those of you who have tried to download Ed's bunker mods may be scratching you heads as to why the winter ones don't show up (they are numbered 50340 etc. which stands to reason, however because they are terrain the add 50000 doesn't work). Anyway I couldn't find the roofs for either. DavidI
  20. MikeyD, I particullarly like the gunner and the loader inside the turrent. Brilliant touch! David
  21. MikeyD, That is truely beautiful! I am so jealous of Junk2Drive that as soon as I can get home I will download this beauty and then blow up a couple of his tanks! DavidI
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