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cool breeze

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Everything posted by cool breeze

  1. I remember reading John Kettler talk about how in the 80s we couldnt puncture soviet MBTs from the front with any of our tank guns or man portable rockets. If that is really true I dont think it would be a very popular game. Anybody know about this?
  2. when &^%& gets hot at really short range 'cause I F'ed up they throw a lot of demo charges. Awesome but sucks to run out. P.S. that is with respect to enemy infantry hecka close. Its very good to hear they blast armor too.
  3. Besides being a dictatorship without free press the soviet union was a very major arms dealer/business. It seems to me that with the huge numbers of very expensive weapons sales to foreign nations over the years that if the info sent with the weapons was wrong about critical and easily testable data then that would be reported on somewhere. I argue that if the manual and sales brochure for the weapon say it should be done in 12-20 seconds but it really takes a trained crew an average of 1 or more minutes in field to set up then there would be complaints about it on the internet. But Ill be happy with whatever I get! Thanks!
  4. ctrl S turns off the sound. work right at game start. cntrl s again to get it back at mission start. But I think the music is good. very heavy.
  5. Please fix this!!! I feel it is a big systematic disadvantage to the team that tries to realistically use soviet crewed weapons. Its the reds that have most of the crewed heavy weapons. This compounded with the very long arty strike delay (unrealistically long considering that last time we talked about it somebody brought some sources that say Syria recently acquired modern fire controls) put Syria at a big unfair simulation gap. Im not saying Syria should have lots of arty like USA but when she does get it it should be realistically useful. And why do Bradleys not have to set up while the soviet kit has hella extra set up time? ... and similarly the westerners get to almost instantly fire their single shot launchers while the syrians gotta wait around a while for their RPGs. I love this game but PLEASE address this for 1.21. with the roofs fixed too the game is almost perfect. And can the Syrian IFVs get their extra RPG in storage please?
  6. I havent played 1.2 yet but as sniper and open ground infantry spotting isnt on the change list I think its the same. Ive seen snipers spot and seemingly completely wipe out entire squads at over 1000 meters.
  7. Maybe its because the AI is allowed to reposition units during setup, took the option, and had better LOS than you?
  8. Since suggesting things is sooo much easier than implementing them I have a suggestion. I like the idea of having some vague ideas about unspotted vehicles via the dust. at least to know that enemy tanks are in the area. but I dont want to know when and where when I shouldnt know this. Can you make the vehicle dust clouds appear to everyone once several minutes have passed? enough time for the dust cloud to raise to a level where someone can probably see it but after it has moved and dispersed enough to not get any unrealistic details? This sounds like a near perfect middle solution to me. I am very pleased though that we know longer know where and when everything making dust is. and no muzzle flashes for he unspotted sounds like on of the best improvements ever!!! Thanks this patch sounds AMAZING!!!
  9. Thanks Adam for being thorough. It seems clear to me that you care a lot about this game and want it to succeed as much as possible.
  10. thanks for bringing it up. but as paper tiger said crawling troops are LOS checked from the level of the ground so I wouldnt expect that to change anything. thats why I said standing. But thanks for testing it too!
  11. I know its failing against the terrain itself and that that is a problem but im saying that since the terrain is well below the camera the problem is a little exaggerated in the pics. put something the same level as the camera (like a standing man) and check the LOS to that and you may get different results. just in case I didnt make myself clear.
  12. The problem looks a little worse than it really is. see, the camera taking the screen shots is at man head height but the los heck which shows no LOS to the prone men is against the ground height. I wouldnt be srprised if the prone men do a fine job of seeing standing syrians within most of the 300 meter dead zone. Im not saying its not off a bit but I bet that makes it somewhat better than we are seeing now. The message it would say is "reverse slope target" Some day when we all got better computers Im sure it will work better. maybe next patch too THanks BF and friends here for working on it!
  13. Id bet the syrians were higher experience, maybe elite?
  14. Do you really write the letters? Im glad you said it either way.
  15. Thank goodness for you guys taking the time to be late!!!
  16. In the Marine campaign v1.1 I have had marines spot syrians first while the syrians were in buildings many times. rooftops look a little wierd spotting wise but I think that might just be because of restraints on graphical fidelity. A lot of the spotting was done by elite units so maybe that is important.
  17. Shouldnt that mean shorter delay? less competition to get the guns.
  18. Thought I should do the work and find some quotes like iwas talking about but Im tired and didnt see them so hears something else thats relevant that I found. To contrast this with the game,bolt found that mortars in the same battalion as the FO with a vetran FO was 7-8 minutes, 8-9 with a regular FO, another minute if the mortars arnt in the same battalion. Bigduke says in the same thread that syrians just bought moddern fire control systems a few years ago, making theres 30 to 40 years more modern than what scorpio was using. I hope that im right about this being a problem because Im not really clever enough to successfully use mortars with an 8 minute delay. but 4 minute mortars are soooo helpful
  19. That might explain it all. my only relevant experience is with CMx1. But the in prelude to this thread people were talking aboout actual ww2 artillery also being faster than syrian in game artillery, but I might have missunderstood or believed a falsehood.
  20. Its sounds like we made it about as far as we can on the vehicle spotting discussion front; until someone does some more tests showing that the old eyeball is really not doing as well as it should (which I suspect but of course I leave it to you experts). The artillery isssues raised in the russian equipment thread han not been adressed at all. The arty delays do seem overly long. much longer than ww2 and I think that isnt giving enough credit to the new tech that syria does have. And this patch is like the best thing ever!!!! I can play on my laptop now and Im on vacation! WHOOOIE!! edit to add. Oh and thanks for responding to the unfairness charges!!
  21. Thanks John. And some more words. ( edit to add: wink was an accident)
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