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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×

cool breeze

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Everything posted by cool breeze

  1. and shift drag for a box. I have been using boxes a lot lately. Been speeding things up.
  2. I only had time to play about 5 minutes of a quick battle defending against the AI and it seems almost like a whole new game, in a freaken awesome way. I was defending against mechanized inf so the lightly armored vehicle opposition might have dramatized the difference (since there was an extra change w/ respect to aiming vs light vehicles) but still, the mgs seemed SUPER powerful compared to before. It seems like where your guys used to just shoot bullets at the other guys, now they shoot big STREAMS of bullets at em! I feel like my guys might finally melt a barrel one of these days now
  3. I see them on my nvidia PC. I also try to avoid putting ptruppen behind them as if they were real gaps. now that I know not everyone sees them I wonder if I should stop trying to avoid them and use them as regular bocage instead?
  4. I'm playing this campaign again as I got a bit bogged down with the next mission and wanted to try again with more emphasis on saving my ptruppens lives vs saving ammo. I just played the third mission again, the bypass mission, and I gotta say this play through made me think the victory point conditions should be adjusted a bit. This time through I noticed that a patch changed it so the Italian arty has smoke, so I decided to try to do really just like it says, try to bypass rather than fight. So I cautiously engage in long range scouting and bombarding and shooting with my tanks at long range, and I just try to atrite them very slowly and carefully to get em ready to drive past really fast with a big smoke mission at the end. I managed to get all my trucks and infantry off the map except the 4 or 5 support,scout trucks and men, so about 400, and I only took 8 KIA and 10 WIA or so and I killed 100ish and wounded 80 ish and I only lost one truck cause the driver got shot, and it wasn't even in the convoy. my tanks hadn't exited yet but I felt like I had achieved total victory in exactly the kind of fashion envisioned by the designer but instead I got a draw/ boot from the campaign. I feel gyped I executed almost exactly what I wanted and it all worked great except the points. I could hardly believe I had gotten all the freaken trucks there without getting shot up and no burning wrecks on the road at all. The tanks shouldn't be counted for evacuations points cause they can just come right after the battle easy peasy I still love that campaign and when I squeek out this win with those kind of losses Imma be stoked.
  5. I think its the pause button and then you have to pick the option and your opponent has to agree so its not an every minute kind of thing.
  6. That seems very real to me, I think the camera men just have balls of steel, steady hands or a tripod, and or maybe a little zoom. I think I saw at least 2 men killed or wounded by the shells, the one on the Brixia and the one who got pulled down the slope. I also reference minute 5, where we have the flamethrowers and a lot of shooting. I see people in the dusts, Americans judging by the rate of fire, they seemed to be shooting at the Italians. The Italians also shot flamethrowers at them, I don't think they would shoot flamethrowers at actors.
  7. I mean accuracy, like it doesn't make them amazing shots or anything but I think they do a better job at trying to put the bursts on the right action spot.
  8. Wow this sounds awesome! I've been playing tcp/ip with my friend and its been awesome but it could be a lot better, reliability/features wise. Although pause is a great addition. You guys are making PBEM with HTHH seem like the dream come true as far as turn based online play with reliability go. I'm gonna have to have him look at this thread. Thanks!
  9. Is it just me are are the MG gunners a little more murder minded in their gunning too? Not the AKs and such they shoot all over the place but the lmg mmg and hmg's. And Drozd is really neat.
  10. On that cool little map in the heavy rain, cats chasing dogs, I got one to shoot indirect, AND IT NAIL THE VEHICLE I TARGETED!!! BOOM! It was so cool. It was so cool I thought it might have been too good but since it hasn't happened since I think I just got super luck.
  11. Mmmm I just realized this place can be even better under the warm glow of alcohol
  12. Wait but then in #2 the squad is a platoon and the hmg wins since the platoon doesn't do all the fancy stuff? And that's a cool link thanks for it and the answers.
  13. Wow that was harder to find than I though, this sure is a long thread. Didn't manage to read anything else either just found this. Its the test I was talking about in my point #3. Im not sure why I quoted the whole thing but I have the flu. Edit to add some original content. I wonder how the water cooled 30.cal would fair in theses tests. For some reason they tend to get me more kills than the 50.cals even though I prefer the 50. This stuff also brings another thought to mind. For me one of the challenges in playing this game is trying to get a sense of what kind of real world terrain the game is trying to portray with its visuals. Like when I'm driving around I'll occasionally look at a piece of beautiful scenery and wonder what it would look like in CM terms. And I think this disparity I'm talking about between the visuals, and what the engine is trying to actually represent, might be at least 10 percent of what inspired the thread to go on for 30 pages. From the tests we see that, being up on a light rise clears the view over the open terrain. In game it doesn't look like there is anything to clear the view of. it looks totally flat and open. It looks like a perfectly smooth cement parking lot with no drainage but green and dirt. But I think in game its trying to represent a more natural relatively flat open area. One that's not totally flat and smooth, the kind that does have micro terrain that would help. I think a way to test it where you get the visuals more in line with what the game is trying to represent would be to have the whole thing on a giant freeway. I'm not trying to say the game has machine guns right or anything, but I am scared of enemy machine guns and they do kill my guys. Edit 2: But it might be nice if they would make MY mg's spew a little more lead or somefink My 3rd edit: Another thought just crossed my mind. The games cant really simulate fire for when just one gun is shooting at the target and when many are firing. It's gotta be a lot harder to spot the fall of YOUR shots when a ton of people are shooting into the area as when its just you shooting. And everyone is all hopped up on adrenaline while trying to use their fine motor skills and vision. Yet the enemy mgs sure were hard in school of hard knocks.
  14. How are tripod MGs aimed? A left-right and up-down knob or tapping it around or what? Ive also read most of this thread, but only pieces at a time, and read several accounts of different test, but I'm not entirely sure what it all meant. I also have the flu and my minds not 100 percent today for it. I think the main test results were 1) That a single squad on flat open ground can charge straight at a HMG from 1 km and run all the way to rifle range where it will win. 2) If you put the HMG on a slight rise to give it clear LOS, and give it a TRP for the enemy to cross, and give the HMG a slight motivation advantage, then the HMG wins. 3) But if you replace the squad with a platoon, split the platoon into a bunch of teams, and give the teams a bunch of short diagonal fast orders and apply maximum suppressive fire, the platoon wins. I assume the tests uncovered more that just that, and Id like to know what I missed or got wrong.
  15. head to head helper? And I'm down for a PBEM.
  16. In CA we have a lot of vineyards just a couple hours from where I live, around Napa, and those vineyards look even harder to drive through than the one in pic provided. The vine are generally not quite as old and gnarly as those but they are often close and around here we put a **** ton of heavy duty wire up in them, which was missing in those pics. The rally car did seems to go through the vineyard pretty well but it should be remembered that that is a turbo charged 4wheel drive modern race car and besides the 4 modern offroad wheels and sleek design have a lot less stuff for the wire to tangle on. and it has way more horsepower and obviously humungous higher HP/ton. My reckoning from walking through the vineyards is you'd rather not try to drive a modern tank through one and you wouldn't want to try it with a ww2 tank.
  17. Who cares who graduated the 2nd grade, its for babies anyway isn't it? Maybe its important for people who wont stick RAM in hard enough?
  18. WOW Thanks for the amazing link! wonderful to see how little some of that has changed, and how in many places the just repaired the damage.
  19. just quit being a sissy and push it harder its not in yet
  20. you Micheal I was stuck with a computer that wouldnt work no matter what I did. turned out I didnt push the ram in HARD enough. and I had installed ram several times. just try HARDER.
  21. haha I just had a thought, maybe the spy and the tank gunner were friends, and the spy sends him a pic of the building on his smart phone. HA! realistic! I jest of course
  22. Oh, and I want to tell a short story about my first and last PBEM CMx2 experience, to hopefully find out where the community stands on this issue about gameyness and our players gods eye view. I don't want to piss off my opponent and have him quit on me again, if that's what happened last time. We were playing Shock Force and I was defending as the Syrians. So I was feeling a little desperate, haha. I have some infantry AFVs and tanks to defend the open semi urban area from their tanks AFVs and infantry. I also have some spies hanging out on their side of the map. Shortly after the battle starts he runs his infantry into the building by my spies and into on of the buildings. I get to see his men, 2 full squads, running to the top of a couple buildings as the spies get spotted and shot down. I imagine my spies yelling into their virtual cellphones or whatever and communicating to the friendly tanks at ludicrous speed which building were ran into, and next turn, the first turn i was able, I gave 2 or 3 or 4 I don't remember, orders to go fast to keyholed positions to scoot and shoot 1 or so shots each onto the buildings that just got occupied. I don't think I got any turns or emails back. lol. I think it was just 2 tanks but they have those 125mm shells and blues not really supposed to take casualties like that. Anyway I'm a more mature player now... but I still do want to make the most of my guys. But I also want to try to do it realistically, at least similarly so as my opponent. How bad did I F that one up? what should I have done differently or was it no big deal and he shoulda just kept playing or declared defeat and asked for another, maybe with me agreeing not to do THAT again?
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