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Blazing 88's

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Everything posted by Blazing 88's

  1. Yes I saw this mentioned at their forums when I was downloading SPWaW 2016. Will be getting that for sure no doubt.
  2. CMANO is a great sim. Harpoon on steroids. I haven't purchased any of the campaign DLC's as of yet, tempted though and only a few bucks. The supplied and community made scenarios are plenty for me so far though.
  3. Downloaded and installed the "new" SPWaW 2016 version the other day. As I have a soft spot for that game. One of my all time favorites. Steel Panthers to me was the computer version of the Avalon Hill board game called 'TOBRUK'. Same top down view of the units, but best of all, compared to the 'TOBRUK' boardgame, the ability to play against a decent ai... The long campaign was cool for keeping track of a core force, Kills, promotions, etc, the Mega Campaigns... Loved it.
  4. Yes the installation seems to add a duplicate CMBS folder for some reason. I noticed this way back with CMBN and have always deleted the extra folder in the path so it all installs properly.
  5. Compared to the CMx2 engine /graphics, not even close unfortunately and I loved that game.
  6. Lol, search for animated 'sorrow' gifs on the interwebz and post the image link. Much better than emoticons anyways. JMO.
  7. Sorry, my E: drive HD is a separate HD and that is where my Steam folder is located. C: and D: are a partitioned HD. I was thinking of my setup at work for some reason. Again, I would give it a shot. If you are going to be deleting Steam anyways, try moving Steam folder to the separate HD and see if it works for you before taking the drastic action.
  8. On my Samsung I7 gaming laptop I have three partitions set up C:, D:, E:. C: being the normal location for the OS (Win 7). I moved the Steam folder to my E: drive. If I remember correctly, I may have done something from within Steam to redirect the new location... can't remember that far back. Now, as for my rig in my sig, I still have everything installed as default location (C:), but I do not have issues with it running that way either. Maybe it is a Win 10 issue?? Hopefully what I mentioned helps you out. Especially if you possibly get CMANO, as getting it through Steam ON SALE, is the only way to get it for a far less price eventually.
  9. Being your friendly neighbor from up north... THIS scares the **** out of me (us).
  10. Steam works for me fine. I have even added some games to it that I hadn't purchased through them. Everything gets installed in the Steam /SteamApps /Common folder. One thing I did do however was move the Steam folder out of the Program Files (x86) location and onto a separate HD, maybe that is why I don't have issues with it??
  11. Sure... I still meant what I said though, as BT is what came to mind for me.
  12. All of the Panzer Aces (I,II,III), Panzer-Grenadier Aces, Infantry Ace's, Michael Wittmann vol.I & 2, Death Traps... Naming only a few. Yes, most of those cover other theaters and not just Normandy. Most "Aces"end up in Normandy though, worth the read imo. These books always get me in the mood to fire up CM after reading them.
  13. FYI... Even better, have you tried the free open source MegaMek game which also has a Mercenary campaign tracking /generator MekHQ (in depth and vast)?? Don't let the name fool you, it is Battletech. You don't just get Mech's you get EVERYTHING to play around with (Original and user created maps, Mechs, Tanks, Vehicles, Infantry /Elementals, AeroTech, Jumpships, Starships, etc). All the original Mech names are used (Warhammer, Phoenix Hawk, Shadow Hawk, the Clan stuff, etc). The unit library is filled with all the centuries covered in Battletech, including the new stuff...... Very well done and continually updated. MegaMek /MekHQ are worth your time to have a look at if you are a fan of the BATTLETECH games. Did I mention MegaMek and MekHQ are FREE!!!l.... runs on PC and Mac (some other OS as well).
  14. Those would be great additions and have been craved by many forever. As for modern, since I do own CMBS and CMSF, modules for CMBS /an Engine upgrade for CMSF I will /would appreciate as well. I have passed on CMFB and will pass on a CM:Berlin as I have ZERO interest in the closing months of WWII on the Western and Eastern fronts. Having said that, I am very much looking forward to the CMFI module though.
  15. Sorry, I would rather efforts were directed towards what I have suggested... in my own greedy way.
  16. North Africa, Barbarossa or Kursk, France 40... Whatever for CMBS. A overhaul update for CMSF, that would hopefully still allow the use of existing scenarios /campaigns somehow. CM:Battetech or CM:WWI (Air Battles). Always wanted a 3D WEGO WWI dogfight war game, incorporating features from that mid 90's gem by Charles, Flight Commander 2 .....
  17. Sure it is and then some, add in that it is a real time, with pause and time compression. You can be global if you want to go that route, it is not just a lone theater, but can be, the ever present "Nuke" option if the ROI allow it... Seriously, check out the warfaresims.com and click on the What is 'Command'? link. After CM, it is my favorite war game as I was a big fan of computer 'Harpoon'. INTENSE describes scenarios I have played so far. The database is amazing, very up to date info about all weapons, air and naval assets, etc... The game is constantly updated regularly with better features and the rare fixes that may be needed. They just started a campaigns DLC for active situations around the globe, taking into account current affairs globally, like the South China Sea... If you get it from Steam, the automatic update feature is nice. The Community Workshop will constantly keep you up to date with user created scenarios.
  18. Speaking of a little off topic, has anyone picked up CMANO (Command: Modern Air /Naval Operations)? Very pricey, but I got mine on sale on Steam 40% off last year as a Christmas present. Totally worth it even if not on sale. It's real time /time compression /pause, think Harpoon except this kicks Harpoon in the ass. You get all the toys for modern air and naval combat including satellite's (land warfare is represented, paradrops, amphibious etc). Lots of scenario's and so far a few hundred user created scenarios as well. There is a scenario editor feature. If you were to put this on multiply HDTV's, it would feel like being in a modern command bunker, directing units all over the globe. I highly recommend it. Check out 'Warfare Sims' for detailed info.
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