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Everything posted by Nicdain

  1. Check out the new blog entry by Moon: http://www.battlefront-newsletter.com/Blogfront/tabid/55/EntryID/65/Default.aspx And the video: http://www.combatmission.com/public/CMSF/CMSF-Terrain-Alpha.wmv Impressive graphics! :eek:
  2. I thought it was digital... but you are right Steve: the new pattern of the Italian Army is similar to the system used in some other patterns such as the German Flectarn and the newly studied computer scheme by Finnish Army. The italian micropattern (which apparently is not made by pixels) is generated by an algorithm different from the one used for the MARPAT or the ACU.
  3. For what I know, the Italian Army has recently introduced the digital camo for its uniforms, both in the woodland scheme and in the desert.
  4. I vote for the "Syria with Minor Backstory and Fictional Subsection" choice. It's without doubt the best compromise. BTW will this "Branch force" simulate fictional Syrian Army equipment or a force belonging to a different nation involved in the conflict (e.g. Russia, Iran, etc.)?
  5. Unfortunately there are no Italians in ToW... They were mentioned just to compare their poor quality firearms with those of other countries.
  6. :cool: thanks Steve OH NO! Not even in the very last module of CM:SF? [ September 05, 2006, 01:23 PM: Message edited by: Nicdain ]
  7. we just have cool food...
  8. Congratulations to Battlefront and 1C! For what I can see in the screenshots and videos, ToW is going to be a real hit in the wargames scene. Looking forward to trying the demo when it will be available. In the meantime I would like to express a single little sorrow: among all the nationalities represented in the game, I don't see Italians! I know many consider their role in WWII marginal, but it would have been nice to have them in the game... Maybe in future developments? best regards
  9. Forget my last post. I didn't realise the time indicated is my zone, not yours... Better turn off the computer and get out for a walk...
  10. Martin, forgive the dumb and out of topic question, but I was wondering where are you writing from. :confused: Just a "time-killing" activity in a holiday friday. The fact is that from the time (hours,minutes) of your replies it seems to me you are in the very middle of the Atlantic Ocean...
  11. I think this can be worth a look for those interested in the East Front theatre. It is a russian web site (the link is to the english version!) full of multimedia, created for the 60th anniversary of the victory on Germany http://english.pobediteli.ru/
  12. Yes, I am joining you. At least a printable OOB at the start of the scenario would be very useful.
  13. A Merry Christmas and a Peaceful Happy New Year to BF.C and all the folks at the forum. Niccolò
  14. ... will Santa (BF.C) leave under our trees any present (CMSF website)?
  15. A couple of questions for Steve: 1. Referring to the #5 "Soldier Panel", will there be also units made of single soldiers, i.e. one leader (platoon leader), one sniper, etc.? 2. The different status of soldiers (Healthy, Lightly WIA, etc.) will be also represented in some way in the soldier figure or only in the status bar? 3. The "GO!" button is the small arrow at the bottom of panel #6? thanks Niccolò P.S. This game is growing more and more interesting but the slow undressing of CM:SF features reminds to me a strip tease!
  16. I would like to see a setting like "Aliens", with humans on one side, maybe with slightly advanced weapons, gear, and so on, and on the other side some kind of alien creatures, terrific, able to kick asses (abilities: sthealthness, brutal strength; weapons: some sort of organic matter, like acid), but with weak points which make the game challenging
  17. In 1991, while I was attending university, I received the postcard that meant the call in the Italian Army (they were sending me to the Corpo dei Bersaglieri). :eek: Actually it resulted it was a wrong call, since all the requests for delaying military service made by people born in 1969 had not been processed by mistake. In 1996, after getting my university degree, I was waiting to be called in the Army (this time there wouldn't be errors!) for my 1-year service. But instead of the postcard, they sent me the letter of discharge. It seems that the Army didn't want me! So I've never been in the Army and likely I will never be. And I don't know if it's been better this way... You know, many think 1 year of military service is lost time, and, in some ways, it is. But for other aspects, it can be an useful experience, because it teaches people discipline, a thing that is rarely found! And I think you can find also many new friends. Actually, I would have been in the Alpini Corps (Mountain Troops). In Italy, Alpini are one of the most famous corps. They made the history of my Country from the late 1800. They have a very strong feeling of membership and each year they organise a meeting in one town where each Alpino (present and past) is invited. Ok, I stop here. Don't want to bore you any further!
  18. An BTW, Steve, my compliments for the camo pages. Very interesting! Regards Niccolò
  19. Ah! OK, Steve, now I got it! When you say "digital", you mean digital-fashioned scheme! I didn't know Italian Army had such camo scheme. As you say, it is a recent change. Regards Niccolò
  20. Dillweed, surely Italian Army cannot compete with US or British firepower and deployment capabilities, but in small scale it has some very prepared elite corps ("Folgore" paras, "San Marco" Marines, "Alpini" mountain troops, just to mention a few), which can rely on fairly good equipment and technologies. At present Italy has committed nearly 3000 men in Iraq and more than 4000 in the Balcan area, plus 2200 men in Afghanistan where, IIRC, Italy has the command of the international contingent. If you want to know more about Italian Army (Esercito Italiano - E.I.): E.I. main site (also in English, but the Italian version is the most complete) http://www.esercito.difesa.it/
  21. Thanks for the reply, Steve. It would be great to have Italian Army in the first module! If you just need the desert and temperate camo scheme, I'll run to the nearest military surplus, get some combat uniforms and send you! Or you need the digital photos instead? P.S. BTW, San Marco Battalion, the equivalent of US Marine Corps, uses a completely different scheme regards Niccolò
  22. Steve, do you plan to add also Italians as NATO in some module? regards Niccolò
  23. Back home from a 6 days mission, my first reaction to CM:SF was surprise, since I would have bet on WWII ETO. But after reading all Steve's explanations I can only admit that this choice is evidently the best: it is strategically (in terms of marketing) perfect, and I'd say more: it is well chosen in respect to WWII buffs since it allows to test the new engine on a non-WWII theatre (modern = more complex) in order to optimize it later for a WWII one. Similarly, CMBB and CMAK were far better than CMBO. So, I fully support BF.C work and will surely pre-order CMSF as it will be available. I hope to try a demo as soon as possible (Christmas?)
  24. A couple of links for those who want to go through the subject "maps" and "maps reading"... Maps reading tutorial at USGS Maps reading tutorial from GeoSTAC
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