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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. After a playing a while I think that SC2 is depending much much more on luck then SC1. -You need luck in weather as axis -Some luck in diplomacy -Research you need now quite a lot of luck What do you do if you invest your six chits and nothing comes up for 1,5 year. You can only buy more and more (outdated) troops you can´t invest your industrial superority and buy more research to counter bad luck with money... Its just plain frustrating and sorry stupid
  2. I disagree. Why only these script solutions? I think the player should build the units necessary to defend its homeland and not hoping for ghost units suddenly appearing in the time of need. Further reducing the range of amphib transport is something I agree with.
  3. Regarding boredom: Would it be possible to move over the map while waiting like in SC1? Or some kind of windowed mode and you can do something else while your opponent moves his units?
  4. @Hellraiser, don´t be so lazy take the long way around... but I couldnt find a script blocking with the US squares around England.
  5. Hellraiser, surprise surprise that Terif wins with the Axis. Does the sun shine in Egypt? Besides played yesterday and started a sealion, it is a bit harder now but still England can be taken care off before Barbarossa. Which is not bad England should protect is island and huddle in fear... Many good ideas in the patch hoped for some more incentives to bring on a forward defence in Rusia and an improvement in the french campaign. OK but for now I will shut up… By the way you are up for a game?
  6. @vveed. Hubert put in some event scripts to limit neutral units sniffing.
  7. Blashy do you think the US had started an operation torch if Egypt would have been lost and the Italian fleet survived intact? And if Rusia and US are now transfering their Pacific assets to the Europe theater. Shouldn´t there be not at least the possibility that the war in the Pacific goes bad or Japanese troops conquering Siberia? Right now only with the ability to entrench before Barbarossa and the better defenses of an army Rusia is much stronger. Before the patch DD and even you said that the US setup is / was quite historical . Is it now that the myth of american superheroes coming to rescue the world strikes back?
  8. Ok what we learn from SC2 is that the US could have started a D-Day in 1942 but somehow they were called back until the German have been already beaten by the rusians. Little green cowards What did the Allies do differently in 1942 and 1943 what they could not already in 1.00 ? They can outproduce Germany even alone. How about a random event then that the war against Japan goes bad? Midway a big american defeat as it could have been, especially if US transfers "Pacific assets to the Atlantik"? [ June 05, 2006, 01:17 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  9. Nearly 100% agreement but I think most of the changes are too much. The Allies are boosted to much : There are even now 2 HQs for the allies in Egypt. Leeb really hurts the axis what is not bad. AS I mentioned before . Siberian transfer early is obver the top. Germany has perhaps one chance in 41 to take all important targets if not game over. I think its more a ´75%/25% patch for the allies. Perhaps we will find some gamey tactics for the axis but if this is the point of a strategy game? Righ now many good things unfortunately they add up wrong for me at this moment
  10. Any way for the Axis to win without sealion or a sealion or a sealion? seriously what are the options anymore for the axis? - subwar : Forget it, I only say tech restrictions - Rusia? Many good ideas in the patch . Troops can entrench, defense of armies is higher. But right in Jan 1942 troops worth half of the German army appear. They will be lucky if they conquered until then the frontier cities of Rusia. - Turkey: no longer an option - USA : Well seems now some ghost amies ... spirits of the indian get armed if you invade their turf. Besides now they get an HQ and a fighter + 1 research chit more or less 750MP The Axis: One HQ less, Plunder seems to be less... Lets see with which perfect Axis strategy Terif comes up to compensate for the axis weaknesses. Until then I will be surprised to see axis victories without a sealion.
  11. That's just a failsafe date, which is AFTER the historical Pearl Harbor attack. Once Japan and USA were at war, there was no reason for USSR to hold back the reserves. Various triggers can still activate the reserves earlier. </font>
  12. qBlashy: Sure seems that you guys included a lot off suggestions from teh players. Still some measures seem a little bit extreme. I hate a little bit the notion of event scripts if "the player " daoes soemthing unusal. I would liked to have seen a shorter range for amphib transports etc. but hey I have to try it to see how it works. Dont want to be negative all teh time....
  13. That's just a failsafe date, which is AFTER the historical Pearl Harbor attack. Once Japan and USA were at war, there was no reason for USSR to hold back the reserves. Various triggers can still activate the reserves earlier. </font>
  14. Thanks but any reason why such a low cap for German research? Even Rusia has more possibilities to research???????????? Point is Germany isnt even able to repeat the tech research they historically did. IW , tanks , subs and rockets. And why move the date forward for the siberian transfer? The rest of the list is really impressive . Seems that Hubert did a lot of work [ June 03, 2006, 11:10 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  15. @Lars: I am quite sure that the option is offered to op move for thepolish units with one action point. To low supply
  16. Moon you already hinted that the patch would be released last week. Though you work at the weekends ? I love Sc and I try to love Sc2 but its badly wounded and needs a doctor and a patch.
  17. A little rant here: Since defense in SC2 has less to do with strategy then with favorable weather. How about an improvement between the permanent changing weather that there is some kind of long term weather? Besides I think a corps in Poland should be able to move into Warsaw if its stands besides the town even when its rains . [ June 03, 2006, 03:57 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  18. Perhaps if you have a higher intel tech then the enemy you can get the "real" numbers? Would increase the value of intel research
  19. It seems you don´t have a problem with the game but with windows: It seems the multiplayer folder is there Easiest solutions: - You are looking in the wrong place - In the explorer hit "refresh" hopefully then the folder shows - If not choose details /options and activate view all
  20. Yep, I think the Us is too strong . Scale it down But you are right. As Allies you can lean back and wait for the mistakes of the Axis. As axis player you have to know what to do. Though between new players I think the allies will win most of the time.
  21. Hellraiser I am getting worried that we are thinking much alike. I don´t want to see restrictions for viable strategies in form of : And if any german soldier puts its foot on american soil god will strike him down in form of 20 armies. I think Blashys suggestion regarding Turkey is a little bit cheesey but I think it would work in some way. Still I would prefer solutions based on the game mechanics: Why didn´t we see many Turkey attacks from the axis in SC1 ? 1. Because you need your units for Barbarossa 2. attacking in SC1 was quite hard. Some solution for the situation could be: Player is able to move/reinforce and entrench troops from a minor country when its activation is over 60% ( at this point you could consider a nation "friendly" toward one side of the conflict) Benefits would be: Move troops in defend positions (much) harder to cut Turkey of and attacks on minors would be much harder after the first few "Blitzkriege" of the axis. To prevent cheesey gameplay you could forbid to attack nations with activation > 60% Minor nations should be affected more if their direct neighbor is attacked. Iran should be getting nervous if Iraq is taken over and vice versa. Problem for me right now we only discuss "penalties" for the axis if they do something which makes sense from the game mechanics without any further restrictions for the allies. for me something is simply wrong with the game if you don´t need your troops in Rusia and you can easily conquer any country even if it has the best defensible terrain in the "world" [ May 30, 2006, 01:58 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  22. I missing the good old 40 units + attack on Rusia. Are there any changes within the patch regarding Barbarossa?
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