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Everything posted by Sombra

  1. The wheel of time turns and turns... Nothing happens . My diplomats are asleep in Spain . Only training flights against defenseless soldiers in Malta. Die deutsche Wochenschau calls it "german hawks hunt english rabbits"
  2. Lars, I am quite an active player. Since Sc2 comes out I think roughly 30 games HvH perhaps more. Since the patch quite a few. As Dicedtomato said. IW2 against IW 0 and you are screwed. Thats some prove to what I call to luck depended and tech right now to strong. If there are more levels for example for infantry weapons more time to level out (If the player invests enough money) right now a difference of 2 lvl in tanks and or infantry weapons and you can either wait for your end as Germany or you can see your troops blasted away as Rusia. And a 2 lvl differencve in tech happens quite often (experience from Sc1 ) As Hyazinth said: Research a standart way or you will most probably lose. In version 1.00 we had some surprising developments: Battle for the Atlantik and some playrs tried funny things like investing in rockets. With 1.02 you can´t play around any longer with research. P.S: Its not to increase only the cost for Germany of techs but increase the cost for certain key techs. Other re more or less useless for Germany as intel and industrial tech could stay low and give the Allies (especially Rusia and US a stronger advantange) [ June 13, 2006, 08:58 AM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
  3. How about more movement restrictions for tanks in mountains? It seems wrong to me that tanks are the fastest units to move in mountains. + with a more sensible placement of the turkish troops and more entrenchemnt I think Turkey will be quite hard to take.
  4. I want add some comments regarding the introduction of the new tech caps. Positive: - The life is harder for the axis Negative: - The game depends more on luck than before - Many new game options are obsolete: • No intel research • No sub research • No rocket research - The tech caps feel artificial to me (Russia more research capacity than UK or Germany????) - Poorer research system: After the introduction of the tech caps only the must have techs are researched. After playing quite a lot with the new patch 1.02. I have to admit that the game is more balanced still I feel it gets more boring and luck dependent. How so? Certain techs are a must have, for example IW , tanks and perhaps production tech. Hellraisers famous words”IW3 is against IW 0 like frontloader against phasers” is still valid. Certain techs are not used anymore (at least for Germany ) you can´t spend some “lucky” chits on atypical research topics like : rockets , subs or even anti air defense not because you don´t have the MPs but the research cap. It is always the same research path, right now you can scrap half of the research areas. The game gets poorer, in v.1.00 sometimes you can see somebody is trying a subwar strategy in V1.02 forget. Rockets, even before they were rare now they are extinct. Suggestions: - Increase number of researchable tech levels : aka 5 level for IW etc. - Decrease value of tech increase in combat calculations by half. (Therefore a IW5 level will be roughly the same worth as IW 3 now) - Increase certain costs for research for example tank research, IW research. All these measures give slight advantages to the allies because they have the possibility to invest more money into long term research. More categories will prevent that Germany has maxed out tech before Barbarossa . Intel would be more useful as well, The difference between minor nations and mayors nations would be decreased.
  5. July 1940. Warm summer. Peace in Europe. Cairo decides to join the Axis. The last allied defenders lay down their burden forever. Malta attack stepped up.
  6. Jollyguy I am listening... Grrr Blashy gave me such nice ideas
  7. How about: - Spreading out tech more (more tech levels) - Downgrading the combot impotance of tech (for example by 50%) - Away with the tech caps (IF I want I can hire the scientists I want) - Increase cost of key techs for example for tech 200-250MP per point? ................................... I think this will improve game play , give intelligence back some meaning and allow minors to have some combat value
  8. June 1940. German forces begin to "dig out" the last defenders in Cairo. Next turn Cairo will fall. Reorganisation in the head of reseach department
  9. Not much what happend. Picked up a lonely corps outside Cairo. The poor guys went to see the pyramids without any supply and water. German troops now outside Cairo. Stalin is somehow annoyed that we will keep Egypt as a german vacation spot only. Some airfleets beginn with the destruction of Malta.
  10. The allie ahave to provide carpetbombing before to reduce entrenchment and supply of the defenders. But I think you can´t expect without a mayor effort to walz all over France .
  11. Thnaks Terif, Some very nice details in the guide I didn´t know. Perhaps you can say some words to your strategy concerning conquering minors. Ans some words to the combat tech some general remarks and advices when to defend and when to leave.
  12. Exel here I disagree. The troops still have some supply after one turn. When we are talking about supply etc. then I think dropping an HQ in the beginning is a good "placeholder" for the logistics effort. If the germans had enough forces and reacted quick enough even in the Normandy the invasion could have been a dissaster.
  13. And do you believe it would have been possible to invade France without the UK as gathering area? I think not. Though why should it be possible in SC2? That sealion are to easy , is an ongoing old discussion and I think simply reducing amphib range (yes I repeated it several times) will do the trick.
  14. 5th of May. Alexandria taken. Brest taken. Brits foot soldiers are running faster than german tanks can drive . Better motorization required from the scientists.
  15. The useless French did give the german army not much of a fight. Lets see how useful french slave workers are in the mines... I think its May and the german Afrika corps advances on Alexandria. The german commanders called it hide and seek because they are still looking for someone to fight in Africa. Just in case we find more resistance in Africa than expected, the other germans are training for a "secret" plan called "Earl Grey".
  16. Well I think Terif is always up to give other players lessons in stratgegy. My problem is my soldiers throw their virtual weapons only hearing the name Terif. To depressing. Right now we have the problem that many german players have the german version and no patch.
  17. No, because the HQ needs a city to be in supply itself before it can suplly to others. And there is no way you can take a city in France against a human player : just put corpses in the cities and next to them and D-Day won't have a chance. Against the AI, D-Day never happens of course : you do Sealion, man the three cities in the UK and voile ! Your entire Atlantic war is over. He'll try to land some pathetic US troops in the UK in '44, but they can never take an entrenched 4 city, so... The hardest chance in the patch for me is the fact that you got to take Stalingrad too for an early victory ! </font>
  18. I don´t see the problem here. Dont you simply drop an HQ with your fist serious round of troops for supply? Bomb the defenses into oblivion?
  19. Coming back to this old topic, why can´t we simply reduce the range of amphib transports to 4 tiles? Amphib tech would have more meaning and even Norway would gain importance as a potential gathering point for invasion troops in the north of Germany
  20. Hi, quite simple. Click map or <strg> + M Choose war map and threr you see the button declare war. Hubert would it be possible in fuuture patch to right click a capital and chose declare war?
  21. If you are looking for a very good turn based game human vs human I think SC2 is your cup of tea. Right now I don´t like to play much (never) against the AI because I don´t consider it a challenge but reading the other comments on the board Hubert and the modder are beefing it up fast. I think with some small changes the game will be even much better than SC1. Still it needs some work from my point of view. Contrary to Stalins Organist I Like the way the naval encounters are handled. I like the way supply works its supple but its one of the main mechanism to win or get beaten. (Note: I think now with squares the ZOC should be handled differently next to cities. I would like to see it easier to cut of supply to a city.) Already I got literally hundreds of hours of fun out of the game. Occasionally it drives me mad. But that’s some luck and I am a sore loser
  22. I thought it is an intended feature. One of the reasons I can´t see why people complaining the US and Rusia are to weak. You have tjh possibility to build up the production capacity of the quite alot with this tech. This tech is only for the rusians and the US of real value.
  23. Looking forward to the new superman film, Rambo? Get youself a decent internet connection and try your axis game. We will see how fast the american paratroopers show up in Berlin 1943... 1944?
  24. Still strange that nearly all games I play now the rusians simply have better tech then the germans. If I have to play checkers why don´t you play monopoly when this is your kind of strategy game? Luck has its role in strategy games if you compensate "bad" luck up to a certain degree. If luck begins to form a dominant part in the game then its more like playing poker unfortunatley you can´t bluff very well in SC2. Right now Germany can and will usally invest 6-7 research chits. Unfortunately even Rusia can invest at least 2-3 chits more... Okay they have to buy troops but in the beginning Germany needs to build up its base for later wins. If the screw up only a little for example no advance in IW and or tanks and the rusian side has a little luck... More or less game over for Germany. At least in Patch 1.00 they could overcompensate and buy more and more research . As mentioned before tech is very (over?) powerful in the game. . Hellraiser expressed it weill IW3 against IW0 is fighting with phasers against pistols. [ June 06, 2006, 01:19 PM: Message edited by: Sombra ]
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