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Everything posted by stikkypixie

  1. Doesn't the commander have a periscope as well? Anyway, Phil cleared things up.
  2. Check out Phil's post, because it seems I'm wrong. Try to button them up though, maybe that will make *some* difference.
  3. Well first of all, they are both unbuttoned so they are not using the better optics. [Edit] Removed wrong stuff, thanks Phil
  4. Will there be an update for the CMCW? I really like this mod
  5. Do you have Vin's animated text mod? You probably want to remove that.
  6. Just wanted to say that your hard work is really appreciated
  7. It would be interesting to see how much infantry the panther could spot, seeing as you always hear stories about infantry being too easily spotted.
  8. I remember from my Close Combat days that the effective range of a zook is about 80m. For a high probability of hitting, you probaby want to wait until 50m.
  9. Could it be that propellant technology has changed over the years? Just saying stuff that comes to the top of my mind.
  10. Hey Moon, can you elaborate? It is a really vague description you're giving here.
  11. I believe he's talking about individual soldiers in a same squad, reacting before the whole squad does. Unless you are too of course .
  12. To be fair, the whole idea of modules was always adding content not features. The announcement page also never mention any new features except updates to the engine. That's why I've been waiting for the Eastern front game which should be more feature complete
  13. I believe the reason for these kind of situations is that although there is line of sight to the target, there is no line of fire. The target can be quite ambiguous about this. Have you tried moving your Shermans? They should start shelling away.
  14. I believe there are no spotting rounds to adjust fire.
  15. I *think* I've seen one or two guys from a squad shooting at stuff without me knowing what it is, but never a whole squad. There is also this bug where squads from a same platoon are telepathically connected to each other. If one get mauled badly the other will lose morale. Anyway it helps to explicitly say what is in the game, so that it is easier to narrow down things.
  16. Each soldier spots and shoots individually. Sometimes you'll see only one or two guys from a squad shooting while the others can't see the target.
  17. If you're squads have been engaging an enemy squad and the enemy squad can no longer be seen (so you would see a <?>), your squads will keep firing at the location for a while. It was an AI improvement from CMSF.
  18. Are you sure? I think it's only the cover that is provided by the foxholes that is abstracted, not the positions.
  19. I hope you right, but I would warn you to read too much into a couple of videos.
  20. I can see the image by explicitly copying the link. I noticed that the HQ is not in command. It doesn't have a radio listed as equipment. Is the jeep equipped with a radio?
  21. Did you wait long enough? I.e. it takes sometimes to re-establish contact, especially after movement order. Also if you are using the little green lights to determine C2 might be misleading. If you see a green light next to the Battalion HQ, it means that it is *possible* to make contact with the Btn HQ. In other words the Company HQ is in contact with Battalion HQ. This does NOT mean that you platoon HQ is in contact with the Btn HQ however.
  22. It usually happens at the same the patch/module is released.
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