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Everything posted by stikkypixie

  1. Erhm, complaining when done right can only make the game better or at least highlight the limitations of the game. The problem right now is that no-one has any objective data to back up their states. All we have now is anecdotes on whether something is broken or not. It takes a lot of patience to isolate the cause of the problems or to show that something is just a fluke. There are many many factors that can be overlooked. Also there is no evidence of what is realistic. Even if someone can show that moving tanks in CMBN hit x% of the time, no-one can tell what it should be in reality. What I do is just play the game and enjoy it for what it is.
  2. That's my point, it is not. Maybe a screenshot will clear up a lot of things, if you have the time of course
  3. Ryujin is right I think. The numbers are modifiers. Units with +1 will see a slower degradation of morale in this case, where as units with -1 will lose morale faster. Nervous is the current state they're in. I've seen conscript -2 guys go straight to nervous if they fall out of C2 for example.
  4. He was referring to the thickness of the undergrowth and the density of the trees I guess.
  5. What's the use of putting sound contacts in if you need to visually spot it first? As I understand it sound contacts are in. Spotting is determined by a lot of factors, so it might be a glitch, the crew might have a hide order, or they might be suppressed. It's hard to say .
  6. Just a question, were the infantry suppressed or have lowered morale?
  7. Look here for your answer (different game, same concept) .
  8. Terrain is also layered, as in, you can mix up the types of trees, the type of undergrowth and the type of soil. Although I guess nothing is impossible, it was probably deemed not high enough priority to make it in, assuming they wanted it to be in.
  9. CMBN uses a literal representation of the terrain. So if you see a tree. There is 1 tree. If you see many trees, it is a forest. The spotting chances and cover are determined by intersecting bullet paths with polygons. The actual calculations and values that are used are kept away from the player. So basically what you see is what you get. It takes some getting used to and there is more uncertainty that in CMx1, that's for sure .
  10. The most important thing for spotting is not moving. Moving units will spot very badly. The second big factor is facing. Units spot better to the front than the back obviously. Target arcs influence this by focusing a unit more to one direction.
  11. There are several free (but probably with lots of ads if you don't use adblocker) sites where you can upload files, such as mediafire.
  12. How so? In my experience they execute all orders at the same speed regardless of C2.
  13. You can download the game or get a physical copy from the website. The game has a limited TCP/IP, you can only play in real time (so no WEGO) and you cannot pause the game. There is also no in-game lobby. I believe there will be expansion pack adding content and units to span up to and including Operation Market Garden. The demo give a pretty god idea of the gameplay you can expect.
  14. Both. Seriously, I think Steve even said so. No friendly fire. Exceptions are anything equal or bigger than .50 cal.
  15. Are you sure about this? I have unloaded thousands of rounds of M4A1 on friendly troops and not one casualty.
  16. I will test it when I get home, but I'm pretty sure I've even suffered casualties from ricochets of .50 cal let alone a full hit!
  17. Everything less that .50 cal will not cause friendly fire, regardless of using target or target light. The only difference (in terms of small arms at least) between target and target light is the volume of fire. .50 causes friendly casualties, so be careful!
  18. Check page number 9 in the manual for the dual license explanation .
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