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Everything posted by BigDork

  1. I am having some issues taking screenshots. I hit print screen and when I paste into either IrfanView or MSPaint all I get is black-nothingness. I was having this problem on my laptop which runs Vista and has a GeForce 7950GTX. I got a new computer today and when I tried to do screenshots on it I'm having the same issue. The new computer has dual GeForce 9800GT in SLI. My older computer did screenshots just fine. It has a GeForce 7900. Any ideas?
  2. Got my new computer... where's my new CMSF?
  3. Well no Marines today and no computer either... there's always tomorrow!
  4. I bought a new computer last week which will hopefully arrive today. CMSF Marines should look damn pretty on it. So I'll have my new computer... where's the game?!?!
  5. I use IrfanView myself. A helpful little free program.
  6. You got it... put them in the scenario folder.
  7. I don't have a lot new to add but want to throw my support behind selecting the map you will QB on and ensuring spotters have stuff to call in and vice versa.
  8. 1.10 should be out soon (I HOPE!) and I'd gladly do a PBEM with you at that point.
  9. "Mullen: We respect Pakistani sovereignty" http://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2008/09/ap_pakistan_091708/ Sure... we respect it and all that unless there's someone on the other side of the border we want to take out/take captive.
  10. Unfortunately on my laptop I cannot take screenshots of CMSF (it comes out as nothing but black) so I wasn't able to properly do an AAR myself. Hopefully I'll be playing on a box again sometime soon and can do AARs again.
  11. I know with the ABUs (Airman Battle Uniforms) we were told for a while not to use laundry detergents that contained optical brighteners. Of course what did the detergent that was provided for us in Iraq contain? Anyway, an e-mail went out a few months later Air Force wide saying that it made no difference what detergent we used. Honestly if I as a Network Administrator am ever in a position where I need the anti-IR abilities of my uniform to save my life I'm already in a heap of trouble. For the ACUs it's definitely a different story.
  12. An interesting little article, though not something that is really modeled into CM right now... http://www.airforcetimes.com/news/2008/09/airforce_georgia_uav_091608/
  13. My experiences with the Scots have been great. A while back I was at a conference between the USAF and the RAF. One night after a day of being bored out of our minds we all went out drinking. One of the RAF officers was a Scot and we spent the whole night buying each other round after round and just talking about all sorts of things. It was one of the best conversations I had ever had. Then there's my wife. She is of Scottish ancestry and very proud of it. And I know it's a stereotype and all but damn can that woman drink! My Norse ancestry just can't keep up with it. I'm doing my best to get stationed in the UK next and hope to be able to see Scotland first hand.
  14. Shoot... MZO had some problems a while back but I though it had been taken care of. I'm gonna break the links until it gets resolved.
  15. ***Due to some problems at MZO with a potential virus I am not linking this anymore. If you wish you can go there (http://forums.mzocentral.net) but beware there is a risk at this time*** Myself and vulture are starting up a QB PBEM. This is my first PBEM in CM:SF so I'm not quite sure how well it's gonna go. We both have our own thread over at MZO and will be posting from our own point of view as we fight our battle. Follow along and feel free to chime in with comments on how poorly I'm playing. [ April 21, 2008, 09:20 AM: Message edited by: BigDork ]
  16. Unless I'm terribly mistaken you can pick the size of the battle. While there is no points anymore you can choose from tiny, small, medium, large, huge or something along those lines. It's a drop down menu when you are creating a QB. I believe in the upper left side though I could be wrong.
  17. Whenever I get back from Iraq and can download 1.06 I plan on starting AARs again.
  18. These things are BIG. When I went to the DFAC (chow hall) here at Sather Airbase this morning to grab my dinner the Army guys had one parked across the street. These definitely don't look very sleek and mobile. But if I had to chose betweek taking a blast in one of these or in a humvee I'd chose the MRAP any day. But that's just my uninformed Air Force opinion.
  19. I am right along the same mindset as what I quoted but an experience I just had has added to that. Yesterday morning after work I participated in a "Patriot Detail" here at Baghdad Airport. We formed up and honored a fallen soldier as his was placed on a C-130 for the flight back to the states. It was one of the saddest things I have ever participated in. Later on I tried to play a little CM to take my mind off it but found it difficult to play. Every casualty I had was another casket being loaded onto a plane for that one last flight home. It sure does make me slow down and really try to save each and every soldier I command.
  20. Well I went and downloaded almost all of them like you guys suggested. I'll do some AARs while I'm over there and when I get back I'll post'em.
  21. Hi all... I was hoping that everyone could recommend some scenarios to download to me. I leave for a 4 month deployment to Sather AB, Iraq on Tuesday and want to have lots of CM goodness to keep me occupied while I'm there. Thanks! -Erik
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