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Everything posted by BigDork

  1. Perhaps a bit crudely put but I agree. Of course the demo could change my mind.
  2. I'm using Windows Media Player to watch it and it's working just fine for me.
  3. Sorry to bump a 2 1/2 month old thread but I can't resist. I went home at lunch and downloaded this. It really gives CMAK the feel of a new game. And lets just say I took a long lunch today. David I, thank you!
  4. Wow... you never use Advance? Others will, I'm sure, describe this better than me but I'll give it a shot. Advance: Used when your men will be under fire or you think they may be. It tires your men faster than a run command but they will not be suppressed as easily while under the command. It's probably my most used movement command besides Move to Contact. Assult: Used when you need to run that final 20m or so into a trench. It tires your men out very quickly and uses more ammo than normal. I've had mixed results with this and don't use it often. I tend to make sure whoever I am about to assult is already pinned from other units of mine. Hunt: A sort of like the Move to Contact command for your infantry. Your tank will slowly move forward "hunting" for enemy units and when one is spotted it will stop and engage. Unlike the Move to Contact order after the enemy is eliminated it will continue on with the Hunt order. Another of my most used commands. If I know there are enemies around and my AFV is about to come into contact I will generally give him a Hunt command. Shoot and Scoot: Your AFV will move forward, fire off a shot or two and then scoot out of the way. This is used a lot in tank duels and such. Also I find it a good way to do recon of sorts. I give an AFV a S&S command, it pops up over the ridge, has a look around for a few seconds and scoots back. If it draws fire it's only in view for a little bit. I hope that helps a bit and as I said, someone should be a long who will do a better job of explaining.
  5. I was wondering if anyone knew the MIME Type for the different file extensions that CM uses(.cmg .cme etc.) I help run a forum running IPB 2.0 and in order to attach files to the posts we need the MIME types. Thanks...
  6. My grandfather was in the 100th Infantry Division. He was a medic attached to Love Co. 399th Infantry Regiment.
  7. "Coaxial" refers to MG's that aim in the same direction as the main gun. You probably mean top-mounted MG's. (Sorry I can't come up with the correct phrases, my version is localized... ) </font>
  8. Sorry I meant to elaborate some but had to actually go do a little work... AA guns, flak vehicles, and certain tanks with MGs (coaxial?) are the only ways to combat air strikes. I belive the more firepower you have shooting at the plane the less likely it'll score any hits and the more likely it'll leave early, though I may have that wrong. Usually it isn't a bad idea to grab a 20mm AA gun or two. They are helpful if there is an air strike and if not they can be used against infantry. If you are on the attack grab an AA vehicle to keep up with the advance and it'll also be ready to defend your men if an enemy plane should appear. In my experience putting your vehicles in scattered trees doesn't have much of a difference. It might but it seems the AI knows that the vehicles are there no matter what. Your best bet is to pray to the CM Gods that the planes do a little friendly fire instead of dropping on you. Rarely does my opponent's planes miss my guys but I sure have a lot of luck with my planes dropping bombs on my tanks.
  9. Wow, that was quite an English lesson above. A big thank you to RR for doing his comic. I can't wait for the next.
  10. Panzer76, can you autograph my CMAK CD? I've never gotten an autograph from such a big celebrity before.
  11. Don't look at me, I can't take any credit for this LAR. This is all RawRecruit. RawRecruit has added a bit of content over the last couple days. Things are definitely heating up. Make sure you check it out.
  12. I personally like Tanks a Lot's buildings. Also MikeyD's dirty winter road is good. Other than those and a few winterized vehicles I haven't really grabbed many mods. I used to have a ton on my computer but recently I reloaded and didn't want to bother with grabbing all the mods again.
  13. I tend to bounce around a bit with my games. I figure if I'm playing a lot of games at once instead of just one for 5 hours a day that I won't burn out as fast. Works okay. Lets see here... Computer: SimCity 4 Civ3 Conquests Diablo 2 Console: Mario Kart: Double Dash Fable Soul Caliber(Dreamcast, oh yeah!) GBA: Pokemon Advance Wars 2
  14. Taking inspiration from WarHawk's wonderful Eisen Faust LAR, RawRecruit is now doing his own Knifefight at Cecina LAR. Make sure to follow along, from the start it looks like it'll be good.
  15. WarHawk did a great AAR of Eisen Faust. It's a very enjoyable read. Just beware, many, many, many spoilers.
  16. I know it's a long shot but try turning off any anti-virus software before you do a re-install. Everytime I have to install CM I have to turn mine off because it gives me all sorts of problems.
  17. After much delay due to some severe burn out on my part... MZO War College is back with War College, Semester 4: Partisan Party. Same deal as with the others. Play the scenario, write an AAR and share your experience with others. Hope to see most of you who've contributed in the past back with us and also if anyone who hasn't participated before would like to join in please do, all are welcome.
  18. KG-Steiner, check out the picture here. On the bottom, center of the screenshot there is a little red dot after the "broken". After a while the squadron might recover but it will always have the little red dot. This means that their morale will be brittle for the rest of the battle.
  19. In regards to #3, it depends who I am playing. If I am playing a newbie I will give commentary as we go as a way to help them learn how to play better and understand tactics. If they make a glaring mistake I'll point it out to them and give them pointers on what to do instead. A current opponent of mine(who isn't a newbie) put a PaK40 in a location that completely halted the advance of my AFVs. Until I was able to KO it I wasn't really able to move forward and it cost me several turns. I mentioned that he had slowed up my advance and complimented him on a good placement of the gun because he slowed me down enough I'm not sure I'll be able to take the flags. So another way I'll use #3 is to compliment someone on something I really feel deserves recognition because it was a damn good move. But if I know an opponent doesn't want to hear any of this I will of course keep my info to myself.
  20. Unfortunatly I have a few Shermans coming my way.
  21. That is assuming you get the HC. In one PBEM I'm playing right now I bought 2 75mm IGs and only one of the IGs has HC, and that's only one round. Hopefully I'll get a gun damage or something with my HE though because my opponent was sneaky and brought his armor somewhere I didn't expect so all my ATs are on the other side of a hill.
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