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Everything posted by BigDork

  1. And what's with the big blocky letters? Definatly not nice.
  2. Something I try to do on defense is pull of a surprise or two. It doesn't have to be anything big but just something that will throw your opponents attack off a little. Another thing is TRPs. TRPs are great on defense, especially if you are playing as the Russians. I will usually place a TRP up near where I set up my first line of defense. As they start to get over run I call in artillery on that position right after I've pulled out and the enemy moves in. Also if I'm not covering every flag on the map I'll set a TRP on a flag I'm not going to defend and as the enemy moves in to that flag I'll send some arty their way. Hey dieseltaylor weren't you going to send me a setup?
  3. Yep, I'll definatly load up the last turn a few more times when I get home from work today. The prisoners are 6 fallschrimjagers, all from the same squad.
  4. Wow that could be the problem... If you look at both screenshots the KIA numbers are different. In the first it's Axis-31 Allies-21 and in the second screenshot it's Axis-28 Allies-23. So how's that happening?
  5. Okay I just got - this - screenshot from my opponent. 40% to 59%??? So now the scores don't even add up to 100%.
  6. For a screenshot click on the 60% to 40% in my first post. As for different processors, I don't know. I've got an Intel. I can e-mail my opponent and find out what he has.
  7. So I did a little experiment and loaded the last file ten times. Five times I got 59% and five times I got 60%.
  8. Hi all... I just got done playing a game for a tournament over at BoB and ran across a little difficulty. When I got the AAR screen my score showed 60% to 40% while my opponent saw 59% to 41%. What's going on with the different results and who has the right score? Thanks!
  9. I just had a big fight with Outlook '03 because they were blocking something I needed. I did some looking into it and I don't think I can unblock it either. Ah well, it was work related so it isn't too big of a loss.
  10. I haven't forgotten about this but I'm feeling pretty burnt out so I'm taking it easy on CM for a bit. I should back to it soon.
  11. Yep, lots of great AARs over at MZO. And if I can ever manage my time right WC4 will be done. I'm shooting for a July 1 release right now.
  12. Now that is very high praise indeed. And I believe fitting. WarHawk has indeed made a great AAR that is a lot of fun to read.
  13. I'm not sure why but the AI cannot use assult boats, it's always been that way since BO. A patch will not fix it, it's a limitation of the game engine or somethin'. Perhaps in the a couple years...
  14. Sergei and anyone else who's interested... You can follow along as I fight this - here - at MZO. I've started a thread and will post a During Action Report with lots of sceenshots. Please feel free to give tips and insults as to my playstyle as the AI crushes me.
  15. Hiya. You helped me out so now I'll help you out. I'll give it a go against the AI.
  16. When it's the only thing left it will be used but the blast for an AP shell is very small and isn't very effective at taking out soft targets.
  17. Heh, d'oh. I'll get that e-mail out to ya again.
  18. Wow, that'd be excellent! I'll send you an e-mail in a little bit. Thanks!
  19. Hi all... I'm about to start working on WC4 and need some input from anyone who's interested in joining us. I've started a poll - Which Minor Power To Play As In WC4? - to see which minor power people would most like to play as. So please stop by and throw in your .02 cents.
  20. Yeah, I've been reading about that a bit online and it's definatly something I wanna get a hold of.
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