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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. These are typically posted in threads and articles in community forums. Here is the CMx1 list that is used at WeBob: http://home.arcor.de/rehbold/Gamey_tactics.htm For CMBN, at WeBob, the similar list is still under development, so the most common rules are in threads over there about CMBN. The "no bombing setup zones" is common knowledge. This thread here prompted me to get a move on with the CMBN list at WeBob, so the thread where that's happening is here: http://webandofbrothers.yuku.com/topic/15065/DvC-DOG-for-CMBN GaJ
  2. Yeah, for me the moral of the story is play in a community where you find good opponents and there's regular useful discussion of these topics. Then you avoid nasty suprises and wasted time - both on people who do Not Good Things, and also people who are just going to drop when they start loosing. I guess if you play out in the wild, then you have to be a rules lawyer, or care less... GaJ
  3. The community that set up that ladder should weed this person out. If not, play in a different community. Or suck it up, I guess. "Don't bomb setup zones" is the basic rule that seems to be everywhere. It's just common sense. Same with rockets. Other than rockets, I don't think that there is much common ground on force selection non-cheesy rules: there are as many opinions as people. The good thing is that the game is realistic enough that most cheezy force selections don't survive long. Someone might pull one off on you once, but if they try it again you will respond with the counter to that move. Of course, that doesn't help if you are just playing random people off the web. But if you are in a (worthwhile) community, cheezy force selection doesn't survive long. GaJ
  4. LOL. Nailed it. Were they rocking at the time? Or was the first shot accurate, due to the stable platform, and only subsequent ones messed up due to the rocking? Note that from what I've seen, the reload time vastly exceeds the rocking time, so it would certainly be a bug we' have to complain about, if rocking due to recoil is affecting firing OTOH, KR was talking about rocking due to stopping affecting firing. Wouldn't that be absorbed into the general fudge factor for firing-on-the-move being less accurate? Except... have we established that this isn't modelled? Or was that fixed? I lost track! GaJ
  5. Damn that is really beautiful! Definitely worth quoting and redisplaying GaJ
  6. Heh heh heh - it's hilarious how accurately people think that things are modelled GaJ
  7. Note that it's not about seeing the initial recoil, which doubtless happened as BD says, but more the rocking that follows. I'm in the camp that found it irritating for a long time, and would have preferred it less. I will say that I've gotten used to it now and it doesn't irritate me any more, except when my attention is drawn to it. For those who say it's a minor issue: so is muzzle flare and many other visual niceties. Leaves flying up when shots hit trees. It's these visual niceties that add up to the great visual experience, and it's jolts like stupid looking rocking tanks that can ruin it. If we wanted just realism and not worry about visuals, we could get a print out... and modders would be out of a job.... GaJ
  8. Very interesting. Given all this difficulty of hitting targets, how realistic is it that in-game, 81mm mortars can be walking through a field at one moment, and within not many seconds (30?) they can be landing rounds on some enemy position that they spot? GaJ
  9. I guess it was momentarily under fire from both the Stuart and the Sherm, it took a few hits in quick succession. Maybe a penetration also killed a crew member? Anyhow, crewed or not it's totally holding that flank for you... GaJ
  10. So... my Sherm spotted a Stu, and before it pancied, it got off a few shots that caused the Stu to abandon. The Sherm knows that the Stu abandoned, because it could see and identify the crew. And yet it proceeded to pop smoke and reverse out of there. I pushed it forwards (to take on inf targets) and lo and behold it spotted the abandoned Stu, and paniced again. Dang! GaJ
  11. "It's a result of the coding, not a bug per se". I LOVE THAT. I will have to tell that to my customers, for sure!! GaJ
  12. I rarely if ever see this problem with CMBN vehicles. Maybe you are asking them to do unreasonable things? GaJ
  13. Here's another related thing I recently learned. The commanders up the chain can give C2 to the bottom units. It seems obvious and/or desirable. I only found for sure that it is true recently: you can have the eye or the face that is showing "In C2" on a "bottom" unit (squad) when it is near a high up HQ (eg battalin HQ), even though it's immediate platoon H! is showing red in the command chain indicator. Hope this makes sense GaJ
  14. I reckon you need to take a video, or at least a screenshot, then... because it sounds like something no-one else has ever reported. GaJ
  15. What you say about "measured balance" is true. But actually it's not what's being asked for. What's being asked for is much less: did the designer design the scenario with play balance in mind? Did they strive, at all, to ensure that each H2H side has an reasonable chance? This is not a given. Some designers couldn't care less about that, they are concerned with historical accuracy, or other considerations, like AI playabillity. That is why it is so important for designers to list this. Ironically, one of the people who "suffer" most from no listing it is the designer themself. Whether they like it or not, if you don't list it, some assumption is made that it's reasonably balanced, and criticism ensues if it turns out its not. GaJ
  16. Here are some things to make sure you're aware of: - If you have a unit selected, you are only shown what that unit can see - If you have no unit selected, you are only shown things that at least one of your units can see - Not all your units can see stuff that other units can. If one of your units hasn't spotted something, they can't see it, even if someone next to them can. - Tanks have a hard time spotting stuff, especially if they are buttoned. They only have teeny holes to look out through. Does this help explain? GaJ
  17. Screen shot? Even better: video? No screen shot... it didn't happen GaJ
  18. Dunno about the scenario in question, but I do think it's unrealistic to expect to be able to use foxholes at the base of bocage. If it were realistic, there would be photos, eh? Anyone have any? I agree with the observation that if you were standing in a hole at the base of bocage, you certainly would not be able to see beyond the bocage... GaJ
  19. Tell you what, looking at that, I can see why they didn't put the base plate on their shoulder. It looks like it would dislocate your shoulder! (And obviously the guy in the film never cocked and fired that "piat" he was carrying). GaJ
  20. For a moment I thought this was going to be about Wikileaks, but silly me that was _Private_ Manning!
  21. Mark - thanks for your work and generous approach to feedback on the maps. GaJ
  22. Heh heh - I'm still busy trying to learn to play CMBN! So the extra 36 hours is welcome relief GaJ
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