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Battlefront is now Slitherine ×


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Everything posted by GreenAsJade

  1. I have a turn file here where in two (at least) separate cases, a squad (of Italian) that has been ordered to go somewhere is staying right where it is, all except for one man, who rushes off way ahead towards the enemy (in one case getting mown down without spotting who hit him). I suspect it might be something to do with the fact that each squad is in the midst of other squads at the time? Ie every one is running through a courtyard (for example), more than one squad passing through at the same time. Just a guess - it does seem to apply in both cases. Anyone want this turn file for a look (except my oppo ) GaJ
  2. I realised something that might be worth pointing out, at least for those with a few games on the go at any time. H2HH takes care of the order that scenarios are presented to you for selection to play. It moves the games where are waiting for your oppo's turn down to the bottom (by naming them with a ~). Now CMFI has an option for sorting the games alphabetically or by last modified date. If you play a bit of H2H, you know that last modified date is not want you want at all: it can leave a "played" game above an "unplayed" game. Unfortunately this is the default in the current version of CMFI. So - make sure you select "alphabetical". Then it will all work the way it's supposed to again. GaJ
  3. I just discovered this is not a retina thing: there's a thread in CMBN describing others with the same problem. It's kinda quaint actually, I don't mind it GaJ
  4. I totally agree. In Australia computers are expensive anyhow. I (my company ) paid $A3800 for this gorgeous machine. The equivalent Dell laptop was about $800 cheaper, and still not as light and slim. That's $800 for the pleasure of sitting in front of this beautiful looking appliance for doing my work and play every day for the next 3 years (replacement cycle), and the ease of carrying around with me (which is all the time, everywhere). And seeing CM the way it is meant to be seen. Totally worth it (if you happen to be lucky enough to have an employer who will fork that much cash It took me 6 months of arm twisting...) . GaJ
  5. That's exactly the thing - you experienced the reason why it is that what BFC have had to do (for whatever reason) is not what you would normally do: create an app that puts its user data into the app package. I suspect the reason was something to do with getting commonality across Windows and Mac and trying to find an option that would not get messed up by permissions. GaJ
  6. It just works. I don't know how. Most of the fonts are generously sized, so the shrinkage doesn't render them too small I guess. I'm a kind of small-fonts guy anyhow - I ran my PC in 1920x1600. There is one thing that takes a big step backwards: the graphics in the UI panel. Its remarkable how much nicer the game graphics are, contrasting the step backwards in appearance of the GUI. I'll post a screenie as soon as I get a chance. GaJ
  7. Thanks for sharing this - when you see something like this and think "geez, what's with that", it's good to know that it's a conscious decision in the face of knowing what's wrong with doing that. I don't need to know the reasons why, just happy to know it was considered Cheers, GaJ
  8. Just checking in here to say that the shader fix is gorgeous as well! Although you could say that it's obvious if you upgrade your machine you will get a better experience, I am nonetheless still blown away by just how much nicer this all is now. If I was allowed to have a Mac-specific wish, I'd wish for gesture support, so that I don't have to keep two-finger-pressing to rotate the camera etc (I quite often am in a situation where I don't have a mouse available for my laptop... like playing while in bed ). There is one other thing that slightly offends the programmer in me, which is finding that on the Mac the user files (Mods, Game files) are in the app package. That's kinda naughty, right? I dunno, maybe historically this is how it was done, but looking at MacOS from a completely newbie point of view it seems that the app package should be considered read-only. Anyhow, who really cares? It's just a small annoyance to not be able to arrow key into the folders, instead having to do "show package contents" I'm thinking that with Windows forcing the game files into the User's folder area, maybe Mac will follow. Anyhow... blah blah ... if you ask people for suggestions they'll give them But really: it's great. You guys should get a retina GaJ
  9. I was recently lucky enough to get a new Mac Retina. I was a bit apprehensive how well CM would work on it, since no-one answered my previous enquiry whether this had been tried. Well I can tell you: it's great! The "look" of everything is so sweet, I have to think that CM is developed on a Mac!? GaJ
  10. I just had my first chance to use the new far trees - they're great too. There's an interesting effect though: at lower camera angles the amount of translucency seems to be "just right" (using the 5%). However, at the higher camera angles (4,5) the appearance is that there's much less trees: barely visible. I'm not sure if this is a near/far thing, or a "different bmps used at different camera angles" thing, or something else completely again. I'll try putting far trees at 10% - maybe that's the right comprimise! Wierd? GaJ
  11. Note to self: if you ever think of doing graphics software, punch self in head and think again...
  12. But awesome how the verandahs all cast shadows with the shader on, eh?
  13. Um, isn't it the case that with shaders off you're not not seeing shadows that you should be. If that's right, then clearly with them on, they building wall looks darker because it's in shadow...
  14. I haven't experienced the ATG one, but the mortar one happens all the time. I find that I can rationalise it as "well, duh, don't fire mortars from inside forests, you might treeburst yourself, and that's what the guys are worried about". GaJ
  15. Shader hotfix (NVidia) works a treat for me. It actually looks better, now, with the shaders on than with them off GaJ
  16. Woot woot woot! Looking forwards to them! I think that Vineyards are the next that will really benefit from this treatment.... GaJ
  17. In addition to "inf spotting inf", there's still the "tanks spotting inf" thing too. I was sneaking up on a tank parked at the side of the road next to a forest. I bumped into a shield (crew member!) that my oppo had in the forest, alerting him. His next move was to drive the tank into the forsest, and it proceeded to mow down my tank hunters even before they saw it! I put it down to "one of those things", but since we're here talking about spotting ... how does a buttoned tank drive into a forest and hunt down tank hunters!? GaJ
  18. They'd be close assaulting because they missed with the shrek, so now they have to finish it up with grenades? (Thanks for the nice tip) GaJ
  19. I thought the OP was talking about an MG and the main gun? (Who cares, at all, since the answer is given, but just since you mentioned it ) GaJ
  20. I wonder what the OP meant by "cover two arcs"? If he meant "can tanks fire in one direction with MG and another with Main", the answer is obviously yes. If he meant "can I set separate covered arcs for these guns" the answer is (AFAIK) no. GaJ
  21. Read carefully above: it's because Microsoft (apparently) insist on this sort of file being under My Documents now. How did you think that CMFI was going to know where you put the game file? It looks in one place, only. It used to be "in Game Files, where the executable is stored". Now it is "In My Document\CM Game\Game Files". GaJ
  22. I had an experience where failed activations used them up. BFC acknowledged that this wasn't right, and are definitely looking into my instance of it. I had a very quick turn around, but it was during the week. FWIW. Cheers, GaJ
  23. I know where you're coming from. Another thing I'm thinking of doing is putting notification of new turn on the tab. I don't have a good feel for whether it's easy or hard to de-tab-ify... I'll think about it. (Once I untangle the whole "executable is in a different place to Game Files" thing). GaJ
  24. Oh well, no big deal. To me it seems bizarre that when a recon team gets in an HT it's icon stays, but when it gets into a jeep it disappears. The recon team is only in some theoretical sense the "jeep's crew". From a pragmatic point of view, it is an infantry unit I want to transport somewhere, not a crew I want to operate a jeep. If it doesn't seem strange to anyone else, well, I'll move on... GaJ
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