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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. http://www.combatmission.com:8000 You can meet your oponents while you're chatting. Or go to the forum : http://www.battlefront.com/cgi-bin/bbs/ultimatebb.cgi?ubb=forum;f=24 That's the Opponent Finder Forum: English Speaking Players
  2. Both, I use both... Maps for turning it into a historical battle where everything is in its place and some artistic imagination to turn it into a nice enviroment. For example : On this location, in real time, buildings were sited but it need a bit of imagination to turn it into a nice cosy village
  3. Huuhh Secrets ? No secrets! Maybe one, I liked to pay attention in the Geography classroom at Highschool. But that was a long time ago...
  4. <h1>A2</h1> is as big as usual (only 9 fu@#c$%n' km2) Rumänische Torte (Romanian Pie) refers to the bloody mess this battle is turning into You and you German force must help our Romanian friends to break through this massive defence. The coastal artillery battery Gorki II has been brought up by the the Bolsjewieken. One grenade is enough to wipe out a complete infantry company... But, as response you'll have command over a "small" (240mm / off map) railway gun with unlimited ammunition and lots... lots of medium artillery... (Sorry that we couldn't bring the Gustav Gun or Dora into the battle ) A2 Will be true Blitzkrieg! attack. From Spah & Aufklärungs Truppen to PanzerGrenadieren & Pionieren. It's release will be in one or 2 weeks after it has been fully tested! <hr> <u>PREVIEW</u> [ August 11, 2003, 11:22 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  5. <U>PREVIEW</U> Operation Störfang - Rumänische Torte (A2) Section 3 (SE) Section 6 (NW) [ August 10, 2003, 07:54 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  6. Micheal Wittman : Could we not use this thread for "post n tells" just don't want any spoilers coming my way, except for the ones the dam enemies giving me in this battle... Operation Störfang AAR's can be posted at the Eichenbaum Discussion Forum. <HR> Bertram : I tried the A1 scenario some days before, but I got some infantry sitting in the lower right hand corner in the setup -screen that I could not place anywhere. They were sitting in the regular set-up line, but their color didn't correspondent with any setup color. Do you mean the troops in the southern area ? If so, then this is correct. These are Fallschirm Jäger and Airborne Pioniere. Because they were dropped out of an airplane they can't be moved in the 1st setup. Troops that can't be moved during the setup show a orange unit-base. This is called 'pad-lock' in Combat Mission. <HR> Eichenbaum
  7. A2 Is almost finished. It need some testing before it will be released on our website. Eichenbaum
  8. Woow, thanks JaegerMeister, that's a nice AAR you wrote there !!!
  9. Woow, thanks JaegerMeister, that's a nice AAR you wrote there !!!
  10. Tjû dan nèh dan! Wa's dah feur geklessebes? Heb ge niks bäeters te doan ? En joah, ut is best wal werm boëten. Eichenbaum (Since you don't have anything better to do, try to translate this! )
  11. OK, I'll be patient with the next release (A2). These are quit big scenarios to play, that's true. Nice to see there are still Störfang players out there Eichenbaum
  12. It's a problem, that's for sure. Once I had a halftrack that was hit 8 times with AP rounds from a 45mm PAK gun (at a close range of 50 meters !) Just one HE would be enough for taking it out. Eichenbaum [ August 02, 2003, 09:09 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  13. It seems there's not enough gusto for mission B1. While A1 has been downloaded for more then 400 times, B1 on the other hand only a few. Why ? Are there players who have finished A1 and forgotten the access code ? If so, send an e-mail to forgottencode@eichenbaum.org with your request. We're not planning to create this huge campaign for only a few players... Pick up the fight and conquer Sevastopol ! Eichenbaum
  14. <p align="left">Use of the Operation Störfang Interface (Flash Player)</p><p align=center"></p><p align="left">If you want to play all battles of Operation Störfang you need to use the interface. It is a map divided in grids. Every grid represents a mission (scenario). While moving over the grids with you mouse pointer they change color :</p><table width="90%" border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="1"><tr> <td><div align="center"></div></td><td><div align="center"></div></td></tr><td><div align="center">Mission available</div></td><td><div align="center">NOT available</div></td></tr></table><p align="left">If the grid turns green this mission is available. Just click on it if you wan to download it. You'll be asked to enter the access code you should have received in the previous mission : </p><p align="center"></p><p align="left">Fill in the access code and click on SUBMIT. You'll be asked to save a ZIP file if the access code is correct. Unzip this file after downloading into the scenario folder of Combat Mission Barbarossa to Berlin.</p> Eichenbaum</P>
  15. Do you have Flash player installed ? This is a common plug-in for webpages. You can download it from : http://www.macromedia.com/software/flashplayer/. About 95.0 % of the visitors have Flash installed. Maybe you belong to the 5% ? I won't send the missions without the acces code. So if anybody like to receive the other scenario's they should send me an e-mail with the acces code and their request. Eichenbaum
  16. hheheheh.... OK Scarhead, you made your point. I'm sitting at work listening to the radio and the news reader said : "An in the Netherlands living German man has been arrested and put away for 6 months for having a SS-Toteskopf sign tatoed on his arm..." That's a real coincidence!!! How ironic... I have edit the Mission Briefing and deleted some S'es. I can't keep up with the irony of such accidences. Eichenbaum [ July 31, 2003, 10:47 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  17. Yes indeed, 2 times SS does look a bit too much. But that's just the irony I like so much, like the name 'Blödman'. Don't you think that irony is an healthy approach for talking about WWII & issues ? Eichenbaum
  18. Hééé Maus, 20% lost? Good Blitzkrieg! tactics are crucial for Operation Storfang. Use the doctrine for Combat Mission, I think it's very useful : German Offensive Attack Tactics (Feldgrau.com) BTW, Happy Birthday! Eichenbaum
  19. You're right about that Hauptsturmbahnhührer, big mistake , it must be Hauptsturmführer Thanks for the tip! However, the SS-PzGrDiv LSSAH is the right name according to my literature. Eichenbaum
  20. Mist ? Wow :eek: . Lucky bastard! Normally you need a smoke barrage to cover your advance through the open. You got it from mother nature. Fog and rain don't often appear in the mids of summer in the Crimea. It should be warm and dry.... Eichenbaum
  21. Don't you think it's a bit of too extreme micro-management ? Where are the tactics of a General? Keep the faith in your men! Let them decide what's best. A good picked cover arc does the job for me. Many times I have lured opponents into heavy ambushes. Eichenbaum
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