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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. Why does the editor place all untis back in one line at the edge of the map when I change the parameter "Battle Window Size" ? Eichenbaum
  2. That's called "Tournament Save". Files saved with this option cannot be opened with the editor. That's why you see an empty screen. This mission is still playable! [ July 18, 2003, 08:15 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  3. While cleaning my scenario folder I found an old Eichenbaum scenario. (This has nothing to do with Operation Störfang). Russian Advance - Sudeten Mountains Poland (CMBB) It's a multi-player battle (ca. 2700 points) There's no mission briefing : The Russians launched their attack on the German occupation in Poland. On the Sudeten Mountains, an heavy battle broke lose between Russian Infantery and German GebirgsJäger (February 1944) Downoad scenario : http://www.eichenbaum.org/downloads/Sudeten_Mountains.zip Eichenbaum
  4. -----------== U-Bot im Mer ==------------- (... and the 3 well trained English units) "Meine güte, Hanz kuck mal dar !" Torpedo 1 away...... .... Torpedo 3 away ...... .... Torpedo 2 away ...... "Jah! Das sind 3 richtige Volltreffern!" "Du Hanz, du bist eine schwule Bumms-nase!" Eichenbaum [ July 18, 2003, 01:03 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  5. Tanks pushing or pulling trees to the ground could be an idea. Or bulldozers (like the famous caterpillar) assigned to this task. Eichenbaum
  6. Some new releases of missions are in our testing zone! If everything goes allright, 2 missions will be added to Operation Sörfang on the 29th of July. Eichenbaum ps. You don't have to reply this topic any longer. There's a new one for the release of version 1.1! Matt or Martin : Can this topic be closed ? [ July 20, 2003, 12:04 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  7. Eichenbaum ps. Hey Pyewacket, is that you there with your girlfriend ? [ July 17, 2003, 03:41 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  8. Once I had a dream that 3 black cars drove towards my house. Men, dressed in black, walked to my frontdoor. I knew then, that didn't like me anymore. They said ; "You can take the red pill or the blue one..." Eichenbaum
  9. If the Germans only knew that you can make fuel out of it. Let those tanks run on environment friendly gaz !
  10. Maybe Operation Störfang at Eichenbaum's : http://www.eichenbaum.org
  11. So isn't that the same as a grain field, only slightly more greenish ? If you say I want potato fields, then I say yes, those are missing in CMBB! Eichenbaum
  12. While cleaning my scenario folder I found an old Eichenbaum scenario. (This has nothing to do with Operation Störfang). Russian Advance - Sudeten Mountains Poland (CMBB) It's a multi-player battle (ca. 2700 points) There's no mission briefing : The Russians launched their attack on the German occupation in Poland. On the Sudeten Mountains, an heavy battle broke lose between Russian Infantery and German GebirgsJäger (February 1944) Downoad scenario : http://www.eichenbaum.org/downloads/Sudeten_Mountains.zip Eichenbaum [ July 16, 2003, 09:04 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  13. I thought that the CMBB manual says "Infantry HQ cannot take command over Tanks..." ? Eichenbaum
  14. A lot of Russian troops who had survive the first battle have retreated and made a new line of defense a few kilometers to the West. In the mission of grid B1 you can fight them once more! Note : A (CM) victory in A1 is almost impossible. That was not the intention in the 1st place. This is a recon movement (and maybe a small probe attack). Receiving the access code is enough, the mission briefing does not say anything about eliminating all the Russians on the map. Just achieve the objectives with a minimum of casualties. At this moment B1 is undergoing some testing before it will be released (soon). Eichenbaum ps.: Jaegermeister, von Nev and KNac, you should have receive an e-mail sent by me! If not, please contact me a.s.a.p.
  15. Hey Martin, Did you receive my email reply on the "tournament save" issue ? Eichenbaum
  16. Thank you Ken! I'll use the information for the 2nd release of A1. This week the mission will be altered and placed on our website. Thanks again for the AAR! Names and passwords for our forum can be the same as you use on other websites. I won't and I can't extract the passwords from our forum! Our e-mail adres is available on our website, its placed on the tab "Telefunken". Or just use this one : eichenbaum@eichenbaum.org Eichenbaum
  17. Kingfish, If the server is down too long you can host it on mine for a while ?! Just send me an e-mail. I'll remove it when yours is online again. Eichenbaum
  18. Thanks Kingfish! I'll keep it in mind. At least the Germans can use their boats in Operation Störfang. Von Manstein would have ordered to chop off my head if I told him we couldn't use any Eichenbaum
  19. It seams to work without the assault boats! Ok, we can play it against the AI now! [ July 15, 2003, 09:24 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  20. Yes it does! O.m.g :eek: I'll remove them and try it out... thanks a lot Kingfish
  21. Battlefront Team, I'm working on a operation for a long time now. After finishing it I tried to play it against the AI. But the interface doesn't allow me to choose "1 player". Why can't I play it against the computer ? :confused: I have built scenarios before but this problem never occurred to me. Only with the "tournament save" option I got non-AI-playable operations. This operation isn't saved with "Tournament save" option! Can you please help me out? A lot of CM players are waiting for the release of this next mission of Operation Störfang With kind regards, Eichenbaum
  22. Innoculo, It's too bad to see you didn't like this scenario. When I read your story I get the idea that you don't like huge battles. That idea about the t-shirt is nice. Maybe I will bring out a shirt like that. Eichenbaum
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