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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. Gen. Winter : Indeed, your bud got kicked very hard (uhum), no just kidding. It's sad to see you're in such bad situation. But don't worry, you're not the only one who likes to grab the enemy by the balls and comes home with your own chopped off. I can see that the weather played a nasty trick on you. After fog by some, you got rain. It's nice to see how the AI can play with weather patterns (parameter is set to CLEAR). Tip : Read the mission briefing carefully! ...and again, you're not the only one who starts with enthusiasm and doesn't scrutinize that very long and boring briefing... Eichenbaum ps. It's great you find the time to write that nice AAR. Be careful with information that could inform other players of the hide-outs of the Russians. I'll be great full if you could sent -hot- info to my e-mail address.
  2. :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: Some parts of the Eichenbaum website are off line. Due to heavy webtrafiic a webserver has gone down @#$%^*& Not all of the pages are available. Sorry. Were working our fu**ing ash red to get it on line again. Eichenbaum
  3. Hi Madmatt, Thanks a lot for placing our link to the list of CM websites! That's really great... And yes I do have a GIF icon for it : URL : http://www.eichenbaum.org/Images/orange/icon_bbs.gif That is small enough for you ? Nils , Webmaster eichenbaum.org
  4. Ja sicher! Still after 50 years weather can't be predicted that well. Most of the time the sun wil shine in June in the Crimea. Howerver, in the mornings you could expect some fog, that's normal if you're close to water (like the Black Sea). The operation's parameters are set to weather conditions such as you can expect in that area. Eichenbaum
  5. JaegerMeister, you've done well if you only lost some Romanians. 1) If you didn't got your PSW cars back after only been damaged then it's a move of the CM engine. Suply and repair have been set to good, after all it's the beginning of an operation. I know one thing, units are mostly been repaired over night and return to the front in the morning. In this case I don't think you'll see them back 2)The setupzone been deployed way beyond the frontline ; It's a typical calculation of CM. In almost every huge operation the map is devided in half when starting with the 2nd battle. I'm not sure if I find it OK. Though the map is 3 * 3 km - a lot of space - and by this way you're getting somewhere... Eichenbaum Beer Rules: "hey, im real interested in playing this scenario, but i cant seem to download it. Whenever i got to the DL section, i see the operation storfang box thing, but its just blank? " Do you have Flash Player installed ? http://www.macromedia.com/
  6. The .exe file is a self extracting zip file. It's a small setup program which helps you to place the .cme or .cmf file easy in the map of CMBB (comes with a browse button) You can pick the .cmf file if you don't like to download .exe files : http://www.eichenbaum.org/downloads/Sevastopol_A1.cmf Eichenbaum
  7. Misleading ? OMG ! :eek: The Russians did deploy a whole lot of mines near Sevastopol. That's an historical fact ! You should brain-storm about Why these Airborne Pioniere are dropped in that specific area ? Those mines you encountered aren't the only ones. So keep your eyes wide open :eek: Eichenbaum
  8. Wow, fog... that's bad ! Sometimes it happens, esp. in the morning. Good luck with the battle ! Tip : Try to hold off in the 1st battle. Wait for the 2nd. Move to where you're able to. Do not penetrate too far with fog. Eichenbaum [ June 25, 2003, 01:48 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  9. A printable map of Sevastopol is available.... The print size is A4 and the file size is 1.62 MB (1,707,451 bytes) </font>
  10. No, Eichenbaum's Operation Störfang only takes place from the 2nd of June 1942 till the 6th of july 1942. This is the final siege of Sevastopol that von Manstein launched after capturing almost all of Crimea in the months before June 1942. Eichenbaum
  11. Yes, Jeagermeister you're the first who is testing the operation on this forum. It's great that you find the time and effort to write down your comments about it. I can't tell you where you might need the Pioniere for mine clearing. I would spoil all the fun ! Tip : If you receive units with a mission, it might be that they would be useful in the 2nd battle or the 3rd. The operation has 4 battles with 15 turns. What I can tell you is that : The Airborne Pioniere are with Hauptman Swartzekätze and his Fallshirmjäger dropped on the left side of the map. These are the only Pioniere you'll get for a while. So, handle them with care, don't let them run as recon units into enemy territory. Eichenbaum
  12. Note : After some hard working today the map of grid B1 is finished. On a bad night of sleep I'll crawl back in the Russian trenches, thinking on how'll I lure the Krautz into an ambush they'll never forget! won't be pleased ... hahahaha Eichelenbaumski
  13. The 1st battle of 1st mission is a reconnaissance movement. The element of surprise is crucial in the game play. Throughout the whole area you can encounter heavy fortifications and ambushes. Without specific information you're almost forced to use recon squads at any time. In the mission briefing you can read that "you have to wait for reinforcements". This means that they are on the way and no exact time of arrival is given. I know that in most CM mission briefings a detailed list of equipment is given. That I tried to hold back for a change. Thanks for your nice reflection !
  14. A printable map of Sevastopol is available. If any one likes to receive a copy, please send me an e-mail with your request. I will reply you with the map in PDF format (Acrobat Reader 5). The print size is A4 and the file size is 1.62 MB (1,707,451 bytes) my e-mail address : eichenbaum@eichenbaum.org Note : Make sure you have enough space in your mailbox for a 1.62 MB attachment when you want to receive the map by e-mail.
  15. Yes, landmarks are necessary for quick references. These maps are 3 * 3 km2 in size, you can easy get lost without those marks. Found my self many times flying with the camera over the landscape, losing grip on the battle. Note : If you lost some units in the forests you can turn on the unit's base (SHIFT+ and set the tree density to Scarce or Off (SHIFT+T) [ June 24, 2003, 06:56 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  16. I know a bit more about Biltong's Campaign now. Operation Störfang will cost us a lot of time in the next months. Don't think I'll find a way for such activity's. Sorry.
  17. Uhu : Maybe it's a little too early, but how about to implement the hole operation also in Biltong's Campaign? Can you tell me more about Biltong's Campaign?
  18. Vicky : The .exe .cmf file could cause Mac owners a bit of a headache - thankfully I could power up my Virtual PC emulator and get at it but you might want to coventionaly zip it for simplicity. MAC users can now download the .cmf file from our website. Vicky, thanks a lot for the tip ! Note : If you have already visited the page of Operation Störfang, don't forget to refresh it.
  19. Note for Pentium III (or less) users who want to play Operation Störfang : The scenario's have a map of 9 km2. This will use a lot of recourses (and memory). Using the camera will result in slower scrolling then usual. If you encounter problems you're advised to bring down the tree coverage ( SHIFT+T ). [ June 23, 2003, 02:13 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  20. hehehe.... it's fun to see some head-breaking over the name Eichenbaum. My real name is Eikelenboom which means "Oak Tree" in the Dutch language. The German translation is Eichenbaum. Swartzekätze means "Black Cat". This referes to an Hauptman that leads the Falshirm Jäeger to the point of destination in the Mission Swartzekätze. Note : Some ask me which forum they should use for their comments. It doesn't matter, really. The Eichenbaum Forum needs more members before it reaches the level for continous discussion. However, you could subscribe yourself to this forum and I'll keep you updated about news and discussions. (TIP: use the same login name and password as you have on this forum, by this you won't forget it ) Nils
  21. Gamax : You can target knocked out tanks. Guns will fire AP rounds. But I was wrong, they fixed this problem in v1.03. You can knock out abandoned tank. Ok, now I see the problem... Don't have installed patch 1.03 yet (due to an ongoing PBEM battle). It's good to see they've fixed this. Tnx !
  22. Note: For comments about the Eichenbaum Website : CMBB Eichenbaum Guestbook
  23. Wow, thanks for your nice comments! For this time, only 1 scenario is available. The 2nd is in development. We have tried to create a storyline in the gameplay of Störfang. If you have finished the 1st scenario (Mission Swartzekätze) you'll have the password to the next one. By this way you'll be following a semi historical operation of many battles. The 2nd battle will be released next month. This scenario consist of 2 battles. Every time you have finished a battle the frontline opens up to different possibilities. It works like the Tower on a chessboard. (see the map of Sevastopol : http://www.eichenbaum.org/Storfang_Map.html ) Until that time I think you'll be quite busy with the 1st battle... Nils
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