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Everything posted by eichenbaum

  1. Sure it is. You're breaking through the defense lines that the Russians could build up for a quit a time. Constantly you'll be bombarded by the battery's placed on the coastline like Gorki I and II. Until the Stuka's have managed to destroy enough resistance, the assault will be tough. Blitzkrieg herr Oberst! But don't be too hasty, the Russians are always prepared. Eichenbaum
  2. Je verjaardag ???? Lang zal die leven... lang zal die leven.. HIEP HIEP !!!! Veel plezier met de battle en je verjaardag ! Nils ps. English translation : Your Birthday ? Long will he live... long will he live... Have fun with the battle and your birthday ! [ July 29, 2003, 10:44 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  3. Operation Störfang is real campaign. You begin with the 1st mission and end with the last. You can't start a war somewhere in between. BFC didn't implement any campaign functionality, that's why we have decided to protect the missions with access codes. It's the only way I guess. These scenarios are tested on a Pentium III 450 MHz - Geforce 2 - 256 MB RAM. If you set the landscape details and the trees to a minimum it's stays quit playable. Sure a Pentium IV with Geforce IV is bit more quicker with everything. Combat Mission is still 'a game for the mind' and doesn't lose its fun when you need to wait a bit longer. No? Eichenbaum.org will stay online for a long long time... (Making websites is still a low-budget-hobby) Eichenbaum
  4. <center>--== Operation Störfang ==-- </center> The final Siege Imagine your self as a German General in the Crimea, Russia 1942. Your task, the capture of Sevastopol, the heaviest fortified city in that time. The Russians dug in deep, supported by large batteries of heavy guns such as Gorki I and II. Naval bombardments are a constant danger for your army, fighting the way to the port city. Before the main attack was launched, almost every artillery gun and airplane had been brought up by the Germans, trying to blast the heavy fortifications into rubble and dust. Eichenbaum <hr> Mission Rumänische Torte (A2) Released. Page 6 Mission Carcenov (B1) is now available at our website ! Previews of Mission Rumänische Torte (A2) on page 2 . How to use the interface : page 2 . Topic 1 : Mission Swartzekätze A1 Topic 2 : Mission Swartzekätze A1 - Release 1.1 Important :You need to have the CMBB patch 1.03 installed if you want to play Operation Störfang. <HR> <center>B1 - Carcenov</center> Mission : Carcenov Date : June the 12th Place : Sevastopol Region SE Grid : B1 Move : East to West German Command : General von Manstein Force : Part of the SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler and the 7th Romanian Heavy Artillery Regiment Mission Briefing : Herr Oberst, Let me explain the situation. Due to your probe attack yesterday, our forces have managed to breakthrough on several fronts. In the south, a few kilometres from section A1, Oberst Schumacher advanced to the West. Attached to his battalion, was Hauptman Blödman with a small artillery force. Blödman did not obey orders properly and moved too quickly to the North. Now he is isolated with his howitzers along with some security detachments. You have been ordered to join him on the frontline, relieve him from command and advance further West towards the river. For this task a detachment of the SS-Panzer-Grenadier-Division Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler have been placed under your command. Hauptsturmführer Steinberg has been informed and is expecting you. Steinberg successfully broke trough the Tarter Ditch blocking the way into the Crimea a few months ago. When this mission is all over, he will be transferred to Paris. There he can re-join with the rest of the Leibstandarte, which was severely mauled during the battle of Kiev. So, herr Oberst, do not screw up like Hauptman Blödman! General von Manstein does not accept a damaged Leibstandarte to be delivered in the name of the Führer. Our intelligence department will inform you of the details for this mission. I will have expect your report this evening. With good news! Now quick Herr Oberst! <hr> [ September 05, 2003, 06:35 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  5. In 1944 the Germans ar in retreat. It's the Russians who are in advance for a change
  6. I don't agree. Barbed wire is to hold off infantry from passing through. In CMBB you can see a frame for holding the wire but that wasn't always used. Using the trees as frames is quit the same. Why do you need to cut the forest first ? Eichenbaum
  7. Yeeeehhh Meeeee toooo ! But what ???
  8. Michael Emrys I live in Venlo, The Netherlands. A city only 2km from the German border. Here a airfield "Fliegenhorst" was sited (where the comet was tested). The area around it, mostly forsts, was heavenly fortiefied with concrete. A lot of remains are still to be found. The concrete pillboxes are connected with deep trenches and tunnels. Eichenbaum
  9. Woow Schonhult that really works. Thanks for the tip ! Eichenbaum [ July 26, 2003, 11:24 AM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  10. I think that 'Gamey' is using every possibilty to beat your oponent, realistic or not. You play the game to win. You start a war to win. Eichenbaum
  11. The M3 Stuart used by the Russians in the Crimea 1942 While building a campaign 'Operation Störfang' I found out that the American tank M3 Stuart is not available for the Russians in CMBB. This tank was leased by the Russians and used for the defense of the Crimea (May 1942). M3 in the Crimea Does anybody know more about this ? Eichenbaum
  12. Where I live, the woods are filled with the remains of German bunkers. One thing stays always visible, they were connected to one another. If the crew of a bunker did't get much oxygen by a molotov grenade they could always leave the pillbox for a few minutes and come back to start the fight again. The Germans knew exactly how to build good bunkers. Eichenbaum
  13. If it's a wooden bunker I can imagine it catches fire, driving the crew out... But a concrete pillbox ? Can't imagine that's possible. The grenade makes a wide bow when launched and hits the target with an angle of almost 180 degree. The bunkers aren't much damaged by a direct hit of a 150mm artillery grenade, how can it be with a molotov grenade ? And a grenade through the narrow opening on the front side ? Yeah right... Eichenbaum
  14. Rex, You didn't thought of the Brittish Infantry trying to make their way to a minefield in Tunesia ? In the open field, in the middle of the night, on their hands and knees, sticking their knifes into the ground, every 10 cm checking for mines, the whole night long... and in the morning get mowed down by German MG's... ??? That's real war! Eichenbaum
  15. The new version of A1 (1.1) can be downloaded directly from our page : http://www.eichenbaum.org/sevastopol.html Just select "Download Scenario", placed under the mission briefing. The old (1.0) version is no longer available. You should overwrite the file in the CMBB scenario folder, this way the update takes place. In the mission briefing of the operation you can see which version you're playing. [ July 21, 2003, 05:24 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  16. --== Operation Störfang ==-- Eichenbaum's Operation Störfang mission Swartzekätze (A1) version 1.1 has been released! After some testing, the first mission of Operation Störfang has been altered and released on our website. With a lot of thanks to all players of the 1.0 version, who have been so kind to load us with lots of AAR's, comments *. Future players can now enjoy a well balanced CM scenario (and off coarse the freaks who like to play this mission again ) The following changes have been made : </font> All 4 battles will now have 20+ turns (instead of 15+)</font>The parameter "No-mans-land" has been decreased for a slower retreat of the Allied. The Axis's setup zone in the 2nd battle will be smaller then in version 1.0</font>The terrain has been slightly altered on some locations on the map to ensure a better environment transition to other missions.</font>The initial setup-zone of the German forces has been reduced.</font>Romanian infantry will be reinforced in the 3rd battle.</font>An extra 105mm Infantry Gun will be supplied with the reinforcements (for cracking those @#%&^* pillboxes - SPOILER!)</font>1x Allied reinforcement will only take place if the Access code is visible.</font>The air support of the Allied is decreased and the Axis's increased.</font>The experience level of the Allied Forces has been brought down with more "Green" units.</font>Pillboxes are more spread out to cover big holes in the defense line.</font> Hereby I want to give my special thanks to : JaegerMeister, KNac and von Nev for joining the Eichenbaum team and putting in a lot of effort to make the operation work. Thanks guys !!! Swartzekätze (A1) version 1.1 is now available on our website. Note : You might need to refresh the pages if you're a regular visitor. The releases of the next 2 missions are planned on the 29th of July. So keep your access code at hand! Eichenbaum -------------------- * : Previous topic
  17. Nobody ever noticed ? :confused: For example : If you create an operation with a map size of 1520 x 1200 meters and you set the Battle Window Size to 1520 meters. Place all the units on their location and save the game. Now if you want to decrease the Battle Window Size to 1200 meters, all the pre-placed units on the map will be relocated on the edge of the map (in a straight line) This way you'll have to place all units back to their original location, often a !@#$%^& time-consuming job if you want to create a decent AI environment on a huge map. 1. Set the Battle Window Size : 2. Place the units : 3. Decrease the Battle Window Size : 4. See the units relocated by the editor : These units aren't cut-off in the space that has been taken off the map by changing the Window Size. In a normal game situation these units will stay on their location if the 'Battle Window' moves it's range in a new setup. Is this a bug ? Can it be fixed with a patch ?
  18. Woooww that's really cool! Not that I need any Spanish versions but is a tremendous job. Good work ! Eichenbaum
  19. And how about fortifications, MG nests, mine fields, rough terrain etc.. ??? Doesn't that count ? Eichenbaum
  20. ... and the distance they've to walk or run, doesn't that count ? 50 turns for only 200 meters of advancing for example !? Eichenbaum edit it because I had too much wine... [ July 19, 2003, 07:37 PM: Message edited by: eichenbaum ]
  21. The scenario builder could test the missions before they're released. Eichenbaum
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