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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. Do vehicle-fired TOWS in real life also have the annoying tendency to plow into the ground miles from the target like in CMSF?
  2. I don´t think you could see the greenness of chlorine on the battlefield. I´ve seen it in the lab and it is quite a faint greenness.
  3. Mustard gas is not chlorine gas. Chorine gas is yellowish/greenish and was marked green by the Germans in WWI. Mustard gas (marked yellow) is actually a colurless liquid if pure. Wiki sez mustard gas is yellow/brown due to impurities, which I think technically is the dispersed liquid, not really the gas (because its decomposes if boiled). edit: Posted too slowly I see
  4. I think it would be great if the current spotting system system in CMSF would differentiate between infantry? and vehicle?. I´m assuming that sound spotting is currently simulated under the hood.
  5. I don´t disagree with any of the above. CMSF scenarios tend to be short range and contain syrian T72 turms, so it isn´t that rare to run into situations where your abrams/challenger can be killed from the front.
  6. In-game however M1s are destroyed by frontal hits of the AT14. Also (in-game) frontal hits from the T72 are sometimes lethal.
  7. I would consider greek fire to be a flame thrower. Invention: sometime before 674 AD (Arab siege of Constantinople) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_fire
  8. I think you´re mixing up things a litttle bit. I think it´s quite difficult to say from when exactly Jerusalem would be considered to be christian. anywho: Jerusalem was captured by the Arabs in 637. The first crusade captured Jerusalem in 1099. Hardly a knee jerk reaction ;O)
  9. Would it be possible to add an option so you could see the exact scenario objectives before starting a game? The reason I ask is while a bit of vagueness in the objectives in the campaign (or single player in general) adds to the atmosphere of the game, it can lead to total frustration in PBEM games. Often it is unclear if casualties (suffered or caused) will be counted or if leaving buildings intact is important. In any case, maybe the scenario designers of the NATO module and CM Normandy could tack on the exact obectives to the briefing in a "spoilers section" like in CMx1. Pretty please! )
  10. I wouldn´t go so far as to call it gamey, because it depends on the situation. The smoke will after all also make it hard for snipers to kill your Javelin team. Also if there are lots of infantry around and they all throw out smoke a single real life/human player T72 might dither as to which target to engage. And to get even more academic , if the smoke were IR intransperent it would make it useful in the dark. BTW does the AI ever area fire at suspected enemy positions? I didn´t know that smoke can inflict casualties. Thx for the info.
  11. That is a weakness of the engine, though I don´t see how it can be avoided. This is why playing humans is better than playing the AI. A human player with a T72 at his disposal will put an HE round into your little puff of infantry smoke, just to be on the safe side.
  12. Hmm, in game or RL? Just for fun I tried to kill a T55 in one of the campaign missions by rushing it with warriors. Both front&sides of the T55 were impenetrable at point blank range.
  13. "Sacrifices" implies that there are cheaper, easier options. Actually we only have the option to do something about GHG emissions now which is very expensive, OR we spend our dollars on extracting the last drops of oil from ever more difficult places for the next 50 years, which is also very expensive, only that we then have to change to non-fossil fuel energy anyway and the planet is f*cked by global warming. So its not about sacrifices, but about being smart or being stupid.
  14. @ 2) if you have an ati graphics card, get the newest drivers (catalyst 9.10)
  15. It´s amazing how little has changed. Many of the shops are still the same kind of shops.
  16. IIRC in Vista it´s indexing, it stops indexing if you do something, so you´re not losing any horsepower.
  17. Just to confirm, 9.10 beta works for me too. (Radeon 4870 1GB)
  18. Looks good, though I hope they also provide round bookcases
  19. Everythink is relative or somefink. I have noticed a generally lower level of nagging after I returned to wargaming (CMSF/CMAK) after a bout of mainly trackmania (arcade car racing game) and L4D.
  20. The simplest solution: always run CMSF as administrator when playing PBEM games in vista.
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