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Everything posted by __Yossarian0815[jby]

  1. I´ll contribute 5 euros or the dollar equivalent to any effort. The sum of my DTserver experience is that we need bandwidth, as much as possible. Aniruddha, what kind of bandwidth could we get for 30 euros a month? Ideally the server should be in western europe or east coast USA so that everybody can play with a sub 200 ping.
  2. server on wednesday, can do. I´ll run the standard maps.
  3. missing, not sure if it helps in this context, but if you have a good position for a vehicle and want a bot to stay there, position the vehicle yourself and the activate brakes-lock bots cannot un-break
  4. hehe, good war story I really have to write up a check list for raid. I always forget something. This time I forgot to place sensors. By the time I realised my mistake, we were already in trouble. For once I have to say something nice about the bots. In our last game, the bots dropped in a nice little battle group made up of thors, apollos and paladins in the right place at the right time enablling us to kick 152 out of his base right at the beginning of the game (maybe also because 152 was experimenting with trenches again and wasn´t paying attention ). Good thinking then after that though by 152, keeping up AA all the time and thus keeping us from setting up turrets in the base.
  5. I wish I could, but to function as cog in the global economy I have to sleep at that time (2-5 am for me).
  6. Excellent games today! Lots of old hands returned from space viking valhalla to duke it out. And apart from that no server glitches at all, not a hint of lag, wonderful.
  7. Heh, what a coincidence, I just finished reading "generation kill" and "one bullet away-the making of a marine officer" by Nathaniel Fick, the officer in charge of the unit that evan wright (the reporter) was embedded in. i hope the miniseries will find it´s way into a torrent, so I also can see it. Generation kill is not a history, but I think it´s good complementary reading to slick histories like "Cobra II" (Gordon & Trainor). For all the hype of "blitzkrieg" and GPS guided missiles, in "generation kill" you see that that small iraqi towns were indiscriminately pounded by massive artillery barrages, just to be on the safe side. What I didn´t quite get in both books, is that for all the talk of being the spearhead of the marines, the recon marines seem to be catching up with other marine units most of the time or passing long resupply columns. Maybe the miniseries will clear that up with some pretty graphics.
  8. Doh, having managed to get online here at last...( I never read instructions, that´s unmanly ) I plan to be online again next sunday 7 flags must be the record!
  9. cool video missingreality! the first track is very 1980ish music the second tune reminded me of the system shock 1 midi tracks.
  10. Sundays is 3pm EST (8pm GMT) I won´t be able to play this Sunday, Euro 2008 Soccer Quarter Finals Spain vs. Italy, can´t miss that. Maybe I can join at around 5pmEST , but can´t promise, depends on where I´ll watch the game and how much beer I imbibe etc ...
  11. I agree that the trenches weren´t quite what I wanted. Need some more practice digging. In any case, very nice use of the Bacchus by 152 and Ithai.
  12. I remember Redcon once tried to seal off the base on ice mpa by throwing up walls at the entrances. Didn´t work too well, we still managed to sqeak through at an unexpected moment Anywho, 152, if we play trogether on Sunday, i´ll be happy to do some shovelling.
  13. I think the digging would be more interesting if you could give the bots a digging order. BTW, has anybody ever tried to activate the shovel, leave the cutter and give it a movement order? I know that i.e. the brakes-lock cannot be overcome by the bots. Other than that a team would have to agree in advance on a digging pattern to get anything useful done within the deployment time range.
  14. Ah, but that was (or should have been) the trick. I was just a grunt in that game.
  15. It did actually. You wasted half your turrets there and I bound Jung and Stonewall at the E tower. We could have captured the tower earlier if the bloody bots had´t flipped them the cutters so often. :mad: treachery CTF was cool. if your dead bot tank hulk hadn´t blocked your flag, it would have been a draw. Sorry bout my mixup at black canyon, but that map sucks as CTF in any case. jung´s comment on the need for a racetrack CTF map gave me an idea thogh. Off to the drawing board!
  16. RO ist sicher ein nettes Kontrastprogramm. Die Panzerfahrerei ist ganz lustig, wenn auch das Schadensmodell nicht ganz realistisch (im Sinne von CMBB) ist. Infantrie ist halt klassisch FPS. Viel mehr Spieler als DT natürlich, dafür aber zum Teil sehr anstrengende Leute. Das schwierigste an RO ist die Freund/Feind Erkennung (deutsche Panzer gelbgrau, russische grüngrau). DT ist aber ingesamt taktisch viel interessanter.
  17. Ja, Taki, die paar Kröten ist das Spiel auf jeden Fall wert. Ist wirklich mal ganz was Anderes. @ Poesel: :PPPP wegen dem 16.: um Königgrätz II zu verhindern: http://www402.ws7.inname.net/initiative_aut.php Explanation for North Americans: Austria & Switzerland are hosting the European Soccer Championship starting next weekend. This is in fact the only reason Austria is allowed to play. I think Austria´s team is ranked something like the 102nd world wide. Some Austrians think that Austria should resign before the tournament to spare themselves the disgrace. On the 16th we are playing our favorite neighbours, the Germans. The victory over Germany in 1978 (3:2)in Cordoba, Argentina, is the most important date in austrian post-war history http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cordoba_1978
  18. 3pm EST is 9pm GMT+1 (MEZ) 6h difference (laut Adam Riese )
  19. to make movies use gamecam lite. the only trouble is that it will cause your game to stutter. maybe with a dual core one could somehow make gamecam run on the second cpu?
  20. re: the spoof. disclaimer: I am not trying to insult you. I fear most of us regulars are a bit too old to belong to the youtube generation. I wouldn´t even have known what the frak you were talking about if my 20 year old technician at work hadn´t told me about the angry german kid video.
  21. Voila, I also have a little rather wiggly film in which you can hear the wonderful clanking of the hetzer´s tracks. Not sure if my free webspace site tolerates .avi s
  22. While you guys were playing. I pointed my ixus70 at the sky for a few minutes and extracted a few frames and turned them into this animated gif.
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