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Everything posted by Sivodsi

  1. Quick question: Are all shows in this series going to have "The Lost Evidence" in the title? Cheers
  2. Really enjoyed this one, though it was a little different to expected. They used recently found recon photos montaged over 3D models of the terrain as a jumping off point to retell DDay landings. Some parts would be v. useful for scenarios based on Omaha and Utah. Very well done - at times tough to say which footage has been created/recreated, and which is original. Wish they'd have a little marker in the corner or something.
  3. Thanks for the headsup, John. Thanks to the miracle of bitorrent and the altruistism of those willing to cap it, I was able to watch this. It was a worthy program indeed.
  4. The Finnish one is best. It has the original sound so didn't need to turn it off. Tells a little story which ends with the Fins being tucked safely into bed after a hard day of bombing.
  5. Gin and tonic, yes yes, just a splash more... ah! Much better. Now its smiles all around. And lets not forget a quick 'cheers' to our better halves, especially when they are up to their elbows in concrete dust from the bottom of salvaged bren gun carriers with their inefficiently valved designed antique motors.
  6. Thanks for posting them. But why on earth did the producer of these put pop music behind them? To me it trivializes the events, putting them on the same plane as videos that you see on MTV. The people in those pictures really existed, suffered and died under the eye of that camera. I think it shows disrespect to the events and people of the time. Also, I object to this practice because its like the person is trying to tell us how we should feel while watching. Makes me feel distinctly uncomfortable. Yeah yeah, you can tell me to watch them with the sound off. God I sound like a cranky old man.
  7. 'Armor on the Boulevard' is great for nonstop ahistorical thrills and spills. Make sure the more experienced player has the Germans though.
  8. Well, I can't be that old because I don't get your reference. Sorry, Abbot, didn't mean to be offensive, and certainly was not referring to anything smutty. I was just reminded of a Larsen cartoon in which there is a defining moment in human history in which a couple of dogs just happen to be present and all the dogs are interested in is each other (er, anybody know the cartoon I'm referring to? Help me out!). Your comment seemed like a perfect example of this kind of singlemindedness. Made me laugh at the time. ... er, anybody else see the funny side??
  9. That's interesting, but in my case only half applicable. CMBB is unmodified, but CMAK has the sie kommen screen interface, and PBEMH works for neither. Still its worth a go. I'll try a reinstall this weekend.
  10. Other Means: care to explain a bit more? I'm still looking for a cure for my PBEMH problem: it doesn't load up games anymore (though I can still send them).
  11. In with a grin, if there's space. Finished ROW V, slow for sure, but made it through despite a plague of trying circumstances. Currently slugging through a couple of BoB campaigns/tournaments. This CMC thing looks awesome.
  12. Turns out it was almost certainly a problem with the e-mail program that my partner was using. He sent the files by yousendit.com and they played normally.
  13. Just to air my technical support thread in a busier PBEM txt file refuses to load forum in a hopefully fruitful attempt to solve the problem: The last post (at present date) has a summary of the problem.
  14. Hi Richie, This game is vs a fellow BoBer off the challenge board. It's not related to any campaign. Have played him twice before without any problems. Currently he has two games ongoing in CMBB without a problem, and I have another BB game going (in the Stalingrad campaign) which is in a later stage than this. So our systems function ordinarily in other respects. Just to go through everything that has happened thus far: The problem: txt file 29 cannot be opened in CMBB. I press the load button, select the file and get the 'ting' of nonaccomplishment. The facts so far are: 1. other players cannot open his file 29 2. he can open his own file 29 (but would need my password to continue) 3. I can open and play his earlier files up to number 29 (and not 31 when a 3rd party ran my file 28 and passed it back to me so that we could continue the game) 4. Changing the file names does not make a difference. 5. the file structure seems to be correct in so far as the problem reported by Joachim, and by eyeballing it the file it look's complete. 6. copying and pasting the contents of file 29 into another txt file that works does not make a difference. 7. We have tried to zip it before sending it, but have been unable to since the zip file I received had corrupt file structure. Will report what happens when we get it right. 8. I think we both use PCs, but will just confirm this with my opponent. So there we have it. Teethgrinding frustration at a breakdown in PBEM structure due to some mysterious phenomenon.
  15. Well I got the move from the third party and sent on my move 30 which my opponent processed and sent back (move number 31), and same thing as before! Load the txt file and the ominous "ting" sound results. The kicker is that my opponent can load his own files (but can't go far because he doesn't have my password). Any ideas? Anyone?
  16. We've found the way forward. Move 29 came back to me and worked normally. This has not solved the problem, merely avoided it. Lets see what happens as this game progresses.
  17. Yeah Rodent, We've checked the text filr and reloaded from an earlier move, but as soon as it hits 29 its no go. Next step is to send move 28 to a non-interested third party, get him to run the move through and send back 29 to see if that gets us over this hurdle.
  18. Thanks for the help, LeeW - you've been doing this a lot recently! However, the txt file checks out fine, it did not contain the error reported in that thread. My opponent has zipped the file and sent it to me, but the zipped file was corrupted. Am waiting for a resend. Cheers
  19. So many questions! Sorry for not being more specific. I guess you get caught up in your own frustrations and leave behing a more objective assessment. We are playing CMBB, and I get the error beep immediately upon attempting to open the file so it never loads. I receive the txt file as a separate file which I open in outlook and save as an ANSI file. File number 29 is no different except that it doesn't open in my or my friend's CMBB. My opponent has just e-mailed me back to tell me that he can open his own file number 29 (but can't get beyond the password screen). I'll suggest he zip it and send it and I'll let you know how it goes. Cheers
  20. This is very frustrating. Am currently in the middle of an enthralling PBEM battle, but have a hit a brick wall. Number 29 that my opponent sends to me does not load up. I don't even get to the password screen: I go Multiplayer - Load e-mail, double click on the txt file and 'bling' nothing happens. I sent the same file to a friend and the same thing happens on his machine. We've tried going back a couple of moves, to 26 but when we reach 29 the same thing happens. Anybody know what this is about? Anybody had the same problem?
  21. Sivodsi

    Public Beta

    The long wait is over at last. Its all here: http://www.battlefront.com/products/dropteam/demo.html
  22. Hey Matt, does the manual come in the download or can we acquire it separately?
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